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IT WAS THEIR day three in Bangalore

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IT WAS THEIR day three in Bangalore. The wind here now full of moisture as the monsoon season was approaching. But the wind inside the hotel room was more dense compared to outside.

"I..can't do this." Daksh said in a lost tone. He couldn't even make an eye contact with Viti.

"But why? Haven't you thought about it before ever?" She asked, partially frustrated.

And when he didn't answer, she couldn't believe her ears.

"Are you fucking with me right now Daksh Mehrotra? The ladies have laid their filthy hands on you so many times and you haven't even thought of suing them to law EVEN ONCE?" She asked, putting extra effort on the last words.

He shook his head in a no.

And she sighed. Then came and sat near him, putting her hand on his, which was resting on his lap.

"Why? Earlier I could understand you couldn't because of that man. But now when he's no more, don't you want justice for yourself? The ladies who can be classified as your mother's age have used you for their own guilty pleasures and you want to stay quite...why Daksh just why?" She asked not knowing any single reason of his deniel.

The assistant of Mr. Mehrotra, Mina and his buisness partner, Ms. Rachita are the two ladies who have laid their hands on him without his consent since he was a teenager.

And now, Viti wants him to file a law suit against them. To sue them to court. The marks on his body and him as the victim are enough to at least drag them to the court. Rest, the lawyers will handle. She is pretty sure about it.

But he seems against this idea. And she don't know why.

"Give me a single reason why we should not sue them legally?"

"I...I don't know. I just don't want to. What if...what if we loose the case? They have already caused me enough damage, both physically and mentally. I don't want more. Nor do I want to drag you into this mess." He said and looked away.

"Are you crazy. Offcourse we wouldn't loose. We have strong intacts against them. We are surely going to win the case.

And about me, well...you aren't dragging me into this. I'm willingly getting into this mess. So why are you worried. It's my responsibility totally." She said and sat besides him.

He followed her movements and looked into her eyes. It held nothing but pure sincerity in them. And he knew that she was the only one he could trust.

"Fine...if you say so." He sighed at end making her smile a little.

"Stay positive and all's going to get fine. I have faith in you and God, both. Plus why worry when you are the right one." She said and made her way towards the washroom, while his mind filled with nothing but adoration for this strong woman.

"Are you sure about it?" He asked for the nth time today. And she shook her head before pulling him inside the court room with her.

"A hundred percent sure. Now come, let's move on the path of victory. And I'm sure you can do it. Be strong, face the evil, and win against them. You have my back." She said and soon enough the trial started.

Everything went smoothly, according to the calculations of Viti. Even though there were a few derailments in between, in the end, Daksh Malhotra won the trial.

"You did amazing. I'm so proud of you." As soon as they left the court room, and ended their talking with their lawyer, they both came to their hotel room directly, then Viti swung herself into his arms.

Who willingly embraced her and pulled her closer to him.

"Thanks to you, for supporting me and helping me find.....myself." he confessed too and she smiled in the hug.

"It wasn't me. It's your own good will. You are stronger than you think, Daksh." She said and that was the moment they both realised how close their faces were.

Just one move, and they could be kissing.

Viti squirmed in his hold, but he held her tighter making her gasp.


"Don't move. I'm having bad thoughts." He said making her frown.

"What bad thoughts." She said and looked into his eyes. They had turned a shade darker.

"I might end up kissing you." He whispered.

She kept looking at him for a minute or two.

"What's stopping you then." She whispered back making his eyes go wide. She came some closer to his face, but not that close to force him.

If he wanted, he could either move his face away, or he could come half way to kiss her.

He chose the later one.

And they shared their first kiss.

"That was...." He said.

"Amazing?" She questioned while completing for him.

"The best feeling ever." And then, he gave her his bestest, sweetest and most beautiful smile.

Quick question, do any one of you watch c-dramas? And if you do, have you watched Derailment?

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