Chapter Thirty Five

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9 May 2015

Karlie's P.O.V

We are home until the 15th of May where we will start the North American tour. Taylor has been doing so well with every concert, she's really giving one hundred and ten percent which is sometimes hard with Andrea not being able to come out to as many shows anymore. I know that despite Allie and I being at every show it's different for her now. This is Taylor's fourth tour, and every other tour her mom has been there every day. Sometimes leaving when Taylor had long breaks or continuous days in one place but mostly her mom every single time. I can understand how it's slightly weird not having her mom this time with being a mom to Allie I couldn't imagine not being with her, I guess it's sort of the same thing. Right now she is holed up on the lounge couch talking to her mom via Skype since Andrea wanted to see Allie too, who has long since fallen asleep on Taylor's chest but Taylor simply holds her IPad in one hand and cradles Allie with the other. It's such a cute sight so I leave them to it moving towards the kitchen to bake something, since we need food.

Time passes and soon I'm lost in my own little world of measuring, stirring and cleaning up the dirty dishes and I don't even realise I'm being watched until Taylor's song 'Blank Space' plays through the speakers we have in the kitchen and I begin to dance. "...boys only want love if it's torture, don't say I didn't, say I didn't warn y-y-y-you" I sing into the wooden spoon only to be clapped and wolf whistled at. I spin around and see Taylor laughing in the archway, Allie gone from her arms as I look at the clock and see it's been a while since I last checked on them. "Oh hey baby," I say looking at Taylor once my famous Oat Cookies are out of the oven. "Hi babe." She coo's as she walks over and wraps her arms around me. "You alright?" I ask her looking to my side where she is latched. She looks at me and although she nods I know she is seconds away from crying. "You sure?" I question knowing she will crack. Her blue eyes fill with tears as she looks at me and shakes her head. "Aw, baby come here." I say opening my arms for her.  "It's just not fair." She states pressing her face into me. I stroke her hair, carefully pushing it away from her face. I don't say anything but let her vent, she doesn't do it often but when it does happen boy it's a good one. Leading her to the couch I sit and she sits next to me, but I know she is looking for comfort so I pull her onto my lap and then turn us so we are lying down, her back pressed against the back of the couch as her face is hidden in my shoulder. I notice the baby monitor on the table which means that Allie is upstairs so I rub Taylor's back as she continues to vent and I don't say anything. Sometimes being there for someone is more than what you say to them, it's how you act so I lie there for a good hour until Taylor is all out of tears and falling asleep, I wait until her breathing evens out and I know for sure she is out and then I unwrap her from me, easier said than done with the legs that she has. Finally free I decide to go and do a little grocery shopping so I take the monitor and my phone and walk upstairs. Seeing Allie is still asleep I call security first. Paul answers and responds with a, "no worries...give me ten minutes to go get the SUV with the car seat." I agree and he tells me that Gus will be waiting for us outside the door. I quickly change from sweatpants to a pair of jean shorts, white t-shirt and a pair of white vans. Not bothering with fixing my make-up I head to the nursery to dress Allie.

Upon walking into the nursery I see that Allie is already awake and babbling to herself, she started doing it when we were in London right before Taylor was due onstage and she looked me in the eye and stated. "I want to stay here." She whined. I looked at her and kissed her before sending her off towards the stage and setting up Allie's headphones whilst she kept babbling. Everyone was simply amazed by her the first time she met them. Tree was by far the easiest to melt and everyone in Taylor's band fell to her command too. "Hi pretty baby, whose ready to go out with mama?" I question looking at Allie smile. I can't help but lift her out and begin to pepper her face with kisses. Walking towards the changing table I notice Allie is beginning to move more so we may have to consider changing her on the ground soon. It would be a huge headline if Taylor or I let her roll off the changing table. Reaching down I undid her domed pyjama onesie, it was a short one since it's now warmer weather which is nice. Quickly changing her diaper and dressing her in a cute little pink flowery dress with a pair of green bunnies attached to the bottom creating a dress and shorts look which practically just hides the diaper. I don't bother with shoes because she's not quite six months old yet. Scooping her up she giggles and knocks her head on mine. I laugh and kiss her forehead whilst picking up the diaper bag already having slipped my phone and credit card into my shorts pocket making life a little easier. Walking towards the door I see Gus waiting, he stands there, sunglasses perched on his head and turns towards me as I open the door. "Afternoon Karlie..." 
"Hey Gus, can you hold her a minute?" I ask gesturing to Allie. He smiles and takes her. All of our security love Allie to bits and many of them have kids of their own that we have met since being together. I smile and walk back inside heading for the kitchen where a teething ring is in the fridge and a bottle of cooled water. Putting them both into the diaper bag I go back to Taylor and gently shake her. She groans but rolls towards me. "K-karlie?" she yawns. I nod and tell her where I'm going and that I have Allie, her eyes widen but she simply nods and I kiss her lips before watching her fall asleep again and I move towards a waiting Allie.

Taylor's P.O.V

Waking a few hours later, the apartment is quiet. I remember Karlie telling me she was taking Allie out grocery shopping which means security went with them, well Paul and Gus would have. Frank will still be next door. Standing up from the couch I feel a little sluggish but I shake it off, hoping that I'm not getting ill. Unfortunately all it takes is a few steps and things feel a little different. I look down and see a spot of red on my pale blue shorts and I groan. "God not now!" I huff as I walk back to the couch checking it but seeing nothing, the couch is red anyway so don't panic too much and then I carry on walking towards the stairs, headed for the bathroom to shower and clean up. Emerging almost half an hour later I'm alerted to the noise downstairs but I ignore it. Hating the feeling of the mood swings already so I chuck on a pair of Karlie's plaid pyjama pants and a tank top and crawl into bed since I feel so terrible.

Closing my eyes I attempt to sleep but am disturbed by the door of the bedroom opening. "Taylor..." Karlie whispers as I fake sleeping. She stops in front of me as I hear Allie babble then I feel the bed dip as Karlie places Allie on the bed next to me, Allie immediately reaches out and wraps her fingers around my finger until Karlie pulls her back slightly and instead lies her underneath my arm, Allie for once lies quietly as I hug her close. I hear Karlie moving around the room and all of a sudden her noise disappears but returns when I hear her footsteps on the stairs. 'Oh crap, my shorts...' I think suddenly wondering what I did with them. I open my eyes slowly as Allie looks at me and a wide smile graces her face. "I love you." I state telling Allie as she babbles away to me and Karlie re-enters the room. "Why didn't you tell me it was period time?" Karlie pouts at me. I'm taken back.
"Really?" I question. Karlie smiles and nods.
"I could have stayed and taken care of you..." I look at her and smile.
"That's cute Karlie, but I've been getting my period for nearly ten years now, I'm perfectly equipped to use a tampon or pad alone. But I love you for caring." I finish as she smiles and leans in for a kiss.
"Good. I love you too." I watch as she lies down next to me with Allie between us and already asleep. It's nice to spend time together as a family before things get crazy again. I reach one arm over Allie. As Karlie reaches as well, "I love you." I whisper as we both start to fall asleep.
"I love you too." I hear Karlie whisper before sleep takes me once more.

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