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THE DAYS FLEW by real quick and it's been two days since Viti has been going to work

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THE DAYS FLEW by real quick and it's been two days since Viti has been going to work. It was Saturday today so it was her holiday. Hence, she was home.

"I believe you have learnt how to make this poha now?" Viti asked him, herself sitting on the kitchen counter as she peeked at him working from time to time.

It would be a lie to say that Daksh Mehrotra isn't attractive. He is the finest man Viti ever laid her eyes at and she isn't even exaggerating.

And this man looked especially hot when he was trying to cook. Since he told her that he wanted to learn cooking, she had been teaching him various dishes. But since that Monday night she told him about her favourite dish, poha, he had been pretty resilient on learning how to cook it.

And today, she finally taught the man how to cook poha.

"You know you look exceptionally hot while cooking." She said this in a haze only to make the man hault in his movements for a few seconds, before going into cooking again as if nothing happened. And she chuckled at his read ears and neck.

She found it cute to tease him from time to time. Even he couldn't deny the fact that this girl brings the best sides and reactions out of himself.

He might even lie if he says he isn't falling for this girl slowly, but surely.

But little did he know, he has already fallen for her. All at once. Not that he would admit.

"Why are you such a tease?" He whined and stirred the dish.

"Why are you so cute?" He imitated him and his ears turned into an even deep shade of red.

She let out a chuckle.

"I...I have to go to the washroom. Look at this for me." Saying this and handing over the dish to her, he practically ran towards his room. And now, Viti was laughing whole heartedly at his reaction.

Silly adorable man...

She thought to herself and smiled.

On the other side, as soon as Daksh entered the room, his gaze fell on his phone on the bed. It was on silent but he could see it ringing, the screen glowing.

He moved closer to see who's calling him at this hour, it was twelve at noon. As soon as he saw the caller ID his breath hetch in his throat.

Mr. Mehrotra

He didn't wanted to pick up the call but something in him asked him to. His soul was not as scared as they uses to be before. It might be Viti's charm or the fact that he's doing what he loves nowadays rather than what's forced on him. He would love to think it's the former option.

"Hello?" He spoke as soon as he picked up the call.

No voice came from the other side. He didn't knew how to take it. It already took him a lot of courage to pick up the phone. And since no one is saying anything from the other side, he might end up crying soon.

"Hello?" He said again, this time more scared than earlier.

"It's me." A female voice greet him and he instantly recognised. How can he forget the vile woman who has been using him for her own pleasure since he was sixteen.

"Mina?" He whispered. He wondered what has happened that the man who never let anyone touch his belongings has let his secratary call his adopted "son" from his phone.

"He's no more." She said and the world seemed to have been stopped around Daksh.

He couldn't form any words anymore.

"He had a cardiac arrest last night. Was taken to hospital instantly and took his last breath within an hour of that. His last rituals have been done in the electronic machin this morning." She informed him and hung up the phone.

He didn't know what to expect anymore. No matter how much he hated that old man, but the fact that the last and only person whom he ever called as a family was no more anymore, was indeed a big blow on him.

*knock knock*

"Daksh? Can I get in?" It was Viti's voice which bought him back out of his trance.

After clearing his throat, he let out a small "come in."

"See, the poha is done. Well done junior, you have made an excellent- wait Daksh, what happened? Why do you look as if you are going to cry soon?" She said and a lone tear left his eye.

Panicked, she kept the poha plate on the table and reached his side.

She held his face ever so softly in her palms and made him look up at her, as she was standing and he was sitting on his bed.

"What's wrong?" She asked again. Her eyes clearly show the worry she had in her for him.

And it led him to cry more.

"He...he is gone." He said and looked down.

"Who is gone?" She couldn't quite catch who he was talking about.

"He...Mr. Mehrotra. He is gone. His secratary just called me to let me know. I am free now, Viti...he..he wouldn't disturb me anymore. He is gone." And just like that, he cried in her arms again that day.

But this time, it were the tears of joy rather than grief. And yet again, Viti let him be and patiently waited for his broken, messed up self to get together and soon her warmth lulled him to sleep.

The poha he made resting on the side table, witnessing the path of their closeness.

"He had been taking some harmful kind of drugs since so many years. It backfired and his heart couldn't take it anymore. Hence it ended in the cardiac failure he endured.

Before that, a few months back, he also went thru a neuro failure. Since then his half brain was dead. Knowing his medication history, this day wasn't much far. I hope you cope soon with this new, Daksh." The officer informed him, placing a hand on his shoulder as a form of sympathy, not knowing how much of a devil the deceased man was.

"Thank you sir." He said and came out of the room, to see Viti standing outside the inquiry room, waiting for him.

She smiled at him and opened her arms for him.

"You did well. I am very proud of you." She said and his hold on her waist tightened.

He realised how much she is a support for him. And only she can handle his broken and reserved form. He knows this wouldn't be fair for her, but if she permits, he would love to give them a chance.

"Now just one more thing." She said, pulled back and gazed straight in his eyes.

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