Chapter 19

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After eating the porridge Yeonjun bought earlier, Soobin fell asleep again. Arin dragged Yeonjun with her outside since she had something to do with him. They slowly got out and closed the door as if they were thieves who just stole something from Soobin's house and were trying to run away.

"Come here for a second!" Arin said whisperingly and pulled Yeonjun with her after she closed the door silently. Yeonjun was curious to know what she was doing and why she was calling him like that.

"Why? Where?" Yeonjun also whispered subconsciously. Arin and Yeonjun went outside of the hospital.

"Are you hungry? Let's go have something first!" Arin was talking normally after they came outside.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! You're trying to take me on a date without letting me know, aren't you?" Yeonjun acted as if he knew about Arin that she had feelings for him and he didn't like the matter.

"Hey! Don't think so highly of yourself! Moron!" Arin cursed because she was really irritated by the fact that Yeonjun was such a narcissist.

"I was kidding!" Yeonjun laughed naughtily.

"Will you come or not? I have serious things to discuss with you!" Arin was getting out of patience.

"Okay! Okay!" Yeonjun bit his tongue and followed Arin.

[In a road-side restaurant]

It was late at night but seeing the tumultuous state and how people were grabbing food at this hour doesn't seem like it was 11 pm already. They didn't have any time to look at others. They just focused on eating and chatting with each other as if they didn't get to eat for days.

"Come and sit here!" Arin pulled Yeonjun with her and got two seats available after looking for a while.

Yeonjun sat down and looked around. It looked just like his town when they had any kind of fair. Yeonjun didn't know cities had places like this too. So he was quite amused by it.

"What do you wanna eat? Do you want to order or should I start talking?" Arin asked.

"Where's the menu?" Yeonjun was very absent minded.

"Oy! There's no menu! Do you think it's a five star hotel?" Arin yelled at Yeonjun.

"Clam soup or chicken soup? Plain noodles? There's bibimbap too! Or spicy chicken with rice? You can choose whatever!" Arin said as if she was a worker there.

"You choose!" Yeonjun couldn't decide what he should choose so he pushed it on Arin.

"Fine! AJUMONI!" Arin called the super busy woman who was working there. But she came within a minute and Arin started ordering what she wanted to eat.

"Give us two hot and spicy chicken, a bowl of rice, two spicy noodles: one with super super super super spicy! Okay?" Arin was satisfied after she placed an order. Yeonjun was a little surprised by hearing the order because he wasn't confident enough to handle the spice level.

"No wonder she has anger issues!" Yeonjun thought.

"Are you listening to what I'm saying?" Arin waved her hand in front of Yeonjun's eyes and asked.

"Oh! What were you saying?" Yeonjun looked at Arin and asked. The lighting system wasn't great, but he still could see Arin's face.

"I said, I don't know how you know Soobin and what your real purpose is. And I have a feeling that you're not that bad guy. So, can I really trust you? I wanna do something for Soobin, but I can't do it alone. I need someone who'd truly care for him." Arin said with a serious expression.

"Wait a minute! What do you mean I'm not that bad? I'm a decent guy! Seriously! Do you think I have a wicked personality?" Yeonjun bit his lips because he was frustrated. At that time, their food came and Arin received them all with a smiley face.

"You might seem decent, but I'm not familiar with you so how'd I know if you're actually nice or lousy?" Arin said and put a bowl of noodles in front of Yeonjun, telling him to dig in as well.

"That's a point." Yeonjun agreed with her and took the chopsticks. He slurped some noodles and looked at Arin curiously. Arin also started eating and began the real conversation over dinner.

"First of all, I wanna ask why are you lingering around Soobin? Answer me honestly. Do you have feelings for him or something? Or do you have some ulterior motives?" Arin asked and gobbled some of the food from her bowl.

"Yeah, you got me. Honestly speaking, I also didn't know why I was longing to see him again. You know, the day you said to me that he was your boyfriend, I felt so heartbroken. Though, I had only met him once before the day. I felt as if the ground slipped beneath my feet. I felt so melancholy as if you just snatched everything, everything from me. I was looking for him everywhere but at last, when I found him, you said he was your boyfriend! That sucks, man! I mean the feeling I've got at that time! I think I've been in love with him since I saw him for the first time. And it can't be helped but I'm falling for him more and more. I want to know him, I want to get closer with him. I want to be the one for him. I want to..." Yeonjun couldn't finish his words because Arin interrupted.

"Hold on! *sneeze* Stop it! *sneeze* I get it! You're...*sneeze* you're giving me a cringe here!" Yeonjun was so focused on expressing his feelings that he didn't notice Arin got a runny nose because of the spicy food she was eating. When she stopped him, he looked at her and noticed her lips got all red as if she put a thick layer of red lipstick. She held tissues and was blowing her nose heavily to wipe her runny nose. Yeonjun got a little disgusted though he felt proud because he was able to handle the spice level. Although he didn't know his bowl had lower level of spice.

After she wiped her nose, she started eating again.

"So, you're telling me you like him since you saw him for the first time? Love at first sight? Really? I mean, he is someone to be liked at first glance, but are you sure what you feel for him is love?" Arin asked. She was trying to confuse Yeonjun because she still couldn't trust him.

"I'm very sure! I like him. No, I love him. Today, I became sure of my feelings! Don't worry! I won't scare him nor would I stalk him. I want to give him more time so that he'd open himself up to me. And I wanna know him better. I'll take things slowly so that he can trust me and lean on me. And I don't know if he'd really feel comfortable around me someday.

*Slurping* Moreover, I can't force him to like me. I think I'll get hurt if he rejects me, but I won't bother him if he likes someone else." Yeonjun sighed and looked around. He leaned on his chair and crossed his arm as the weather became quite chilly. He was feeling cold because of his sleeveless t-shirt.

"You might sound so rightful, diligent, honest. But I still have doubts about you. I can't trust you fully yet. But I think I should give the task to you." Arin said. She was still having a hard time because of the spicy food.

"What task?" Yeonjun asked curiously.

"To kill someone." Arin replied normally as if she didn't say anything peculiar.


Hey guys! How're you doing? 😊 Hope you're all well 💖 Are you guys all excited as well as me? Why? Ofc, because TXT is having a comeback on April 1st! Woo-hoo 🥰🥰 Let's support them as much as we can!

And yes, sorry for not publishing chapters for so long 🥺I was a bit busy as my favorite comic app *Bilibili* declared they'd shut down 😭So, I was busy with some stuff and couldn't continue writing 🤧

The ghost beside me: Weren't you busy reading comics?

Me: Shhhh! 😅No! I did some research and so on too!

The ghost in my room: It wasn't that much work! 😒

Me: Ahahaha! 😅

Anyways! I'll work harder from now on and continue publishing! 🥰 Also please pray for me because I'm between jobs right now 😭 Hope you guys will have a great day! 🥰😍


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