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Pic of christ on the side!

also check out my friend and fan who i dedicated this chapter to

~~~~~~~~~~~~~'Christ POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

“Why can’t I just have a little bite?” Emma asks stomping her foot like a child and I sigh loudly shaking my head. I realized I was going to need a lot of patience to deal with Emma.

“Because we are first… going to play a game” I say quickly trying to keep her from thinking about blood. I know it was going to be hard for her to do that. I was born a vampire so I drank blood since birth but I have seen my fair share of newly turned vamps. They crave blood and if they don’t get any within 24 hours they do die. I just hoped that the rules didn’t apply to Emma.

“What game?” she asks her eyes brightening up.

“How about… tag?” I say smiling brightly and then poking her nose. “You are it!”

I run off at vampire speed and I knew she was following we must have gone around the house quite a few times I was going at full speed and close to breaking a sweat but she looked like she was just running to chase and not catch. Her giggling spread throughout the house and I couldn’t help but feel my heart swell. I didn’t get to hear Emma laugh or giggle as much as I wished. I wanted to do that for her make her happy and I will try hard to keep a smile on her face at all times.

“Come on Emma try to get me! It’s not fun if you’re the only one it!” I cry out and when I see her making a real effort I run up the wall and up on to the ceiling. I see her try and follow pursuit but gravity takes effect for her and she falls down before making it any further up the wall. She sits on the ground in her butt staring up at me in confusion and I smirk. I walk upside down on the roof and she just gapes at me.

“How did you do that? That’s not fair!” she cried out crossing her arms in front of her. She pouted and turned away with a huff.

“Its one of my special vampire abilities” I respond with a shrug and begin to make my way down the wall. I jump off at the end and land in front of her kneeling and cupping her cheek with a small smile on my face. “Maybe you have something too… wouldn’t that be cool?”

“Yes” she quickly answers her eyes becoming bright. She stood up quickly and smirked down at me as I got up. “Teach me!”

I had to admit at first I was a little worried about being with Emma when she was behaving in this manner. I was never good with children so I was glad so far I could keep her entertained on something else. I could only hope Stefan hurried I didn’t want to mess things up with Emma and soon she would be craving blood even more.

“Well first we have to see what you have…” I respond guiding her to a near by couch. I had to admit I liked the pack house they had things conveniently close by. We both sit down and I stare at her adoringly. Emma was so beautiful it was hard to miss that about her, I was so lucky to have her as my mate.

“How do we find that out?” she asks tilting her head while watching me.

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