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WAKING UP IN an unknown room, which looked so pale and dull, his head was aching like a bitch

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WAKING UP IN an unknown room, which looked so pale and dull, his head was aching like a bitch. He cursed the headache lowly, unaware of the people he surrounded.

After a while of adjusting to the light, an after effect of waking up after twelve long hours worth sleep, he looked around the room. The vibes not going along with him.

But just as he was roaming his eyes here and there, his gaze fell on a similar face among all the intruders. The face of a girl. He remembered the face, but he couldn't remember where he saw her. Or probably met her.

He soon realised he was in a ward. A hospital ward to be precise.

And among all the people in white coat and nurse uniforms, she, the girl with whom he made an eye contact earlier, was the only one in casual t shirt and jeans. And the worry in her eyes was enough to tell him that she was the one who bought him here.

"Why?" The first question he asked. More like it slipped out of his mouth.

He had been so used to harsh behaviour, that this bare minimum act of kindness has threw him into a cycle of limitless confusions and dull thoughts. He was so used to pain that the cuts on his arms and wrists were now numb to him.

The same cuts, which she was staring at, the reason for her ignorabce towards his earlier question, with utmost amount of sadness in her eyes. He realised it a second later. He too, following her gaze, saw the marks he had on his body.

Both of them lost in different thoughts. Their stare but, held on the same occurence.

"Dear...can I ask you a few questions please?" The doctor, a female who looked somewhere between her forties and fifties, asked approaching him in a sweet yet alerted tone.

He slowly took away his gaze from his body and looked at the elder woman.

The two nurses, which were present here earlier, now nowhere in scene. Probably left from there a while ago. And she, along with him, listened to the doctor's words.

A few seconds passed, followed by a few minutes. When he realised that both the females weren't going to leave him alone, even after his ignorance towards them, he sighed lowly. And then, nodded his head slowly.

The doctor heaved a sigh.

"Would you like to talk in private?" She asked. He looked away from the doctor, towards her.

She too, looked at him and then at the ground. Before taking her handbag, ready to leave the ward. Probably to give them both some privacy.

However, when she felt a firm palm tugging on her arm from behind, she turned around in confusion. And saw the elderly lady smile at her.

"He wants you here." She smiled at the younger girl.

Who looked at him in confusion and found him already looking at her.

She nodded slowly and sat on the sofa besides the table, followed by the doctor.

"So...may I know your name?" She asked expectedly to the patient. He again, didn't speak for a few minutes. Before lowly letting out one word.


The doctor smiled at him. In an encouraging way. Then, she shift her focus towards the girl sitting besides her.

"And you, my dear?" The same tone she used on him, she asked the younger girl to introduce herself.

"Viti." She replied almost immediately.

"And I believe you are his girlfriend?" The older lady asked. Her eyes shinning in glee.

Viti's eyes widening at that thought.

"Uhh..no mam. You've got it wrong. I am just...his flatmate. Nothing more. That too, new flatmate. I mean I shifted today morning only." She explained and the doctor's mouth formed an 'O'.

Then, her gaze fell on Daksh. And the way he was looking towards Viti.

"I understand...future girlfriend." The last part, the elder lady muttered to herself and smiled. Leaving Viti confused and Daksh, well he didn't really cared about the doctor at all.

"You are needed to have this meal. Or else how are you going to take the medicine?" Viti whined and Daksh denied while shaking his head, again.

She frowned. Her hands tiring from holding the tray of soup and rice for too long.

"Fine. But I'm leaving the food here only. You have it whenever you want." She said, trying not to pressurise him in something he doesn't want to do, just like the doctor prescribed.

And then, she started to make her way out of his room.

But then, she heard something. Something like a man's voice. And the man, was calling her name.

"Viti..." She froze on her spot. Then slowly turned around.

Her eyes widened, and heart beating fastly.

I thought he was almost mute!

"Daksh?" She asked, still in disbelief of hearing the person's voice who didn't even reply to the doctor two days back. Heck, he didn't speak at all till today evening, when he was permitted to come back home from the hospital.

He looked at her face, without a single blink of his eye. Then, slowly, he spoke again.

"Stay with me?"


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