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THE COOL WIND blowed in the room, making the atmospheric pressure inside the room, more dense than it already was

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THE COOL WIND blowed in the room, making the atmospheric pressure inside the room, more dense than it already was.

As she came forward towards Samir, her heels made the only audible sound in the room.

"It's Zara, Zara Roy this side. Nice to meet you." She forwarded her hand in front for him to accept. Which he did, gladly.

"Nice to meet you too, Ms. Zara Roy. I assume you have done your research before coming here." He asked with a not-so-gentle smile on his face. His five o clock shadow looked as evident as ever, and his body language screamed power.

And just like the yin-yang, hers screamed authority. In short, their vibes did match well. And they both were aware of it.

"I believe it's fair?" She asked in response standing high with her high heels, and crossing her arms around her chest. Though even after wearing the highest of heels she owned, she still reached the maximum height around his chin.

He gave in a full blown grin this time, before speaking again.

"Absolutely. So, let this peasant take care of you tonight, miss Roy." He said seductively and she could swore she almost, almost, swooned over his charms.

It's sad this natural charmer will be gone from this planet earth within 48 hours. Her thoughts whispered to her soul.

"Well...as far as I know, bedding me is not as easy as that." She said knowing full well his words didn't mean that. And according to her research, the only action he ever had in his life was during college. Since then he's a celibated saint.

"Well well well, do we have a fiesty one here?" He asked with a smirk. She replied with a similar, infact, even more sinister smirk.

"You know what, let's start with the date." She said and made her way towards the table for two. And he stood on his place while shaking his head with a small smile, looking at the antics of this fiesty female infront of him.

For the very first time mom, I think I'm liking your choice.

He shook his head when Zara called him once again.

"So. What would you like to have?" Zara was asked by Samir.

"For starters? Virgin Mojito please." She said maintaining an eye contact with Samir.

"Sure, ma'lady." He said in an accent making her roll her eyes. She has seen many such man in her life. Little did she knew, he was different.

As the date went on, they got to know more about each other. Well, not really but accordingly. Since she already knew all about him as it was a part of her research before killing the person, to know even the smallest of detail about him or her.

And whatever she told him was just a series of lies. So practically they both didn't knew anything new about each other.

"Let me drive you home, ma'lady." He said looking intently at home, as their date came to an end. It was the very first time Samir took interest in any of his blind dates.

"I wouldn't prefer that, Mr. Raichand. Since I now know, for you time is money, and I wouldn't want some man to waste his precious money on me." Zara replied, referring to a sentence Samir said earlier during their date.

He smiled her way. The kind of smile which makes a woman go weak in her knees. But it's Zara we are talking about!

"It would be my pleasure to spend my life on you." He replied to her, now sliding his hands around her waist, making her alert but play along nonthless.

"What if I kill you on the way?" She asked, seriousness lurking behind those dark orbs of her.

"I'd happily take that as far as it's from you." He replied, quite normally, but seriousness evident in his eyes too. She felt as if he knew something he shouldn't have. She was sure he knew something.

And then the intelligent bastard smirked at her.

Well than, you're asking for it, Mr. Raichand.

"Sure. I'll get my driver to get my car from here tomorrow." She replied and followed Samir towards his car.

Let the game begin.

Idk whatever I'm writing but I'm loving it so far. Keep sharing your thoughts too please♡

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