Like a Child

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 I'm not going to lie this is probably not my best chapter.. i'm just SO TIERED :( and I've been having writers block ALL DAY </3 so please forgive the crappy chapter

pic of eric on the side


Eric’s POV

I was currently passing around my bed room. My wolf had to make a mistake there is no way that… I had found my mate in the office. I leaned against the wall and tried to think about whose sent was in there. Maybe the sent I smelled was a lingering one from someone else but who. I mean the only females in the whole house were of Emma, Sophia and Hannah and they all had mates. No I was far too smart to be in denial but I had to be.

I propel my self off the wall and begin walking around the room which seemed small and confining now. I wanted to go out for a run but there were so many things to do. I had to first talk to Josh and figure out what to do next. I wouldn’t be beta any longer but which I was both glad and sad. My wolf wanted to feel useful but I didn’t really didn’t care especially not at the moment. I just wanted to figure out who my mate was.

I pull my glasses off and run my hand through my eyes. Werewolves were known for having great eyesight but that was only if they weren’t cursed or hurt in a battle. Rogues that we fought a while back had no honor and worked along with witches. They threw a substance at us and for most it just temporarily froze their senses but for me it dulled my vision permanently. I didn’t see as crisp and clean as others which bummed me out. Thankfully my other senses kicked in to make up for my lack in vision so my sense of smell was keener.

I wanted to find my mate but at the same time I didn’t want that. A mate was someone that was supposedly made for you that just sounded so… irrational. Sometimes being a werewolf was so illogical and I hated that. We ran our lives on animalistic instincts and impulses. We guarded our land like it was sacred and fought one another. We may take part in the human world but never remain in it for long. Ever since my accident I question the logic of a werewolf and fought to stay as logical as I could. I was going to college when ever possible mainly just did classes online because Josh needed me constantly. I was always under stress and pressure from the decisions I took.

I breathed deeply to calm my self the rich wooden sent from my desk hit me and I smiled. I leaned against the desk; I sometimes worked in my room it was much more peaceful. I had an office right next to Josh’s but I didn’t like using it because otherwise Josh would constantly barge in and interrupt me. I heard a knock and instantly Josh stepped in and I sighed.

“Hey I wanted to talk to you about a few things…” Josh says walking towards me but stops probably noticing how tensed up I was. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing” I quickly answer readjusting my glasses and pushing my self off the desk and walking over to him putting up my best smile. “Whats up?”

“Come on Eric, I’ve known you since we were in diapers and your going to tell me nothing?” He says raising an eyebrow. “Spill.”

“I… I have a question” I mumble stepping back and looking around uncomfortably.

“Ask away” Josh says with a bright smile. Josh was right he had known me since we were babies and there was no way I could hide anything from him. My better and logical judgment told me that Josh would be acceptant to anything I said. But my irrational side made me feel worried about what he would think.

“So… have you ever heard of mates being same sex mates?” I ask looking at him in the eyes. At first I felt a little confident because I couldn’t read anything bad in his eyes but then I saw him frown and added, “I’m asking for my friend…”

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