Broken Hero

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PUTTING MAYONNAISE IN the burger was a bad idea

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PUTTING MAYONNAISE IN the burger was a bad idea. Since the mayonnaise was out in the heat of May all night.

But sweet little Viti realised it a little too late.

"How are you going to manage living alone when you can't even manage making a burger yourself? Get lost from here now. Let me take care of the kitchen. Also, you are eating roti sabji for lunch only." The mamma bear scolded her and shoved her out in the dinning room.

Viti frowned and stood their.

"She ain't wrong, you know." The brat of a brother of hers sneaked the comment from the dinning table. Making her give him a pointed look before turning back towards her mother, who was now keeping the dishes which Viti used into basin.

"Mammaaaaa. I can make another burger you know. I'll just take ten minutes maximum." She said as she went near and hugged her mother from behind.

"Excuse me? What do you mean you will make it in ten minutes? Madam, you said this. This one was going to take five minutes. You said it at 3 PM, it's nearly 5PM now." Her mother said in a taunting way and shoved her out of the kitchen again.

"Ahaaa." She whined. It was no secret how much Viti loathed homemade food. Even though her mother was an excellent cook, the junk always craved her. Even more than her eleven year old baby sister.

"Mumma you know papa bought me a super cool Pokemon watch. See." Thinking of the devil and devil is here. Bhumika, the eleven year old devil of their house came running from behind and crashed into her mother's legs. She smiled and recieved her youngest offspring.

"Why the hell is she so obsessed with pokemons?" Another devil, the seventeen year old brother of hera, Tej, short for Tejas, said from the dinning table.

"You got some problem? She didn't comment when you were so much obsessed with the Ben 10 merchandises as a kid." Her father deadpanned at her brother, who gasped and she ended up laughing so loudly at his face.

"The freak dad! She wasn't even born then. I was five then." He whined and she laughed again.

She was surely going to miss her lunatic family.

"Viti yarr. I though you were taking a room at the hostel building." Neha, her friend cum colleague whined at her.

She in reply, smiled only.

"I thought the same Actually. But then when I searched, there were no available rooms at the dorm. Plus apart from that, there were flats available with cheap prices due to sharing in a really nearby apartment. So I went for it instead." She said and Neha sighed after huffing two times.

Viti chuckled at her not-so-new behaviour.

"Fine. But you have to promise me that you'll stick to me throughout the whole office hours. Since you wouldn't be around twenty four by seven anymore like I though." Neha asked while letting out her pinky to make a pinky promise.

Viti looked at her friend in an awe. And took hold of her pinky before saying.


(TW: suicide attempt)

As Viti went inside the apartment building, her smile couldn't leave her face.

Fin-freaking-ally she was going to live alone. In another city. As an adult.

The smell of freedom was amazing.

When her job was in the same city as her family house, the holy city of Varanasi, she stayed at her home onwards and went to work from there. But now that she has been transferred to Udaipur, it left no choice but for her to live alone.

Her parents were very anxious about it. Her little sister made her wear a handmade bracelet. Her brother cried at night in his room thinking that she couldn't listen, but she did as she was standing just outside. The next day, he hugged her but acted as if he doens't care.

Apart from these things, everything worked out. Hence, she's where she is now.

"Ms. Viti Anand. Flat no. 504." She said to the guard and after confirmation, made her way towards the elevator.

She was excited as hell. Always had been an extrovert, nervousness and anxiety about new place was miles away from her. She was enjoying and further going to enjoy this new change to the core.

With this mindset, she entered the elevator.

It stopped at her floor. She smiled broadly. This place was freaking gorgeous. And as a cherry on top, her flat was on the topmost floor.

"A dream come true indeed." She muttered to herself and opened the lock of her flat.

But the scene she was met with, was....weird. She didn't knew how to define it.

She half expected to see a girl laying on the sofa, munching on chips with no care to the world. Half expected to see the flat vacant with her flatmate out to work. Heck, she even expected to see some random couple having sexy time in their room.

But what she saw, was beyond her wildest dreams.

A guy, barely in his twenties, standing in the open kitchen which was visible from the hall area, holding a knife in his hand.

And the wrist of his other hand, was leaking blood. His face was void of any emotions as he looked at Viti's now horrified face and wide eyes.

He kept looking at her, as she freaked out. He saw her coming inside, throwing her shoes somewhere near the gate along with her suitcases and handbag, and running towards himself.

"What the hell is this? Are you mad? Why did you do that?" She screamed and immediately took his hand and tottered towards the kitchen sink. The blood flow was non stop and she was panicking now. But his eyes were locked on her face.

"Just a minute. You will be fine soon." She muttered. Which seemed more of an assurance she wanted to give herself than him. And just a few more seconds, and he lost his consciousness.

Falling on her shoulder as she screamed.


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