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"HELLO DEAR." MYRA gave her most adorable and friendly smile she could provide to the kid, who surprisingly calmed down visibly at that.

Soon, a smile reached his lips as well. Shocking Zain.

"Hi." The little human replied to her.

"Myself Myra. And you?" She asked taking her right hand forward for him to shake. He looked at the hand in confusion and then at her face, not getting what she meant. But then, he moved his face towards her hand and put his cheek on her palm, while letting out an adorable gummy smile at her.

The whole scene made both the adults smile like fools.

"He is so cute oh my gosh!" Myra gushed over his cuteness while patting his cheeks, then she bent over and hugged the guy, who was more than happy to hug her back.

Zain looked at the scene in amusement.

"You know this is actually the first time I'm seeing him getting comfortable with someone this soon. He's always reserved and shy in front of new people. It took him almost a month or two to speak to his teacher." Zain told Myra, who kissed his son's cheek.

"Well...what can I say? I have some magic in me." And she winked at her boss, who shook his head with a small smile on it.

"Wait...what's his name?" She asked to the little boy who was not letting her go from the hug.

"Aarav." Zain replied and she nodded.

"Aarav baby! Such a cute name for this cute man." She said and Aarav smiled even more adorably at her. Anyone could tell how much he liked this lady.

"Mr. Advani, you are finally here. This way please." A lady, most probably in her mid fourties said to Zain, who nodded and eyed Myra to take care of Aarav. She nodded while chatting with the little boy.

After about twenty minutes or so, Zain called her and asked her to bring Aarav inside, where he and his teacher were having a chat.

"Papa..." Aarav went running towards Zain as soon as he saw him. But Zain's eyes were cold. Though he hugged his son with all the love he could, Myra have mastered the calligraphy of his eyes in these three years.

"Well...your wife is beautiful Mr. Advani." The classroom teacher said looking at Myra, with a genuine smile. While Myra's eyes went wide, Zain became a statue.

"N..no mam, I think you have got some misunderstanding. I'm not his wife, I'm his assistant. Myra Rajput." She said while formally introducing herself to the teacher, who looked back and forth between the two of them.

"I am extremely sorry for the misunderstanding. I thought you were Aarav's mumma." The teacher said in an apologetic tone.

Well...she was really guilty. Until she became more guilty hearing Aarav's next word to Myra.

"Mumma." The little guy said looking at Myra.

"I am extremely sorry. I don't know what has gotten into him. He's never this persistent about something." Zain said looking at Aarav with a light glare.

The little human has been calling Myra mumma since the teacher used this word. And now, he's not even listening to his father not to call her that.

While on the other hand, Myra was stuck between walking away, leaving her boss and his little son alone because of embarrassment or to stay and pretend to be this little human's (who looked love deprived) mother.

Considering how much she liked this little human, she obviously chose the second option.

"It's fine boss. He's just three. You can't expect him to be mature." She sighed and drank her chocolate milkshake more.

Yes, they came to have some milkshake since Aarav wanted to have them. In last half an hour after leaving the school, Aarav have been chatting with Myra non stop. And this is making Zain amused and jealous both.

While Myra is actually enjoying the little guy's company.

"But still..." Zain said looking directly into Myra's eyes. Who was dodging his gaze since last half an hour now.

"Mumma...is pretty." Aarav said with a smile. And it made Myra smile widely.

"I know right baby! Mumma is very pretty, right?" She said and took the boy in her lap, who seemed the happiest in those moments.

Zain's mouth opened in a gasp like a fish.

Wait what? Wasn't she flabbergasted with him calling her mumma just now? Just a single compliment from the boy and she's happy to be his mumma?

I can give her compliments too, right?

Zain thought to himself until realisation hit him.

What the heck am I thinking. Are there drugs in this milkshake?

He thought further looking at his coffee milkshake.

"Yesss. Very pretty." Aarav said and soon, after finishing their milkshake, they drove to Zain's home.

"Explain now." Myra dropped her body on the sofa besides Zain, who was already resting on that same sofa.

They had to pull that little human from the playground so that he can come home. He even started crying but his papa and Myra were very persistent, that he had to leave the sand and come back home.

As soon as his little body touched the bed, he went into slumber.

While the two adults were tired as heck, on the other hand.

"What?" Zain asked, in a daze.

"I said explain now. How did you suddenly popped a child out of your....ahem?" He asked and looked at him with a raised brow. Making Zain look at her with a snap.

"You have no filter, now do you?" He asked her with funny expressions.

"Hey! I have a filter that's why I didn't say the D word." She sounded offended and he facepalmed himself at her reply.

"My mistake. I'm sorry." He told her and she smiled in hmm.

"Now explain." She said and he sighed.

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