Chapter 25

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When Soobin woke up, it was already 7 o'clock. He sat down as soon as he opened his eyes and checked the time on his phone. He felt a little dizzy because he was still very sleepy. He wanted to tuck in his blanket and go to hibernation for a while. He still felt so tired that he didn't feel like leaving his dear bed so soon. Though he sat down, his eyes were half closed. Soobin understood why he was feeling like that. Last night, Yeonjun had no intention of hanging up the call and though Soobin was sleepy, his introverted self didn't let him finish the conversation. He just went with the flow until Yeonjun took the step to say he needed some sleep. Soobin was relieved as he felt really drowsy by the time that he almost fell asleep. When he finally could hang up the call, he noticed it was already 3 am.

"He's really talkative! How can someone talk that much?" Soobin wondered. But he suddenly realized it wasn't time to think whether someone could talk or not. He was gonna be late for school if he didn't hurry up. He jumped off from his bed and went to the washroom. After brushing his teeth, he was washing his face when he heard someone just rang his doorbell.

"Who could it be?" Soobin asked himself. He took the towel and went to check if there was really someone at his door. He opened the door and saw there was a guy holding a big bouquet of flowers. The bouquet covered the person's face fully so Soobin couldn't see his face.

"Surprise!" Yeonjun moved the flowers and peeked at Soobin as if they were playing peek-a-boo game like babies.

"Oh! You!" Soobin couldn't wipe the water from his face because he had no time for that.

"I've told you I'll come to check on you. Haven't I?" Yeonjun put on a bright smile and said.

"Y-yes! You shouldn't have bothered yourself. But please come inside!" Soobin showed his gentle side once again and invited Yeonjun in. He wiped his face with the towel he was holding.

"I'm not planning on neglecting my duty. Hmph!" Yeonjun acted proud while entering.

"Where should I put them?" Yeonjun asked Soobin, showing the flowers.

"They're for me?" Soobin was surprised.

"Yes! Whom else for?" Yeonjun replied simply.

"No, I mean, why would you give me flowers? And I don't have any vase to keep them inside." Soobin said. He was still wearing the clothes he was wearing last night. And as he was going to school, he needed to change his clothes.

"It's fine!" Yeonjun said smilingly and then he mumbled, "I can hold them for you forever."

"Huh?" Soobin asked because he didn't hear Yeonjun properly.

"Uh... what I'm saying, I just plucked flowers from my flower garden to sell and these were leftovers. I didn't want to throw them away since they are beautiful and suddenly thought of you. No worries ! We can go and buy a vase, hahaha!" Yeonjun laughed loudly to cover up for himself.

"Uh! Thanks! They're really beautiful." Soobin received the flower bouquet in the end and gave a big smile. Yeonjun was mesmerized by seeing how beautiful Soobin was looking while holding the bouquet. He was thinking how pretty he'd look if he dressed up as a bride and held the same bouquet, then walked towards him to marry him.

"Hihihi!" Yeonjun was giggling while imagining himself and Soobin wearing the couple's suits and standing inside a church, in front of a father who'd be taking the wedding oath for them.

"I'm going to dress up so can you wait for a while?" Soobin broke the imagination and asked Yeonjun if he could wait for him there.

"Huh? So soon?" Yeonjun thought for a moment that Soobin was going to wear the white colored suit which Yeonjun just imagined.

"What do you mean by so soon? I'm already late! My class is starting in a few minutes!" Soobin hurried up and said while going back to his room. Yeonjun noticed Soobin already put the flowers inside a big and tall glass.

"Ah! You have schools! Right! Hahaha! I forgot! But! Wait!" Yeonjun shouted.

"Why?" Soobin was curious to know so he stopped walking.

"How's your head? And you already opened the bandage! Let me have a look first!" Yeonjun went towards Soobin. He looked at the wound on Soobin's head. The white skin is Soobin had blood stains left and it turned to a bruise overnight.

"It's okay! I'm fine!" Soobin said politely.

"No, it's not okay! Come here!" Yeonjun grabbed Soobin's hand and dragged him into his room and made him sit on the bed.

"But I..." Soobin tried to say that he was getting late, but Yeonjun didn't let him blurt out the words. He put his index on Soobin's lips and pressed them gently.

"Shh! No more excuses!" Yeonjun said and made Soobin silent. But when Yeonjun's finger touched Soobin's lips, Soobin started feeling weird. He didn't know the reason why his heart was beating very fast. It was as if it would come out of his body at any time. He tried to look somewhere else where he could avoid seeing Yeonjun. But alas! Yeonjun was standing right beside him and as he was sitting, all he could see was Yeonjun's waist and long legs.
Yeonjun moved Soobin's hair from his forehead and got panicked.

*gasp* "You're bleeding again! And you're saying you're alright? Did you get it wet by any chance?" Yeonjun asked and looked for the aid box.

"No!" Soobin replied. But he felt nervous all of a sudden.

"Where's the aid box?" Yeonjun asked while looking for it.

"It's in the last drawer of my table." Soobin replied with a low voice. After getting the first aid kit, Yeonjun came back and stood in front of Soobin again. He moved the hair from Soobin's forehead again and started wiping off the blood from it.

"Aish! Seriously! And what did you say? I Am fInE! It'S okAy! Look how much blood you've got here? And I'm sure you watered your wound or else how'd it tear up in one night? Did you go to fight again? Can't you take care of yourself properly?...."Yeonjun kept nagging because he was getting angry as he couldn't bear to see his loved one's injury anymore.

Soobin tried to calm his heart down, but he couldn't because every touch he was getting from Yeonjun made him feel the warmth he was looking for. His eyes were getting teary not because of the nagging but because he remembered his mother. She also used to nag at him whenever he got injured while playing. It's been quite a while since anyone nagged at him like this. He started sniffing and that's when Yeonjun stopped yelling because he noticed Soobin was crying.

"OOO! Does it hurt that much? I'm sorry!" Yeonjun was surprised because he never thought he'd see him cry out of pain.

"N-no! Anyone will cry if you keep yelling at them like this." Soobin sniffled again and lied because he was feeling embarrassed to cry in front of Yeonjun.

"Uh... o... I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll never nag at you again. Yeonjun got afraid, surprised and flabbergasted. He wanted to console Soobin, but didn't know how.

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