The choice was made

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Emma POV

“What the hell are you talking about?” I screamed I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Stefan wasn’t my mate? How could that be? My wolf had told me she had told me he was my mate and she had also told me everyone there was my mate. How could she had been wrong?

“Emma I will tell you everything but let’s go inside…” Stefan says motioning to the door. Everyone but the five of us began on the clean up. I was numb I couldn’t begin to understand how I couldn’t have known I only had one mate.

“Emma” Christ whispers taking my hand and sending comforting sparks through me. Ethan takes my other hand and Leo walks closely behind. I feel surrounded and happy.

We end up in my fathers study and when we walk in I decide to sit on Leo’s lap since I hadn’t given him much attention he was happy that I did that. Ethan and Christ were standing besides me as Stefan leaned against the oak desk and stared at us worried. I took a deep calming breath before nodding at him to continue.

“Emma when you were first conceived well you called to me… I know this sounds crazy but you called to me just like you called everyone in this room but it was a subconscious thing” Stefan began. “You have heard about how females often have miscarriages… if they are to be female? Well it’s not just a problem for werewolf females but vampires, fairies, angels, demons and what not.”

“Why?” I ask with a frown. “I don’t understand… don’t all baby’s start as females?”

“Yes that’s precisely why a lot of the miscarriages happen right at the 8 weeks which is when the fetus starts to change in to a boy. The fetus that remains as a girl are usually as a miscarriage… we don’t know what causes it” Christ spoke first with a sigh and shaking his head.

“There has been a lot of studies done… our people suffer greatly because of this” Ethan chimes in.

“So… that’s why you have human female mates?” Leo asks confused.

“Well… not really it’s hard to find mates as is” Ethan says with a sigh. “It’s all a matter of luck honestly if you didn’t notice a lot of Emma’s cousins are still single and that’s true for a lot of men in my pack.”

“Vampires have a hard time finding mates too we usually throw parties or try to do events and invite as many females as possible not just vampire but other species so that people can find their mates…” Christ explains.

“So what does this have to do with Emma?” Leo asks looking over at Stefan.

“Emma called me from within the womb because she needed to survive… at first it thought we were mates. I made sure Emma’s mom had everything she needed during her pregnancy if her vitamins ran out I simply whispered a spell and made the jar fill back up… if she needed different types of food I just simply sneak them in to her fridge” Stefan shrugged. “I wanted to make sure she had everything she could to conceive Emma…”

“But the miscarriages don’t happen because of vitamin deficiencies…” Christ says with a frown crossing his arms. “We have looked in to that… my mother has lost a few babies and she has had the best care possible she is queen.”

“You are right but I still wanted to make sure she had everything she could for Emma’s sake” Stefan continued. “Your mother almost had a miscarriage several times…”

“She did?” I ask gasping at the thought of me almost dying.

“Yes I had to do powerful spells at one point they thought you would be still born…” Stefan eyes look distant and then he shook his head. “I did things Emma… I won’t say I am proud of them but I did them to make sure you were born…”

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