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(Tw: mensions of child abuse, self harm, masochism)

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(Tw: mensions of child abuse, self harm, masochism)

IT WOULD BE an understatement to say that Viti was shocked to hear whatever she heard. Anyone would.

"He... He wanted to use me as a weapon. A lethal weapon for his use. He is my dad's brother. And he always.... Used to manipulate me into doing things I never wanted to.

You know, when I was a kid, he even... He even let his assistants assault me! I was a kid!" Now his muffled cries were turned into full time screams. Hearing all this, even Viti's eyes started to water.

No kid deserved this. No matter what gender it is, an assault is an assault. She felt him hug her even tighter now, his fingers boring into her clothes waist. Not minding it at all, she too pulled his more closer.

"For seven years, he made me do stupid experiments and taught me useless things like horse riding... Fencing... I wanted to learn cooking. I could never. His female assistants used to use me. I hated their touch on me. It was so messed up.

He never told me who my mother was. Just said she died giving birth to me. Later.... Later I found out that he... He killed my parents! He killed them Viti. He took them away from me when I was four." Everything was making sense now, why he was this way.

It was all just too messed up. It was even hurting to Viti just to hear it all. And this guy in front of her, have been through it all. Alone. All these years when what he needed was some love and care. And no one chose to give the little boy in him that.

"The day, I qualified as a scientist, he got happy and since day one started making me do stupid stuff. I never liked science. I wanted to take fine arts. It was forced as well.

I qualified way earlier than my fellows. He... He even slapped me when I told him my choice."

"He's a psycho Viti. He makes me sick just by his face. He.. he makes me feel like I'm not a human. Just a robot. His to use. Like.. as if I'm his property.

He came to Bangalore with me. One day, we had a huge fight and I flew to Udaipur back. Since...since then I'm hiding here. It has been almost two weeks. I was done with it all.. I.. I don't want to live Viti." He was stilll crying. Without even realising he had spilled his whole heart in front of her.

Her, who is ready to take his precious heart and heal it with love and care. She is also ready to keep it with her to protect that precious heart from the world.

And she wants to.

"No.. No Daksh. You don't want to end your life. You.. you are strong. You are very strong. You survived it all." Viti's eyes were flowing as well. She was crying with the broken man in front of her as well.

"I am not! I am not strong.. I am not...

I started trying suicide since I was thirteen. Can you believe this. I was a kid. This... This was too much. It always have been. I just wanted a normal life. A normal dad. I got neither.

All the times, he found out that I tried to cut myself or hang myself.. then he used to... He used to punish me. It was... Painful." She sat on the bed besides him now, allowing his whole body to rely on hers. As if a primal need, he was holding her so close to himself. As if she would disappear if he leaves her a little.

He kept on weeping and she kept on holding him. Letting his heart free itself. Letting it all go from his fragile heart. It pained her but she stayed there with him.

"You are so strong Daksh. You have no idea what you are. And now, you are safe. You don't have to worry. He could do nothing now. He got no power over you. It's you who decided your life from now on." She whispered to him in his ears and his cries grew on her words.

It would be a lie if he say it didn't made him feel good to hear that all. He felt a little human. But the moment was just too overwhelming.

Minutes passed, so did hours. They sat in the same position while she held him as he cried his eyes out. Soon after, almost two hours passed and he slept on her. His arms around her and his head on her bosom, as she stared at his sleeping figure.

His face show the pain clearly on it. It broke something in her. 

Soon, without realising and in deep thoughts, she too fell asleep. Holding him close to herself even in her sleep.

Please tell me I actually wrote this... This had to be one of the hardest part to write. It might be fictional but what hurts much is stuff like these actually happens in real life too!! One way or other.

Let me know your views on this perticular chapter, please.

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