Chapter Twenty Seven

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Taylor's P.O.V

New York, February 14th 2015

A crying woke me from my sleep. Groaning I rolled over and glanced at the clock. The laminated numbers lit up saying it was 2.34am. I slowly got out of bed as Allie's cries grew louder and I knew what the problem was. She was missing Karlie, I was missing Karlie, our families were missing Karlie and the entire modelling world didn't really know what to do. I walked next door and picked up Allie, cradling her body to mine I began to rock her, attempting to soothe her but nothing was working. "Oh Allie baby," I cooed as she cried more. I walked out of the nursery and into my bedroom. Placing pillows on the bed I boxed Allie inside and went to grab a jersey. The closest one to me was Karlie's St Louis Cardinals hoodie that she'd gotten before she began modelling full time. Wrapping it around myself I walked back to Allie who was still upset and grumbling. Picking her up I held her tight and to my shock she quietened down instantly. 'What the hell?' I thought as I held her tight. Glancing down I saw her tiny fist holding onto the cord on the hoodie and I instantly understood, it smelt like Karlie. "Does that smell like mama baby? Hmm?" I cooed as Allie looked at me and slowly her eyes began to close. It was a revelation after the constant crying I had been dealing with since Karlie had been gone.

A few hours later I wake to Allie gripping my hair which is slightly longer now and I happily sigh at the happy baby, since it's a rare occurrence. "Morning Allie-gator. How's mommy's little monster this morning?" I question in my perfected baby voice. She looks at me but goes back to playing with the hoodie. I get out of bed and make my way to the nursery, I'm in the process of changing her nappy when the phone rings. Glancing at Allie, I put her in her crib and turn on her mobile that plays sweet baby tunes while I rush for my phone. Picking it up I answer with a, "Hello..." which leads to an, "Oh god really, right now. I'll be there in ten." I hang up the phone and quickly dash to change to a pair of jeans, a long sleeved top and a plaid shirt. Rushing downstairs I quickly make up a few bottles of formula before leaving them on the bench and rushing to get Allie organized. The phone call changed my life and when I leave the apartment ten minutes later with a diaper bag on one shoulder and Allie sleeping in the capsule that I'm holding I smile. We make it to the car with no fuss, paparazzi don't bother us considering what we are going through. But inside the car Allie gets upset, so I dig to the bottom of the bag where I threw Karlie's other Cardinals hoodie and I wrap it around Allie on top of her spotted blanket that already covers her. She plays with it but eventually falls asleep. I play on my phone getting updates every now and then as life changes radically from that phone call. Pulling up outside New York-Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell I rush inside and am instantly met by the paled and worried faces of the Kloss's. We hug and cry and eventually sit down and I begin to wonder how we got here.

Karlie's P.O.V

New York, February 14th 2015

It's been almost a month since I last saw Taylor and to be honest Zoe and Chad aren't doing a great job of keeping me alive. By now they don't even have to tie me up because I'm weak, or so they think. I'm not really I'm just good at acting. I've practised with Cara before and I'm thankful I remember things. Today is the first day they haven't bothered to tie me up at night or during the day. I restrict my movement so they don't catch on but I think Chad suspects something's up. To be fair though he's not a bad sort of guy, I think Zoe controls him though and I feel bad for him. He talk to me when he can without Zoe being around and it's nice, I like the company some days. But today is the 'D-Day' I've decided that I'm getting out of here. I have a family waiting for me so I patiently wait. The day draws on and Zoe decides it's time to 'punish' me again so she sits me on my chair and begins to talk shit. "You're just a worthless cow Karlie...Nothing you do will ever be good're too fat...too skinny..." the words went on and on and I couldn't stop them so I took it. Her hits were more accurate now and every hit seemed to land on the last one. She wasn't satisfied until I was groaning or crying out in pain. She was a sick woman but today was different.

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