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BUSY IN A TRANCE, Anand Chaudhary didn't even realised when a certain twenty three year old have entered his cabin

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BUSY IN A TRANCE, Anand Chaudhary didn't even realised when a certain twenty three year old have entered his cabin.

He was too lost in his imaginary world, until she broke it with her firm voice.

"Anand Chaudhary, owner of a multi-million company and a publisher by choice, too bad he's going to die by a mere new adult girl's hand." Zara announced and Anand gave him his hard glare.

"What the hell Zara. What are you doing in my cabin? And what do you mean by die?" He was angry at her. How dare her say such words from her mouth.

Who was she afterall? Just a pawn to him.

"I'm doing exactly what I should have done way before. And I think you know what I mean by "die"." She said making colons on the word die by her fingers in air. The look on Anand's face was priceless.

"How did you entered my cabin?" He asked, rising up from his chair. His eyes turning a shade darker.

"Well...too bad but your security system is not up to the mark. I mean look at me, how I entered without anyone noti- uh huh NO." She stopped in middle of her explanation when she saw him about to click the emergency bell on his table.

Sliding the bell across the smooth while table, she looked at him smirking, which his face portraited shock.

"Nu uh! You aren't allowed to seek help." She said and took a step towards him. The fifty five year old finally looked feared.

Good. He should be. She thought.

"You do realised it's your end, Mr. Chaudhary, don't you?" She whispered while playing with the gun, which she pulled out of her overcoat a few seconds ago. And then placed the gun on his chin.

"Z-Zara. We...we can talk this ou-"

"I don't want to. It's as simple as that." She shrugged nonchalantly before smiling at his fearful face. For the first time in her life, killing someone was giving her some sort of satisfaction.

All the other times it was forced.

"But why." He asked while doing a futile attempt to caught her gun, which she dodged easily. Also, now as he fell down on the floor, her heels picked at his hand.

"Ouch!" A painful shriek left his mouth and she looked satisfied.

"You have been ruining my life since I was seventeen. Making me kill people only because I knew martial arts, was pointless. Especially when you have been manipulating me about my deceased parents. And you still have the audacity to ask why?" At this, he laughed.

"Well...don't you still wants to know who killed them? Or are you too useless of a daughter now that-"

"The sun has already risen after the dusk." She cut him off in between.

Silence fell over the room.

And soon the fearful silence turned into a deafening silence, when she saw his soul left his body. The silencer on her gun working its way, making no one know about the incident. Having no CCTV cameras in the owner's cabin was a relief.

As she made her way out, gracefully, no one caught her attention. She was a pro at disguising herself as someone else, all thanks to the dead man inside.

And made her way towards the Rolls Royce Ghost waiting for her outside.

"Done?" The intelligent & handsome beast, as she likes to call him, asked her.

In response, she just smirked at him.

"Let's grab a coffee now. Shall we?" Samir's next question, as they sat inside the car.

"Is it a date, Mr. Raichand?" She teased him looking at him through the rare view mirror.

"Would be my pleasure, Ms. Roy." Came his reply, marking the finality.

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