Chapter 16

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Soobin opened his eyes and discovered himself on a hospital bed. He remembered, before he lost his consciousness, he saw a pair of feet in front of him. Though they had sandals on them, they still looked charming. The person who owned the leg slowly squatted down in front of him. He put his hand on his shoulder too. Soobin was surprised for a while because he thought it was one of them but when he heard that guy was asking what happened to him, he felt really touched for a moment. He wanted to grab those legs and lean on the person. He wanted to see who the person was, but it was a shame that he couldn't see the person's face.

He sat down and noticed there was no one else in the room. He wished he'd see someone after waking up, but he blamed himself for hoping too much. There was nobody who'd care for him, he thought. Though he always consoles himself by saying that he'd be fine on his own, he was feeling very lonely all of a sudden. He sighed and instead of being thankful, he was cursing the one that brought him to the hospital. He was trying so hard to save money. But now that he was in the hospital, he'd need to pay the bills and it looked like quite an expensive hospital.

Soobin was looking around to check if anyone was there. He came out of the room slowly after he peeped outside. Some of the nurses were taking their tolls so they were rushing here and there. He sneaked out and tried to go to the exit while tiptoeing. Unfortunately, he didn't know where the hospital exit was. So, he went to the stairs though he didn't know which floor he was on.

"Sir! Where are you going?" A nurse came towards him when Soobin was gonna step on the stairs.

"Um... haha! I-I was searching for the washroom!" Soobin turned back and smiled awkwardly. He knew he was making a fool of himself, but he didn't come up with any more excuses.

"Which room are you from?" The nurse scanned him with her eyes and saw the big white bandage wrapped around his forehead. She thought he must've got hit really hard. She felt pity for him and went to him. Then, she grabbed his arm and pulled him to his room.

Soobin didn't have any other choice but to give himself in. He told her where he came from. When they reached in front of the room, Soobin noticed a guy was standing near the room, looking at the room in a very disappointed way. The guy seemed familiar to Soobin, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"Excuse me! Are you his guardian?" the nurse asked from behind and Yeonjun looked back. He looked very exhausted. But when he saw Soobin, his face gleamed with joy. He thought he lost Soobin again. Thinking about that made him feel so disappointed as well as worried too.

"Oh! I'm not!" He smiled brightly at Soobin and answered.

"But I'm the one who brought him here!" He said again and went to Soobin. He took his hand and dragged him inside the room. The nurse followed them along because she needed to check on Soobin.

"Where did you go? I just went to grab some porridge in case you're hungry. But I couldn't find you after I return. So, I thought you fled again." Yeonjun pouted as if they were very close with each other.

"Fled? Again? Me? What do you mean?" Soobin looked at Yeonjun, being dumbfounded.

"Uh! Nevermind!" Yeonjun said smilingly and made Soobin sit on the bed. Soobin was trying to flee from there earlier, but was Yeonjun referring to it? No way! How'd he know! That's absurd! Soobin thought while sitting down.

"Do you feel pain in your head?" The nurse came back to her duty and asked.

"Yes," Soobin replied.

"Other than your head, where do you feel pain?" The nurse asked again.

"I'm not sure but I feel like my whole body is hurting." Soobin replied. The nurse put a machine on Soobin's index finger and then she looked at the big machine which was beside the bed.

"Pulse normal. BP normal, oxygen level normal!" The nurse mumbled to herself and then looked at Soobin.

"Okay, I'm going to insert a small needle in your arm. So can you please lie down?" She asked and went to prepare the IV drips. After the nurse left, Yeonjun came with a chair and sat beside Soobin.

"Sorry for the trouble. But were you the one who admitted me here?" Soobin asked without looking at Yeonjun.

"Um." Yeonjun replied. He still felt very worried and sad for Soobin. He also felt angry at those guys who made him like that.

"You shouldn't have done it!" Soobin said with a very low voice.

"Why? And just how could I have left you there like this?" Yeonjun got a little restless.

"I don't know why you had to help me and what'd you gain by helping me. But I need to say, I have nothing to offer you. So, please don't expect anything from me." Soobin put the back of his hand on his forehead and covered his eyes as well. He wanted to suppress his emotions and for that, he needed to avoid the person in front of him. He really wished the guy who helped him, wouldn't want anything back from him.

"I didn't help you because I need something from you! And don't you dare think of me as a guy who lacks money, pride or character! I helped you because you needed help and I couldn't unsee it." Yeonjun said with a smirk on his face because the words from Soobin really hurt his pride and feelings.

"I'm sorry." With Soobin's sorry, an awkward silence came into the room once again. None of them knew what they should do. Soobin closed his eyes and hoped he wasn't dreaming. He thought he was still in his dreamland, thinking about some random guy, who gave their hand to Soobin. And he thought all of it would vanish and he'd find himself in the alley once he woke up. Once he got out of his dreamland.

"You should go now. I'm fine. So, don't need to worry. And I really appreciate your kindness. But, I don't wanna disturb you anymore. And I don't have anything to give you right now. That's why it'd be shameless of me if I accept more from you." Soobin said with his eyes closed.

"Ey! You don't need to feel that! We can be from now on! Can't we? And I'll be glad to help you because I..." Yeonjun almost blurted out what he was thinking, but he restrained himself from saying and looked at Soobin to check his response. But when he looked at him, it was hard for him to hold back anymore. The whole face of Soobin was covered with his wrist except for his lips. Though they were dry, they still looked very beautiful. Yeonjun kept glaring at them as he wanted to kiss those lips. He got up and slowly went to Soobin. He gulped because he knew he wasn't doing the right thing. Still, he went towards Soobin silently as if he was a cat. He put his mouth in front of him and almost touched Soobin's lips with his.

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