Chapter 07

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⚠️⚠️ Disclaimer: This chapter may contain violence, blood, rape and sexual harassment content that might be disturbing for some readers ⚠️⚠️

[Some days later at the school playground]

It was nearly dawn and the school was already adjourned for the day. Soobin was in charge of cleaning and he finished cleaning his classroom. He collected the dust to throw away. He started sweeping the playground's floor. Though it wasn't his duty, the person in charge of cleaning the playground requested Soobin to clean the playground too as the person needed to go home urgently. Soobin continued cleaning aloofly.

That time, his phone started ringing. He stopped sweeping and took out his phone. He received the phone because it was from Mr. X.

"Hello!" Soobin greeted him gently.

"Ah! Soobin-ah! Are you at school now? I bet you are! Since you had the cleaning duty today." The teacher replied from the other side of the phone.

"Oh, yes, sam!" Soobin was curious because he didn't know why his homeroom teacher called him all of a sudden.

"Can you go to the teachers room now and grab something for me? I already came home but I forgot to take that with me and I really need it today!" He said as if he forgot something very important on his desk.

"Okay, tell me where I can find it! But I haven't finished my work yet so would it be fine if I'm a little late?" Soobin asked respectfully.

"Oh, yes! It's on my desk. A blue colored file! And bring me those answer sheets too while you're at it! They're in an envelope. But take your time! I need it at night so don't worry. Just finish your job first and come to my place once you're done." He said and hung up the call.

"What? Ah! I'll be late for my part time job!" Soobin mumbled while putting his phone in his pocket. Though he didn't want to go to his teacher's place, he had no other choice. He finished cleaning as soon as possible and went to the teacher's room to grab the thing he needed.


Soobin reached his homeroom teacher's place and pressed the bell. Hearing the bell ringing, Mr. X opened the door. He was in a white shower gown. His hair was fully wet and there was lots of water dripping from his body too. It was the first time Soobin saw his teacher like this and without his glasses. He looked quite charming without his glasses.

"You came! Did you wait for long? Sorry, I was in the shower!" Mr. X said with a very big smile.

"Uh! It's okay, Sam. I just came." Soobin said and held the things he brought for his teacher in front of him.

"Here's the files and the answer sheets you told me to bring." Soobin said politely.

"Come in! Why are you standing there?" Mr. X said and opened the door further to make Soobin go in.

"Uh! No-no! I should go! I'd be late for my part time job." Soobin tried to reject him with a sweet smile. But his teacher didn't let him go. He bewitched Soobin with his innocent and gentle face as well as his beautiful devilish words.

"Uh! I thought you wouldn't mind dining with me! Okay, I understand! But can you come and put these files on my table before you leave?" He said, making his face both pitiful and disappointed.

"Um…. okay." Soobin finally entered inside. He was feeling a bit uneasy and it seemed like it'd be best if he left as soon as possible.

"Put them there." He pointed at a table while locking the door. Soobin put them on the table he was ordered to. He bent down to put them on because the table was quite short. And when he bent down, the skin of his waist was shown through the blank space of his jacket and pants. And seeing that, the teacher got tempted even though he had bad intentions towards Soobin from the beginning.

"Um…I put them so….. can I go back now?" Soobin looked at his teacher with his innocent eyes.

"Huh? Oh! Yeah! You can!" He was lost in his thoughts and when Soobin asked, he got back into his senses and said.

"But, you did so much for me so I'm feeling really bad to return you like this. Would you mind having some juice so that I can be at ease?" Mr. X said, making his face pitiful again. Seeing his sadistic smile, Soobin felt bad and he couldn't say no. He drank all of the juice the teacher brought for him. But as soon as he finished the drink, he felt dizzy and couldn't remember anything anymore.

"Mmmph" "Ungh" "Hngh"

Soobin woke up and found himself groaning with a very low sound but breathing heavily. He was shocked when he noticed that there was something poking inside his hole. His eyes got wide open and he was flabbergasted to see what was going on with him. He saw his shirt was unbuttoned fully and one of his nipples was being sucked by his teacher. But the most shocking thing for him was he had no clothes on his lower body. And there was something inside his hole. He kept huffing as there was a weird sensation coming out of nowhere. His teacher was also breathing heavily and making weird sounds.

"Mmmmmh…..s-sam!" Soobin tried to shout but his voice cracked.

Mr. X didn't notice that Soobin woke up until he heard him calling his name. He moved his mouth from Soobin's nipple and looked at him.

"You woke up? Don't be afraid! I'll make you feel better. See? Aren't you feeling good?" Saying this he inserted another finger in Soobin, making him moan louder.

"S-sam! Nhg! P-please….Ung! L-let m-me go….hng!" He started trying his best to release himself from the guy on the top of him. But the guy was too heavy and strong for him.

"Hey! Don't be like that! I know you're feeling good, right?" Saying that, he kept thrusting his fingers inside Soobin's hole harder and started kissing Soobin here and there. He already made several hickeys on Soobin's body though Soobin didn't know about it. Soobin felt very disgusted and he couldn't think anything anymore. All he think about was how he should escape from there. He grabbed the teacher's hair tightly with his one hand and pushed him away with his other hand. He also tried using his legs to escape but they didn't help. He was too strong for the moment and immersed in his work that Soobin couldn't move him even an inch.

He looked around and found that he was on the teacher's bed. And there was a small desk beside the bed. There was a glass made flower vase on the table.

Mr. X went for his other nipple and started licking it when Soobin loosened his grip and tried to take the flower vase from the desk. Though he was moaning and it was hard to breathe for him, he tried his best and plucked up the vase somehow. With no time, he smacked it on the guy's head with all of his strength, making the vase break into several pieces and the guy bled strongly.

He fainted as soon as he got hit by the vase. Soobin pushed the guy and finally he got free from his teacher. He sat down and took the three fingers out of his hole. He stood up and grabbed his clothes. He noticed that there was a lot of blood coming out of the guy's head. Though Soobin got very afraid, he had no time to look back. He put on his pants as soon as he could and rushed outside.

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