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THE DAZZLING MOONLIGHT radiated glow on both of their faces, as she looked at him in wonder and he resembled an expression full of knowingness

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THE DAZZLING MOONLIGHT radiated glow on both of their faces, as she looked at him in wonder and he resembled an expression full of knowingness.

"Wh..what do you mean?" She asked. Her tone composed and aura aware. Alerted.

"I just know it. And trust me when I say I can help you." He replied. She looked bewildered and her anger was growing per second.

"What the hell do you take me as? A charity case? Listen, you might be a God in your field, but here you are under my mercy. I can kill you any second I want. You are supposed to be scared of me." Zara's patience broke and she reached for the gun on the ground. After pointing it as Samir again, she made her anger clear to him.

He shook his head before replying.

"I do fear you, Zara. And no I do not take you as a charity case. You are a strong human. I was just saying I can help you with what you are going through. You are strong, no doubt in that, but that doesn't mean that you have to go through it alone." Samir explained more calmly this time. Which made her think.

"What will you get by helping me?" She raised a brow. Nothing in this world comes for free. She knows it the best.

"My life which is at stack right now. What else? You are into this bloody world only because Anand Chaudhary have some details about your parents, which you don't. And in order to get them you are playing on his beats now." He said further.

This lead Zara to narrow her eyes at him. This man knows a little to much about her, for his own good.

"How." A simple question with so much volume, that she asked.

"I hope you remember that I'm a hacker by profession." Samir let out with a dark chuckle.

That's true. He's a hacker, the God of artificial intelligence and a billionaire. That's what Zara knows. Which is too much considering he's a mystery to the world.

"How are you.... supposedly.... going to help me?" She asked, still in discrete with herself. Is she seriously going to trust him? The man she was sent to kill in two days?

"I have my ways. I can show you if you want." He shrugged. She wandered for a second or two before giving a hesitant nod.

As she went towards him, he pulled out a mobile phone. It was a different one then which he uses personally. As he opened it, Zara knew it was up to no good. He is not as pure as she though.

"...and done." He said after a while and Zara's eyes shone in amusement at how easily he hacked the multi-complicated security system of the house in front of them. The same which Zara said was her, on Malabar Hills earlier.

"That's...impressive." she let out in a haze and than looked at him, giving her a smile full of pride.

"But hacking security system is different from hacking office codes files or whatever you call it." She deadpanned. His eyes, lingered over her for a few seconds, before he looked away.

"Let me give it a try." He let out and looked at her again.

"Fine. But you have 24 hours. If you can't do it, you are going to die." And just like that, they sealed the deal.

It's been twelve hours since the incidence last night. Right now, Zara is standing in his office cabin, having her cheeseburger while he's working on his laptop. She knew he wouldn't harm her, if he had to he would have long ago.

As she took a bite of her burger, her eyes darted towards his face. He was, a too handsome and too intelligent creature for this mortal world. She wondered what a pity it would be if he were to die.

"Can you please stop ogling me." He let out without looking at her. She just smirked in response.

"Can't I even praise a fine work of God?" Her response made him look at her, with the same smirk as hers.

"You can, darling. Always. But right now, c'mere and look at this." Now this causes a change of expression in Zara. It was just noon and she wasn't expecting him to have tracked the files down this soon.

"Sorry for Anand Chaudhary, but his system security is a bit too low. He needs to change his professionals." And with a dense chuckle, he showed his PC to Zara.

Whose eyes lit up like an earthen lamp.

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