Its time

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Emma POV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

When I woke up I was in the arms of Stephan, I felt alone, and cold. I knew he was doing his best to replace or attempt to replace Christ, but he couldn’t, no one could. I got up from the bed and he soon followed, it was awkward, I’m sure he sensed my feelings but he didn’t comment on it. He simply gave me a nod and exited the room allowing me time to change. I felt empty… I really did, I knew he was a live, he had to be.

I was still very unhappy that we had chosen to wait so long, I hoped he was ok. I changed in to some skinnies, a tight long sleeve, and boots. I pulled my hair up and then headed to the door but before I could even open it someone came in, Ethan.

“We are leaving in five… let me add things to your outfit” He says taking out a gun from his back and then a pocket knife. My eyes widen and I back away unsure how to react to those weapons. “You need these… Richard says that the other dimension might not allow us to shift or use our abilities…”

“Oh god what about Christ” I immediately think my heart sinking and fresh tears wanting to escape.

“Don’t think like that Emma we are going to get him now ok? Don’t worry” Ethan says moving closer to me and putting the gun behind me then the knife in the side of my boot. He secured both before backing away and giving me an approving look. “The rest are coming now…”

“Emma I have something for you” Stefan says as he appears in my bedroom with a wave of his hand I feel a slight sting on my ear. I put my hand over it and he winces “Sorry… I just pierced your ears… the stones running up your ear are not just for decoration they are enchanted incase you cant use magic… these will pretty much charge with your magic now and incase of emergency you just need to swallow one and you will be able to cast one spell.”

“I’m going too” I hear someone say at the door and I turn to see Leo. He has a stubborn little frown on his face.

“Leo…” I whisper softly taking a hesitant step towards him. I didn’t know where we stood. Was he still angry at me? I bet he was… but he was there for me before, I didn’t understand. I hoped that for now he could put our entire pass behind us and move forward as... friends I guess?

“I’m going and that’s final” he says with a childish stomp of his foot.

“You can go… I just… I wanted to say how sorry I am for… how things went down” I say before turning away from him. I didn’t want him to see me cry again, I was just so tired.

I felt his hand holding on to my wrist and he tugged gently, “Emma… I love you… and yes I was hurt but I’m over it now. I was stupid… I was taking things out on you that I shouldn’t have. I was just mad at how weak I thought I was. I’m not… and I will prove that to you… I want to wait for my real mate. I am sure that it will be a thousand times better with her then it was with you… sorry.”

“It’s ok… I’m just glad we are friends” I say with a slight smile.

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