Chapter 27

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Restarting his career where he left was the most amazing adrenalin rush he needed.

Stopping drugs all of a sudden made him a little weaker to control his excitment, so he seemed to be overjoyed with all the activities he used to find a little more boring in the past.

He had finally understood why he was doing this, and somehow, he realized he needed a break, just to remember how much he loved it.

It was stressful though. Being away for some time meant that he needed to remind their fans he existed, and was still a member of his group, as well as a talented person. So he did put a little bit of pressure on himself.

But as soon as he got back, his body acted on his own.

Same manners, same habits, same "correct" behavior he had learnt to have, everything went smoothly, almost naturally.

He even shocked himself when he went to the bathroom unconsciously, somehow as "an habit" of powdering his nose, only to go back to the practice room right away.

But what he wasn't expecting, was meeting him.

"Hi Minho, it's been long" He said, chuckling.

 Not you...

"I thought Eunwoo watched out to not let me meet you" Minho said as he turned to him.

"What happened to you, huh? You let the drug take control of you ?" He stated, a bit too loudly for Minho's opinion.

"Shh" He rushed, pushing him into a room "Don't say those things around people, damn it" He said, slightly irritated.

After all the things he went through while bearing with addiction, from his career falling down to his overdose, he was angry at him.

He was mad that this guy had so easily lulled him to this. He was mad that he had encouraged and benefitted of a weakness to push other persons to the harshness of this addiction. He had no right to do that. No right to have ruined Minho's life so much.

"Why the hiatus ? You OD'd ?" He asked, chuckling excitedly "Maaaan, you can't let yourself fall like that, you have to be better at it!" He rambled stupidly 

Minho could recognized the effects of the substance. He knew it too well. Those euphoric eyes, the rambling, the fact that he had scratched his nose a few times in a matter of seconds.

He gulped hardly.

He knew he had been sober for some time, but he still felt incredibly weak ... and tempted.

He didn't want though. Or at least, his brain didn't, but maybe his body was still craving it.

"I stopped" Minho simply stated

He felt reassured as he heard someone open the door and entering the room. He thought that maybe the latter would leave him alone for now on.

He was so wrong.

Even more when the one entering the room, was no other than Jisung, who mindlessly went to sit on the couch of the same room.

At this very moment, Minho only prayed for the guy to disappear from there, or for Jisung to cut their conversation here.

"You shouldn't" The idol stated "Life will go for the worse if you do" He said

Minho wasn't completely disagreeing with him.

"R-Right, but it doesn't matter now" He said, shaking his head and cursing himself for stuttering.

Curiously, Jisung turned to the interaction happening. He didn't know what they were talking about, but Minho seemed a bit out of it.

"Why wouldn't it matter ? Didn't we already discuss this ? This life is too hard for our single body and mind to control it, we need to evacuate the rest and keep our eyes open" He rambled

Jisung frowned at that. And he hoped hard he wasn't witnessing what he thought he was.

"I-I know ... But, I'm not keen on doing that ... anymore" Minho continued, trying to dismiss it.

But somehow, he really wanted him to insist more, and give him some.

"Come on, Minho, don't be boring" He chuckled "Come with me, I have some" He said, grabbing Minho's forearm and slightly pulling him.

Minho felt his whole body burning with the craves. He hadn't felt that in so long, but the only thing he could think of at the moment, was feeling the high again. Feel the euphoria once more.

That's why he stepped forward, ready to follow him.

Until he felt someone grab his other hand.

"Um... Sorry to interrupt" Jisung said, grabbing tightly Minho.

Minho's head turned to him.

He felt endlessly grateful.

But Jisung was terrified of the latter lashing out on him once again, so as soon as he crossed his gaze, he left go of him, and stepped backwards.

Minho saw how he suddenly seemed terrified, he felt it like an eletric shock.

He ripped his hand out of the other's grasp, suddenly narrowing his eyes at him.

"Can you not? I just told you I wanted to stop, what's wrong with you?" He asked, profusely mad now.

Jisung let out a breath at this. Not only he was right, and the man was actually trying to lull Minho, but also, Minho seemed to have gain consciousness again.

"Damn, you're so boring" The idol rolled his eyes

"Get away from him" Jisung growled, now enraged at the man's behavior.

"Calm down, kitty. I'll go, no need to show your claws" He taunted, before leaving the room.

As soon as he left, Minho let out a loud sigh, sitting on the couch, hands joining his forehead.

What if Jisung hadn't been there ?

"It's him, right?" Jisung asked, breaking the tension

Minho's head abruptly raised as he stared stupidly at him, trying to have some words out.

"He's the one who introduced you to that shit, right?" He asked again, noticing how Minho seemed to be struggling to talk.

"Y-Yes" He stuttered, cursing himself for being unable to talk to Jisung normally.

"Maybe you should run away next time you see him" Jisung stated, before walking to the door when Minho wasn't answering.

As soon as his hand landed on the knob of the door, he heard a weak voice behind him.

"Th-... Thanks" Minho mumbled, voice weak and strained.

Jisung turned to him in surprise.

He watched how Minho opened his mouth multiple times, only to close it again.

He waited for a moment, wondering he would finally talk normally, but he only saw how Minho's head lowered down again, his hand softly hitting his forehead a few times.

"I'll be there for you if you need it, just like I did before, and I'll continue" Jisung stated, sighing right after.

"But" He paused, trying to fing the right words

"There's things you need to say, and you have to take responsability of your actions, so don't expect me to act all nice to you" Jisung stated firmly, before sighing and leaving the room.

Leaving Minho alone, to reflect more deeply on his actions.

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