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IN A HAZY daze, she kept on staring at him

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IN A HAZY daze, she kept on staring at him. His request being so bizzare, it shooked her to core.

He wants me to stay? With him? For real?

"Nevermind. Forget I said this." He said and slowly, pulled the lamp string down, closing the lights. Then, moved inside the comforted and faced away from her. Maybe to get lost in the dreams.

She, without giving it much thought, decided to get out of the room. Slowly closing the door behind her, she moved straight towards her room. But in between, her stomach grumbled.

So she went towards the kitchen instead.

Viti made herself some pohe and and took the first bite, before moaning in relief. Being a Maharashtrian, pohe had always been her first love. She remembered having them once at 3 at night, with Tej as a sneaky sibling snack. She was seventeen back then. A smile made it's way on her face at the memory.

As if, just on a cue, her phone rang. And she saw the caller ID, "Tej-stard". And her smile widened. She remembered saving his name as a combination of Tejas and Bastard, 'Tej-stard'. Even he loved this name when she told him so.

"Hey." She said softly, taking another bite of her pohe.

"Hi di. What's up? All good na?" Tej asked her and she sighed. Offcourse she wasn't going to make her family worry by telling them about her encounters here. But it was a little tough to handle all this alone.

Guess....she might share it with Neha later.

"I'm good. How about you? How's mumma papa and Bhumi?" She asked and kept on eating her food.

"Are you ok di?" Tej asked.

"Yes Tej baby, I'm fine." She said Knowing very well how this nickname annoyed him. But surprisingly, he didn't react to it at all. Instead he asked again.

"Are you ok ok di?" And she knew he knows about her inner havocs.

She smiled at herself and her baby brother, who knows her so well. But she still wasn't going to make him worry. He needs to study without any mental stress right now.

"Yes Tej. I'm fine. Don't worry. I know you are stressed about me. It's just all the travelling and new place anxiety which is taking a toll on me." She smartly handled the situation and her brother understood.

After talking for a while, with her brother and parents, as Bhumi was long asleep because of school, she hung the phone up. She realised how long she talked for. 46 minutes 32 seconds.

Looking at the clock on the wall, she saw the time. It was half past ten.

Her food was finished long ago. So deciding she had nothing else to do, she cleaned the kitchen, closed the lights of all home, and made her a way to her room. Soon, she went to bed.

Fast asleep due to tiredness, she woke up directly in the morning.

The sound of something clashing woke her up. With a jerk, she sat straight on the bed and quickly ran towards outside her room, from where the sound came.

She looked around to see Daksh, standing near the kitchen, looking at the broken glass intently. Water spilled from it. She understood how he came here to drink water but ended up breaking the glass instead.

"Go back. I'll clean this." She said quickly and in a polite tone. He snapped his gaze up towards her just-woken-up self and kept starring.

She picked the broom and cleaned the glass particles. Then, after disposing them, she came back and saw him still standing at the same spot, starring at her face. Her face reddened instantly as she realised how he had been noticing every movement of hers since then.

"What? Is there something on my face?" She asked and touched her face to check whether something was on her face.

He shook his head in negetive.

Then made his way towards his room quitly. She frowned at his alienatic behaviour. But knowing depression, she knew his behaviour was pretty normal in that case.

She saw the clock to see the time.

Six thirty.

Thank God she didn't had to join since today. It was only Wednesday and she had to join from Monday. She was stressed earlier, but now she was more stressed about this suicidal stranger flatmate of hers.

How am I suppose to leave him alone if he keeps cutting himself?

Deciding to freshen up first and make breakfast, she made her way to her room.


Complete silence in the room with two grown adults. One looking at nothing and the other looking at him with concern.

And a plate of home made samose on the front table.

"So..." She started not knowing how to ask him the main question.

"Hmm?" He asked looking at her intently. As soon as his gaze fell on her, her gaze went straight towards the samose.

Since he denied to let his eyes move from her face, she denied to look at anything rather than the food.

"I uhh...I was asking if....if you want to talk-

"Talk about what?" He interrupted her.

"About...you know. That." She asked again trying not to provoke him.

He took a bite from the samose she made. After another few moments of silence and two samose eaten by him, he spoke.

"I might. But are you willing to listen?"

I think I like this depressed male lead healed by female lead trop a little too much

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