Chapter 14

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"Who?" Soobin asked. His eyes were full of curiosity, but he seemed calmer.

"That girl!" Yeonjun said and gestured inconspicuously with his eyes towards Arin. Soobin also took a glance at Arin, who was focused on the computer, doing her own work.

"Don't mind her! She talks bullshit sometimes!" Soobin smiled at her direction, while replying to Yeonjun.

"So…. you're not dating?" Yeonjun asked, trying to find out whether Soobin had a partner or not.

"Uhm." Soobin replied and shook his head, although he felt a bit awkward, because Yeonjun was asking about his private matters all of a sudden. But he's not a person who can refuse another person, even when he feels too uncomfortable. Soobin wanted to go back as soon as possible, but Yeonjun was looking at him with his seductive smile. So, he couldn't move one bit. Although he was feeling embarrassed and awkward, he couldn't just leave.

"Soobin-ah!" He looked back when Arin called him. He felt so relieved, because now, that one of his superiors called, he could easily leave.

"Excuse me!" Soobin gently bowed and left. Yeonjun kept looking at Soobin's back, when he noticed something very cold had just touched his neck. It sent a shiver down his spine.

"What the…." He looked back at Wooyoung and found the source of the coldness. It was the Americano which Soobin just delivered. Wooyoung pressed it against Yeonjun's neck to tease him.

"Hahahaha! Did you come back to reality?" Wooyoung kept laughing, while putting the coffee in front of Yeonjun.

"You, son of a ….." Yeonjun stopped before cursing him out completely.

"Why are you putting it here? Didn't you order it?" Yeonjun asked.

"I was just trying to help you, nothing else!" Wooyoung replied proudly and winked at him .

"Tsk!" Yeonjun rolled his eyes again, but took a sip from the iced coffee as if he didn't care.

After they finished their desserts, Wooyoung stood up, because they needed to leave this place. Yeonjun was looking restlessly all around, searching for the cute boy. Unfortunately, he couldn't see him anywhere and became disappointed again. He just wanted to take a short glance at Soobin before leaving, but he wasn't around anymore. Yeonjun really wanted to know more about Soobin, but couldn't bring himself to inconvenience him at his workplace. So, he heavy-heartedly gave up on chatting with the person he most wanted to. He sighed again and looked sadly at Wooyoung.

"Do you want my help to settle down here permanently?" Wooyoung asked with a very serious expression, while desperately trying to hide his smirk.

"I'm going!" Yeonjun stood up and took a glance at the cash counter where Arin was working. He was feeling so down that he looked like a drowned puppy. 

[The next morning]

Yeonjun came back with a box full of blueberries. He wanted to make a deal with the owner of the bakery. Although he already had various deals with other restaurants and bakeries for the blueberries he grew on his land, he wanted to show the taste of the fruits of his own hard work to the person he was head over heels for.

Yeonjun was on his way back, after delivering some of his goods. He was fortunate enough to have a delivery around that area. Though the delivery man was fine and wanted to deliver the goods himself, Yeonjun didn't let him, because he was looking for an excuse to go back there. He couldn't let this golden opportunity possibly go to waste. So he himself came to deliver the goods and saved some boxes of blueberries for the bakery.

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