Chapter Six

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Karlie's P.O.V

Sudden warmth on my face wakes me the next morning and I'm instantly confused, why is the sun bothering me. My bed doesn't get the sun at all. Turning myself over to my stomach I let out a gasp when I feel the edge of the bed and suddenly I'm on the floor, sitting up I rub my chin that I banged on the hard floor as I hear a voice behind me. "What's going on?" Flipping over and sitting up I'm faced with one Taylor Swift dressed in cat pyjamas with messy bed hair flying everywhere and I let off a ginormous smile. "I fell off your dumb couch." Watching her sit up she laughs and says,
"It's not a dumb couch Kloss, you're just clumsy." I go to argue but she points to the couch and I hang my head not bothering to contradict her. I know she's right. Dragging myself upright onto the couch I lie down but face her, "What are we doing today?" I question and I watch her face as she smiles and then says, "I'm starving. Do you want to shower or..." she questions as I interrupt and say, "No thanks I'll have one at Lily's later." I watch her nod and then stand and stretch 'she looks so damn cute when she stretches' I think to myself as I see her pyjama top riding up and a bit of skin show, I feel myself blush a little but I look away and pretend to look for my phone. "I'll be in the kitchen Karlie." She states leaving me, I nod but she's already gone. Lying back down I press my face into her cushions, 'I'm in so deep.' I mutter.

Lying on the couch taking in the intoxicating smell of Taylor I grin, no one has ever looked so cute in the morning but this particular blonde and it's different than seeing a model walk in and be all, "Oh my god my hair is so bad today..." but they literally straightened it before leaving for the shoot or runway. It's crazy, I usually just leave mine to do what it wants and then the stylists can do as they please. I was just getting comfortable when I hear Taylor call out from the kitchen that the pancakes are ready. I groan but stand and fix myself up, noticing that my button on my jeans is slightly undone and I giggle but make my way inside, stopping when a marvellous smell reaches my nose. "Hey Karlie, I made some pancakes. It's a new recipe." I look around and see Taylor at the counter of her island bench top, she points to the plate next to her and I smile and take a seat while she pushes the chocolate chips, maple syrup and whipped cream over to me. Smiling I take the chocolate chips and maple syrup leaving the whipped cream, "There look good Taylor." I praise before I even take a bite. She watches as I cut a sliver off and pop it into my mouth, groaning I feel the flavour melt to my mouth and it hits me. These are vegan pancakes, I turn to look at her. "What?" she questions before taking a mouthful of orange juice. "They're vegan." I state. She laughs, "Well spotted Kloss, yes I know you're a vegan that's why we went to the salad bar last night and I made this recipe today. I know about your vegan ways." She states and I can't help but smile. This ray of light has to be one of the first people who has ever taken note that I'm a vegan, sure I eat meat now and then but it's mostly salads and vegan stuff because it's healthier. "Thank-you." I say in amazement as I finish them off and lean over to kiss her lips. She immediately moves backwards. "What are you doing Karlie?" she questions and I feel extremely confused.  "I was about to kiss you, why?" I watch her take a deep breath and bite the inside of her cheek. "Karlie, I don't think that we should...uhm do this." She states cautiously but my mind still explodes. "What?" I whisper out of fear of becoming angry too quickly. She looks at me. "I don't think you should kiss me Karlie, I think we should just be friends." I look at her in horror and stand and drop my plate in her sink before walking out to her lounge to collect my things.

A few minutes later she joins me. "What are you doing Karlie?" she questions and I scoff as if she doesn't know what I'm doing. "Leaving." I reply in a short tone. I can hear her moving up behind me but I just fix my boots on my feet and grab my phone. "Why?" she questions and this time I turn around and glare at her. "Why?" I question back at her as she nods, "I came to Nashville to apologize for what I said in New York after the fashion show, I had the interpretation that you liked me or at least wanted to get to know me on a personal level. I contacted Lily and asked her what to do, I came here breaking a few commitments because I realized what I said in New York about not having your picture on my wall was fake, of course I wanted you up there but I used the wrong words." I stopped to take a breath as she opened her mouth to speak but I continued talking, "Then yesterday in the bedroom when I held back from kissing you because I wanted us to go on a date and even though it seemed like it was as friends I knew it wasn't. You asked me to kiss you yesterday and I didn't so today when you made vegan pancakes and I didn't even tell you I was vegan it shocked me and make me like you more." I stated with an exasperated tone trying to get my point across but Taylor just stood there confused and open mouthed. "I wanted to kiss you so I could tell you I liked you, I wanted you to respond and then I wanted to ask you out again but now I'm leaving because I know that you were playing me the whole time and that's okay, I wish you hadn't because I've fallen for you in a few short days but I'll get over it. I hope you find the one person who fits into your life and loves you the right way, you deserve it. You're a tremendous writer and I won't breathe a word to anyone about these few days. Good luck." I finish and walk past Taylor who is still standing there open-mouthed and un-moving. Letting myself into the corridor I pull out my phone and text Lily thanking her for helping me then once I reach the foyer I wave to Angie and call a taxi for the airport. I can buy new clothing and stuff to replace the stuff at Lily's. Four hours later I'm back in New York and calling my agent to book some European jobs, I need to get out of America for a while.

Taylor's P.O.V

Standing in my lounge listening to Karlie talk I realise how much she has taken on board since the fashion show, she willingly chased me to Nashville after one comment that I over-reacted on, allowed herself to be seen with me when paparazzi never leave me alone and hasn't forced herself on my life. Sure she used Lily and Dixie so she could see me again but I found that so cute. Why was I so determined to let people run my life? Shaking my head I waked to the window that overlooked the street and I watched Karlie climb into a taxi, and it was in that moment that all the breath left my chest and I realized that I didn't care what anyone else thought. I needed Karlie, I needed to go now. Rushing around the apartment I threw off my pyjamas in the bathroom and scrubbed my teeth clean while standing butt naked in the bathroom and applied all my deodorant and perfume before tossing some mascara on my eyelashes and a dash of lipstick on my lips before turning to get dressed. Running out of the apartment ten minutes later I climbed into my car and drove off to Lily's. Reaching her complex I sprinted inside and met Lily coming the other way. "Hey Lil, Karlie still up there?" I questioned slightly out of breath from rushing for the past half hour. Lily gave me a weird look and shook her head, "Nope, she was with you. Why?" I glanced around and saw no sign of her and it hit me. I let her walk away. Turning to Lily I stated. "I made a mistake. I let management rule my decisions and I pushed her away." Lily looked at me and then pulled me into her arms. Hugging me close she whispered. "It's not too late," but I shook my head.  "I think I broke her heart." I replied knowing I had destroyed her. She was better off without me anyway, no one to distract her from her modelling and no one to get scared of a relationship. She didn't need me but oh god did I need her but I walked away to save her heart.

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