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FOUR WEEKS PASSED in a blink and things were back to normal

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FOUR WEEKS PASSED in a blink and things were back to normal. How Aura's cold nature made them win six matched back to back, and now the Conquerors are selected for interstate level. Their last loss being from The Raven Spirits.

And on the other hand, Nevan was busy with his upcoming match event against the East Martini's, another big private football team from West Bengal.

"I'm damn tired captain. Can't walk anymore let alone play." Rohan, a player from the team whined and sat on the sideby bench. He grabbed the bottle in a haste and drunk it all in one go.

Same did the rest of the team. As they all say around taking a much needed break.

"We are done for today. But make sure to be on time tomorrow. By Six AM I want you all here. No excuses." Nevan said strictly and they all nodded.

He looked at them one last time before going inside the building towards the team's changing room to grab his bag.

Then, he made his way outside. After taking a quick bath then changing.

"Hi." He said as he pecked on the cheeks of the girl, who was looking back. She turned around in surprise to look at him. Looking as delicious as ever.

"Hey." She replied with no expressions. But her eyes held a softness in them which was enough for him to give away a full blown smile.

"So, what plans for today?" He asked as he took her bag, holding it in his hands along with his own. In these four weeks, Aura has figured it out how he has this habit to make her take as less load as she can.

"Anything would be fine honestly." She said and then sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked, with a frown as she shook her head.

"Aura." He streched her name with a ting of force that she sighed again and started walking towards outside the campus.

"I might need to leave playing." She said while looking at the ground.

He frowned.


"My father. He said as now I have found myself a boyfriend who is serious about us and wants to marry me, I need to stop playing and all and start the practice to be the best wife now. It's irritating to be honest." She said and he looked at her all amused.

It was true that he asked her father for her hand for marriage. It was just a week back and her father was shocked but didn't oppose as he and Aura had already had an argument on her marriage preferences when she decided to join the team, a few years back.

But since one week now, after this stunt of Nevan, she has been calling him a despo. In her opinion this decision was rushed, but in his it was the best.

"You are kidding me right?" He asked, amusement still dancing in his eyes.

"What made you think so?" She raised a brow.

"Good question. So how are you going to deal with him now? Because as far as I know, you are not someone to bow down." He said as they sat inside his car. He kept the bags in the back seat before driving towards the library.

Since they are in college, they can't just survive on football. They need to study as well. Both of them are already graduated with their respective degrees, now doing PhD in two different streams.

In short, both of them are academic as well as athletic scholars.

"I know. But he's my dad Nevan." She said and looked away. He came see and feel the emptiness in her eyes.

"You don't have to do what you don't like. No matter for whom it is." He said, and she looked at him in a snap. His eyes were straight on the road as they were driving thru the busy streets of the capital.

"But..." She couldn't complete her sentence before he took her hand in his and kissed the back of it and then kept her hand on his lap. His eyes being on road this full time.

"No buts and ifs when it comes to what's right. It's your like Aura. Make it big and memorable by living in the moments you love. By doing what you love.

And as far as I know, your masochist father does not deserve such a big sacrifice from you. Isn't it what your mother always wanted from you? For you to live without thinking about anyone?" He said and something crash thru Aura's heart.

It was pain.

The pain of losing her mother at an early age.

"I know but. I mean, she loved him." She tried to argue, more with herself then with him.

"But the main question is, did he love her back?" He asked as the car came to a hault.

I'm not writing about her parents anymore. The next part is going to be an epilogue for these two.

Because some questions are better left unanswered.

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