Chapter Forty Three

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Karlie's P.O.V

The sun shines bright as I roll over the next day, Taylor's perfume engulfs me as I roll towards her pillow and I hug it close. A soft voice babbling can be heard from the baby monitor next to the bed and I smile involuntary. 'Maybe single parenting won't be so bad' I think as I drag myself out of bed. Walking towards Allie's nursery I still can't believe that today is my wife's birthday today and instead of being together we are nearly four hours apart. Walking through the door I peak over Allie's crib to see her playing with her bunny, Mr Tickles. "Morning Allie-gator..." I coo as she smiles at me and begins to say, "mama, mama..." I smile and tickle her whilst lying her down and changing her diaper. She's crawling quickly now and I think that by Christmas she will be pulling herself up and standing alone but time will tell. "One footsie, two footsie..." I coo putting her tiny toes back into her onesie to keep them warm. Kissing her grabby hands I scoop her up and settle her on my hip. She brings Mr Tickles with her as we go downstairs, ready to start our first day alone in New York. I settle Allie into her highchair that my parents bought for her. It's pink and purple with musical notes all over it. Perfect for our house. Smiling I turn away and begin to chop up fruit for Allie. She really loves peaches from a tin at the moment so while I'm busy I let her feed herself some peaches that are in her tiny little Frozen plate. "Good Allie?" I question as I look up, she looks at me but goes back to eating. 'Guess that's as good as I'm getting.' I don't say anything more as I chop up apple, banana, melon and pear. Putting the knife in the sink I decide to text my wife 'Happy Birthday'. After it's gone I begin to feel better and within ten minutes my phone is buzzing and without looking at the contact I pick it up.
"Hello?" I question whilst looking at Allie trying to munch on a sliver of banana.
"Karlie Kloss, long time..." I breathe and look at Allie before realising who the person on the other end is. "Cara? How are you?" I question.
"Good, good. You busy?" I look at Allie and smile before talking to Cara once more.
"I'm spending the day with Allie in New York, what are you up to?" She laughs and informs me she is also in New York so I quickly invite her to spend time with Allie and I. She accepts and says she will be to us by lunchtime. I take a quick look and see it's nearly 10.00am now but I take it and tell her that security will bring her up when she arrives. "Geez all the bells and whistles now huh?" I frown slightly knowing that Cara hasn't dealt with the paparazzi since I got married to Taylor. "It's safer Cara." She says nothing except that she has to go and she will see me later and quickly hangs up. I try not to think about it too much as I place my phone down on the island with perfect timing as Allie drops apple on the floor and Olivia pounces on it. "No Olivia," I scold but she eats it and runs away while Allie laughs hysterically and I video it. Smiling as I save it I decide it's time to bath Allie that way when Cara arrives we can talk because Allie will be napping. "Come on my dirty little grub..." she giggles again and tries to wipe her sticky fingers on me. "No way Allie." I coo, holding her away from me. Finally in the bathroom I put her bath car in the bath, it's really cool and has little suctions on the bottom to prevent it slipping around before starting to draw the bath for Allie. She giggles and I sigh knowing that I will end up wet either way and in less than half an hour I am rewarded with wet pyjamas but I love watching Allie giggle in the bath so I leave it. Coating her with baby bubbles made from her baby bubble bath liquid I scoop them around her face and make a beard before grabbing the plastic Frozen cup from under the sink to rinse her hair and wash it with her sweet blueberry shampoo that Taylor got her.

"Slurp, slurp" the bath groans draining away the last of the bubbly water as I hold a fascinated Allie near the bath. When the water finally drains Allie lies her head on my shoulder, obviously tired out from bath time. I wrap her in her fuzzy little kids towel and then a larger towel that we always keep nearby in the bathroom. She's so sleepy as I put her on the changing mat on the floor of her room. Patting her dry I put a clean diaper back on and slide a singlet over her head as I do I notice her cheeks are really red so I decide to let her cool down before fully dressing her. We aren't going anywhere so I put a pair of yellow duck face socks on her feet and wrap her into her striped blanket that Taylor loves. She looks at me and yawns as I kick her towels back towards the bathroom to pick up later, mid walk down I hear the doorbell and as I look to the clock in the lounge I see it's nearly 11.45am so it must be Cara. Walking to the door Allie begins to whine a little so I bounce her around, "'s okay baby..." I coo, whist opening the door and allowing Cara in and thanking Paul.
"Hey Cara, come on in I'm just going to warm a bottle for Allie." She looks at Allie and nods before sitting down. "You want to hold her?" I question. She looks at me and shakes her head no. I frown for a second before letting it go and walking into the kitchen. Putting Allie in the porta cot in the kitchen I turn and make a bottle of formula and once it's warm I walk back towards the lounge with Allie and sit and start talking to Cara who watches Allie and states. "She's a bit like Taylor huh?" I look down not understanding what Cara means. "How?" I question. She rolls her eyes at me.
"The eyes Karlie..." she states and I fake laugh and look down and see Allie has fallen sound asleep. I stand and whisper I will be back soon while Cara shrugs, 'something's up.' I decide before tucking Allie into her cot with Mr Tickles and heading back downstairs to wash out Allie's bottle.

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