Chapter 21

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"A-aren't we?" Soobin hesitated because he wasn't sure about what he should say.

"You think so? Then, shouldn't we get along?" Yeonjun asked. He was indeed hurt deep inside, but he didn't want to act harsh. Rather, he wanted to solve things by acting nice.

"Huh?" Soobin was a little suspicious.

"I know what you think, but I mean no harm. And as you're Mrs. Han's grandson, I wanted to know about you. Though you don't resemble her, talking to you makes me feel like I'm talking with her. Because most of the time we used to converse, she mostly talked about you. And that made me curious to know about you. I couldn't believe at first that someone like that exists. I thought grandma was exaggerating. But when I saw you, I realized why she always talked nicely of you." Yeonjun smiled while talking though he didn't notice that his words were making someone flustered.

Soobin couldn't say anything because he was confused. He didn't know why Yeonjun was saying those things and what he should do with the information. Seeing Soobin silent, Yeonjun felt a little awkward.

"What I mean is, you have to treat me as a friend from now on, got it?" Yeonjun shouted and then covered his face with his palm.

"How embarrassing!" he mumbled, smiling a little maniacally.

Soobin was completely speechless because he couldn't believe this guy.

"O-okay!" Soobin replied and looked at Yeonjun. He found Yeonjun very cute because he was embarrassed and his ears turned red. Soobin smiled and he also felt a little bashful all of a sudden.

"Um...I.....I'll go and..... call the nurse to.....uh... check your condition first." Yeonjun was hesitating because he was feeling shy and couldn't say his words properly.

"Sure!" Soobin wanted to forbid Yeonjun at first, but he couldn't because the situation was getting awkward and he thought it would be best if Yeonjun left the room for a while.

"What was it?" Soobin mumbled, after Yeonjun left. He smiled, but he was confused and curious too.


"If you keep getting hurt on your head like this, there will be a permanent effect on your head that we won't be able to cure anymore. Got it?" the doctor who came to check on Soobin said. He was sitting beside Soobin and checking the wound on Soobin's head.

"Yes." Soobin replied. Actually, the doctor sewed up Soobin's wound several times before so he knew how and when he was injured. There was a nurse standing beside them who was helping pass the tools to the doctor. Yeonjun was standing a little far from them and watching the treatment.

"But, why do you always get the beating? Can't you fight back?" He was putting white colored tape on Soobin's head.

"Don't worry, he's gonna be fine. Thankfully, there's no internal injury this time as well. But you need to take care of him and don't let the wound touch the water for a week. Got it? And as for the other injuries, apply the prescribed medicine twice a day and feed him the oral medicines thrice after his meals. Also, there is a big injury in his back too. So, make sure to apply the medicine there. Otherwise, it'd be swollen and he'll get an infection from it." The doctor kept talking to Yeonjun. Though he was listening to everything, he didn't understand that the doctor was talking with him.

"Do you get it?" the doctor asked Yeonjun again and when Yeonjun noticed the guy was looking at him, he pointed at himself and asked, "Me?"

"Yes! Aren't you his guardian?" he asked.

"Oh... o..." Yeonjun was hesitating because it was out of the blue and he couldn't understand how he should reply.

"Yes, he is!" Soobin replied because he noticed Yeonjun hesitating.

"Great! Take a good care of him for the time being. He can leave today but make sure not to get hurt like this again." The doctor said and patted Soobin's shoulder.

"Yes, thank you!" Yeonjun bowed to show his gratitude towards the doctor.


Yeonjun was going with Soobin to leave him at home. Though Soobin didn't want to bother Yeonjun anymore, he insisted and Soobin couldn't say no to him anymore. They were sitting inside a taxi. Soobin was looking outside through the window of the taxi. Yeonjun felt a little nervous because they were sitting very closely. Soobin had no idea that the boy next to him was looking at him and blushing. He was in a daze as he was thinking about something while looking outside.

Yeonjun felt his heart pounding very fast. He felt a little hot because it was the first time he was sitting so close with his crush. He wanted to keep his cool, but his heart didn't let him. It kept racing like crazy and he felt it's gonna burst at this rate. He couldn't look at Soobin anymore and moved his face. He looked outside through the different window and then lowered his head down. He kept glancing at Soobin from time to time, but there was no response from him. It wasn't a cold day, but the wind which was coming from the car's window, hit Yeonjun's bare shoulder though it couldn't cool him down. He tried to pick a topic to talk about, but every time he tried to choose a topic, he resisted himself and couldn't bring up anything to talk about.

Meanwhile, Soobin who was looking outside, saw a flock of birds flying in the sky. The sky was very clear and those white birds were looking like pearls in the sky. Though their car was moving, Soobin could still see the birds as they were flying quite far from the car. He wondered, what if he could be one of those birds? Could he fly like that too? Could he live without any worries? He might have to worry about food and shelter. But if he had a problem with an area, he could easily fly to another area. Maybe he could fly to a different city or country. But there's no wings on his back as he's a human. He can't fly to the other side of the world even if he wants to. He sighed. The cold wind was touching all over his face and made his nose as cold as ice. But the light touch was feeling nice because it seemed like someone was adoring him. He felt as if the wind was trying to talk with him. He put his arm on the window and leaned his head on it. He forgot that there was someone else sitting beside him. Moreover, his overall existence was enough to make the guy beside him go crazy.

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