Soft Touch

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FIGHTS AMONG STAFF is never normal in a good company

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FIGHTS AMONG STAFF is never normal in a good company. But when you have a hot boss, fights between female staff for his attention is quite normal.

"The hell lady. Get away from the door. Can't you see, I made these cookies especially for Zain sir. He loves sweets made by me. Now get lost." The lady in her early twenties said to the older woman, who was standing at the door.

After this, Myra was definitely asking for extra bonus for shooting away these desperate creatures from her boss.

"Miss Shiba, I believe it's inappropriate of you to bring food to him during work hours. He wouldn't appreciate it." Myra aka the woman at the door explained to Shiba patiently.

But alas! She wants having any of these.

"Listen Myra, stay in your limits. You don't know, we are college friends. I know Zain sir since college time. So get away. Now!" Shiba demanded not going away.

"Ho sakta hai tu janti ho unhe tere college time se. Famous banda hai na wo. Par iska ye matlab nahi ki wo bhi tereko jante ho, murkh aurat." Myra said to Shiba knowing full well that she don't know Hindi at all.
(It's possible that you know him from your college time. He's a famous man. But this doesn't mean that he also knows you, stupid woman.)

As expected, Shiba looked at her in confusion and irritation.

"What?" Harshly, she asked to Myra. Who was cut by the deep musculin voice from inside the cabin.

"Myra, come here right now. Alone." And Myra looked at Shiba with a 'you gotta go babes' type sarcastic smile.

Who glared at the assistant before heading back down.

Her smile left her face as soon as Shiba went away, and she stepped inside the cabin as if she own the place.

"Tell me again why all the female employees of yours shitty as hell?" Myra asked her boss, in a bossy tone. Who royally ignored her.

Until he spoke.

"I think you are also a female employee of mine."

And Myra glared at the man infront of her.

"I'm an exception okay." She sassed and sat on the couch which was in the side of the cabin.

"Did you take the cookies though?" Zain asked while still typing on his laptop. And Myra looked at him as if he has grown two horns on his head.

"Are you serious right now? It took me severe headache to send that leech away from harassing you, and here all you are thinking about are those freaking cookies? Listen old man, you better raise my salary since I'm handling these she leeches a lot these days." Myra said and Zain rolled his eyes without looking at her, making her gasp.

Three years of togetherness as boss and assistant has taken a toll on them. Zain has always been a reserved person while Myra has always been the complete opposite, an outspoken extrovert. A total nightmare kind of person for Zain.

He only hired her because she was the best among all those whose interview he had taken. But slowly, he opened up to her, warmed up to her. And soon, they haven't even realised how casual they have been towards each other.

Boss and assistant? Hah! More like best friends where she is the boss.

"Fine fine now stop looking at the poor laptop like that. I'll buy you some freaking cookies." She said as she noticed him looking at the laptop grumpily.

This man had some serious obsession towards sweets. And cookies, surely topped that list.

"See, that's why you are an exception from those shitty female employees I have." With smiling eyes, he replied looking at her. He almost never smiles but his eyes surely do at times like this. And she raised her brows at his statement.

"YOU HAVE A WHAT?" Myra's mouth fell open ajar as soon as the words left Zain's mouth.

"I am heading to my son's ptm." Zain told her five second back.

"What? You aren't deaf, now are you?" He replied with a raised brow.

"And now do you expect me to react after dropping the bomb? Since when do you have a son, oh...and...wait. You are kidding me right?" She asked narrowing her eyes, waiting for him to laugh. Which was rare, since he never jokes with anyone.

Sure he is sarcastic as hell and comfortable around her about anything and everything now, but that doesn't mean he jokes or laughs with her.

"What do you think?" He asked her back crossing his arms around his chest. His expressions never changing.

"" She asked him back, dumbfounded. Just this morning this mf was asking whether she took the cookies from that little fan of his. And now he's saying he has a son whose ptm he is going to attend?

"I don't believe you. You are either going to some club or so, or you are abandoning this company on my shoulders." Myra said while standing from her seat in her grey matching pant and suit. She was the only female employee in the company who didn't wore formal dress or skirt, but rather suits.

"Fine. Come with me then." He sighed and told her while moving towards his car. Who looked at him with wide eyes.

One more thing about Zain Advani, he never ever let anyone sit in his car.

"Hi're you?" Myra couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the oh-so-cold and almost never smiling Founder and CEO of a multi-million company, embracing a little boy of age around three or four hardly.

"Papa..I thought you will not come." The adorable little man said with wide eyes, looking at his father. He was an exact copy of Zain and anyone could tell that.

Just before Zain could reply, the little guy's eyes fell on Myra. Which made his doe eyes go even wide then they already were.

And his first instinct was to hide behind his father.

Zain looked at Myra in an apologetic way. While on the other hand, Myra's gaze was fixed on the little human. He looked so adorable and small, she couldn't believe her eyes.

"Hello dear." Myra gave her most adorable and friendly smile she could provide to the kid, who surprisingly calmed down visibly at that.

Soon, a smile reached his lips as well. Shocking Zain.

Please. This is so cute *not me obsessing over my own short story* lol

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