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WHOEVER SAID WEDDING jiggles are a thing, was so real for it

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WHOEVER SAID WEDDING jiggles are a thing, was so real for it. Because no matter how hard or cold the person is, when it comes to marriage and wedding, he or she melts at all costs.

The same is happening with Aura. And she is so vulnerable in it since she don't even remember the last time she felt anxious. But today, she was feeling as if she was literally living the definitions of nervous, anxious and simply weird.

"So, is our bride ready to go?" Her cousins cum friends came to ask her as she stood in front of the mirror while taking deep breaths. Ready in her crimson read lehenga.

"Physically? Yes. Mentally? Absolutely not." Aura replied to their previous question and sat on the dressing chair with a huff.

"What's wrong babes. Don't you want to marry him?" One of her cousins asked her and she denied straight away.

"I am just nervous. It doesn't mean I don't want to marry him." She said and whined again. While all three of her sisters looked amused at the ever so cold and unfazed Aura being whiny today.

Nevan seems like a magician in case of changing Aura.

"Why don't you go and talk to your groom. He light help you calm down?" Another cousin of her said and everyone including Aura looked at her dear in eyes.

"You think that's possible now?" The last cousin said while hitting the one who gave this idea just now on her head.

"Ouch. Menace kahin ki. Just wait and watch." The cousin muttered. And then left the room along with the other two girls, forcefully pulling them with herself.

"Wait. Where you guys going?" Aura asked but they ignored as they made their way outside. She huffed and sat on her seat.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." She sighed thinking it must be one of her relatives.

"Why is my lady upset?" The voice Aura has came to love in these two years suddenly boomed, making her heart take a flip.

She instantly turned around and saw the most handsome man she ever witnessed, smile at her. In her opinion, he looked too hot to handle in his sherwani and the smile on his face was the cherry on top.

"Nevan." She whispered breathlessly looking at him. And his eyes shone with her sight.

His. Officially his. And him, officially her. He'll forever thank the great God for this day for sure.

"I heard your sisters saying you get nervous. So I thought to reduce that emotion of you, wife." He said and hugged her.

She sighed in his arms before saying.

"I'm not your wife yet." She replied and pulled back to look at him.

"I know. But it's just the matter of a few hours now babes." He winked at her.

She smiled in return. Not forced or anxious, but a genuine smile.

"So...up for a ride?" He asked her with mischief in his eyes.

Her eyes widened in return.

"At this hour? And that too when we are expected to be present outside in what, an hour or two? That too to take out matrimonial oaths. Are you crazy?" She frowned putting her mind in words.

"Well...an hour or two is long enough babes." He winked again and she knew she was going to regret it soon, but who cares?

As they sneaked their way out towards their car then out of the area, laughing as maniacs, anxiety and nervousness was long forgotten for Aura.

"You are psychic before a footballer I swear." She breathed between her laughs.

"Only for you to handle for a lifetime now, along with your matches and trophies, wife." And just like that, his eyes smiled.

And so did her heart.


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