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AS THE ROYAL Rolls Royce Ghost roamed around the streets of Malabar Hills, Samir was focused on the road, while Zara's whole focus was on him

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AS THE ROYAL Rolls Royce Ghost roamed around the streets of Malabar Hills, Samir was focused on the road, while Zara's whole focus was on him.

The way he looked so relieved while she knew he has sensed something was beyond her understanding. She knew the Intelligence level of this male besides her is something to take seriously of. He knows everything about almosy every situation. And usually when a person finds about their end coming nearer, they frighten. It's a natural reaction.

But his reaction is as calm as an ocean. And it's confusing and irking Zara altogether.

"Where to now, young lady?" He asked playfully catching Zara off-guard. The twenty-three year old came out of her trance and looked around to see, how she was already in a nowhere on the neighborhood of Malabar Hills.

"To the left now. Then straight." She told him a random direction while beginning to think about her plan.

If he wants to act stupid, he can. It would be only easier for me.

She thought as she smartly pulled out the gun from her heels band, without letting the person besides her know.

As the car came to a hault in front of a large bunglow, which Zara didn't even knew who owned as she randomly told him the directions, she was about to leave the car when Samir stopped her.

For a second, she thought he finally figured out his fate. But then, he came across the car towards her side and opened the car door for her, princess style.

"Thought I didn't want a young girl to trip on my car door." He said with a smile and victorious look on his face.

She rolled her eyes before replying.

"Bastard." And moved two steps further.

"Aren't you going back already, Samir?" She asked without turning away when she sensed him still standing there. The whole area was silent and dark, without a single person or creature fleeting here and there.

"First you go inside and let me be sure you aren't killed on the way. I'll leave later." He replied, his hands crossed around his chest with an amusing look on his face. Not that she could see him though.

Then she turned away, towards him. Pointing the gun at him.

"Aww how caring. To bad it's gonna be you whose not gonna make home from here tonight." She said as she came closer to him. Her face showed confusion when his didn't show fear.

He was still standing there, hands crossed over chest, and a small smile on his face. She didn't knew the reason why he wasn't shocked and it was irritating her.

"Guess, mommy's gonna miss her dear son." She said in a baby tone, to see if it makes him realise something since it was his own mother who put him to go on a blind date with her forcefully. But Samir's face and aura didn't give anything.

"Done with the mumbling and trying?" He asked and took a step near Zara. Who tightened her hold on the gun in response.

"You know what Ms. Roy, had you wanted to kill me, you would have done that already. But you didn't. And it says alot." He took two more steps near her and she lifted the gun from the position up till it was on the angle of his forehead.

"No more coming closer or you're gone." She deadpanned and he shooted both his hands up in mock surrender.

"You don't tell me what I can do or what I want to do. You know nothing. It's better to admit your defeat Raichand and lay on the casket happily." Zara said and put a little pressure on the trigger.

But her hold loosened and anger raised, when this sentence of hers made Samir smile broader.

"Aww, how cute. Miss Zara Roy, the twenty three year old assassin and a badass, but still a fragile girl beneath all this tough coat. Don't you think you're too adorable?" He asked and took the gun from her hand. Sure she resisted but gave in nonthless sending something wrong with the attitude of this bastard.

"You and me, both of us know it Zara, how much you don't want to kill me. Admit it that you are two drawn into my charms." Samir whispered into Zara's ears while she rolled her eyes at him and pushed him a little.

"Just come to the point Raichand and tell me what it that? What do you know about me before I shove the bullet down your throat." She said pointing at the gun, which was now kept on the ground since Samir dropped in after taking it from Zara.

"Nothing. I know absolute nothing about you except the bare minimum. Your name, age, work, and by work I mean your 'work' and not that Chef thing that you tell the whole world." He said and fluttered his lashes while she gave him the darkest of her glare.

"Oh...and also about the blackmail too." Now this made Zara aware and she starred at Samir wide eyed.

How in the hell!

Oooo. Suspence.

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