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SHE SHIFTED IN her seat hearing him

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SHE SHIFTED IN her seat hearing him. Off course it's not something so trivial if he's this prone to take his own life. But she also know that he need to let it go. So making her mind, she nodded her head.

"I am."

He kept on starring at her. Seconds, than minutes, passed. He kept looking at her. She too, maintained a firm eye contact with him this time.

He sighed finally before deciding to open up.

"Myself Daksh Mehrotra. A scientist by profession." He said the first sentence making her eyes wide.

Offcourse she have heard of him. One of the youngest and most talented scientists in Rajasthan. Though she have also heard that his research practice is in Bengalore. But his origin is Udaipur onwards.

Though there are no photos available of him on internet. Just two, both of them from back view and blur so that no one can recognise him.

"The day you came and saved me....I was about to end my life." He continued. She opened her mouth to say something but he cut her in middle.

"I know what you are going to ask." He stopped her by his words. She nodded slowly, letting him continue.

"I uhh... Damn it! This is harder than I thought." Viti could understand the frustration he was going thru. It's not easy to tell about your problems to a stranger. And she understood it all so well.

"It alright. Tell me whenever you are comfortable. I'm not going anywhere." She said and unconsciously took a hold of his hand.

He looked at their hands and she pulled back with a jerk.

"I- sorry. I didn't mean to. I swear." She was quick to apologise.

Offcourse she didn't mean. But it would be a lie if she say the little touch of his didn't do anything to her fragile heart. Daksh, indeed is a man blessed with good looks and amazing body. Any girl would instantly fall for him.

But not Viti. Since she needs to heal him. She wants to heal him. And she doesn't want him for herself. She just want him fine.

"Myself Viti Anand. Am from Varanasi. You know, the city of Kashi Vishwanath? It's a really beautiful place. You shall visit sometimes." She said with a small smile on her face. As if missing the place.

Even Daksh could see that.

Once realised, she hit her forehead slightly with her palms.

"Tch my bad. Offcourse you would know." She said and took her first samosa from the plate. All while Daksh kept on starring at her.

"Uhhhmmm I love samose." She moaned in delight at the taste and sit back comfortably on the sofa, which was in front of his one. His stare didn't left her face at all.

He gulped.

And stood up from there towards his room.

"Isse kya hua achaanak?"
(What happened to him suddenly?)

It's been three days since the little conversation between the both of them. Slowly, they are warming up to each other. Though he hasn't have any suicidal attempt in these days, Viti could hear some voices at night from his room.

Voices like cries. As if he was having some nightmare or so. She always wanted to go there, help him, embrace him. Tell him everything will be fine. But she couldn't.

Just couldn't.

"Good morning bunny." Viti, as usual chirpy, greeted Daksh as he made his way out of his room.

Still half asleep, he just nodded her way and went straight to the kitchen. Where she already was.

Turning around with a cup of hot coffee in her hands, she stumbled over him spilling all the hot coffee on his naked torso.

"FUCK. I AM SO SORRY." she screamed looking at the red mark on his stomach.

Quickly placing the mug on the counted, she took him towards the kitchen sink. Washing the burn area with water, she then took his hand and took him towards her room.

Getting the first aid kit and a wet towel, she sat him on the bed. All while panicking. While on the other hand, he was quite. All the time, just starring at her face.

Void of any emotions.

"See...now I'm going to apply this ointment on your stomach ok? It will burn a little. Handle it for me please. It will recover soon." She said to him as if talking to a kid.

He nodded slowly and she started with the ointment.


"I'm so sorry. It wouldn't hurt anymore. I'll be more gentle." Not just the fact that he was burnt, but the fact that because of her, the guilt was eating her.

"Is it paining?" She asked, still concerned.

He denied his head in negetive.

"Jhooth bol rahe ho?" She asked again.
(You are lying, aren't you?)

"Can I hug you?" He asked. She froze for a moment.

"W-what?" Shit! Now I'm stuttering? She thought.

"I asked can I hug you? Just once? Please?" His voice carried so much vulnerability that she didn't had it in herself to deny him.

So she did what she felt was right. Nodding slowly, she let him touch her waist since he was sitting on her bed, while she was standing infront of him.

Soon, his face lied on her stomach. His hands around her waist. She too, slowly, made her hands run freely around his naturally curly hair.

So soft.

Until she felt something wet on her shirt. Looking down, she found him crying.

"He isn't my real dad, Viti. He..he doesn't even love me. He just used me.." and so on, he talked in between of his cries as she held him close to herself all while listening to him.

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