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AURA WAS READY in her beige coloured bodycon suit and mediocre high heels

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AURA WAS READY in her beige coloured bodycon suit and mediocre high heels. Her hairs open and minimal makeup on face.

She was waiting outside the club campus, on the road, since dating or anything related to relationship is prohibited inside the club. Especially among the members.

"Guess, who's waiting impatiently for me?" The male voice startled Aura. Not that she let him see it, but it did nonthless.

"I don't wait for morons." She deadpanned, looking serious. He sighed and asked her to take a seat inside his car.

"So, where we going?" He asked her and she looked at him weirdly. Wasn't it him who wanted this date?

"Wasn't it you who wanted this date and asked me to be ready till 6PM. Why are you asking me where we are going now?" She asked him with a raised brow and lips thin in a line.

"Well..I thought, since I don't know your choices and preferences, let this date be assisted by you. Don't worry, the pay's on me only. But destination and food should be choosen by you. So that it will be easier for our next dates." He said and looked at her, then smiled.

She rolled her eyes at him.

"First of all, ok. I will choose the destination. Second, I can very well pay for my food. And third, we are NOT going on anymore dates." She replied to him.

He smirked at her and said.

"We will see that, mademoiselle."

"Fair enough." She shrugged knowing she will straight away deny any more of his dates in future.

Little did she know.

"And just like that, I crashed into her." Aura was laughing hysterically at her own experience. While Nevan watched her with amusement, as how she was laughing and telling a tale at the same time.

"Damn Aura baby, you genuinely need some riding classes by me." He said and she stopped laughing.

His one smirk and she understood the double meaning behind his words.

"Actually you are right. Maybe I do." She played along and his smirk changed into a smile.

A full blown smile, which Aura thinks looks the best on him.

They are on their weekly date. After their first date, she don't know how but she actually looked forward to have more experience of such sort. And Nevan being Nevan didn't spare her at that.

So after that, on every weekends they started sparring some time from practice and go on their dates.

And this has to be the fifth date they are on.

"I think I'm falling for you." He blurted out making her snap her head at him in as instant. Her smoothie she was slurping on long forgetten.

"You..wait what?" She asked horrified.

"I said I think I'm falling for you." He said looking nervous as ever.

"No. No no NO. This can't be. You and me...u-us. No." She kept mumbling to herself horrified. She can't believe the fact that's someone as majestic as Nevan can fall for someone as average as her. Even Rima Kaur is better than herself, in Aura's opinion.

"I'm sorry. This isn't right. It will not workout." Saying this, she left the bistro in a hurry. Without hearing anything from the man she left behind.

He stood up to catch upto her but lost her track as she quickly put the money on the table for both of their drinks and left hastily.

He wondered what suddenly got wrong? Was he not worthy enought to feel something for as divinity as Aura? Or was she already into someone?

His questions remained unanswered, as he was left in that big bistro, with his thoughts and a few hundred rupees in his hand. The only thing she gave him.

To every insecure person out there. Read carefully.

You are beautiful. You are strong. And you are worthy. Do not let any false thoughts take up your mind. What you are, the universe knows. Do not let anyone's few words affect you at all. Because in the end, what matters is how much we love ourself.

Shine bright ♡

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