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ON THE SUNDAY morning, the couple was sleeping peacefully inside their bedroom

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ON THE SUNDAY morning, the couple was sleeping peacefully inside their bedroom. The white curtains made a beautiful reflection of the sunlight and she turned around to face him. She woke up, as the result of the sunlight falling into her face.

Only to see him already staring at her.

"Good morning cupcake." She smiled sweetly at him. And he smiled back.

"Morning." He kissed her cheek and hugged her tight.

Knock knock

A knock disturbed their moment and both of them whined.

"Kon?" She asked.

"Main hu di." Tejas's voice came and they both stood up and sat straight.
(It's me sister)

"Come." She said as she got up from the bed.

"Here, chai and paneer parathe, made by mumma for you and Daksh." He said, put the plate on the front table, and stood straight in front of them.

"Thank you." Daksh said with a smile.

"Why aren't you this sweet only infront of him?" Viti asked him and he rolled his eyes.

"He is a nice human, that's why." Saying this, Tejas shrugged his shoulders. Making Daksh chuckle, but was quick to cover it with a cough.

"So you mean I'm not nice?" She raised a brow.

"I also said human." And saying this, he walked away from the room, shutting the door shut on the way, while whistling.

"This guy gives me headache." She said while rubbing her head.

"And he gives me entertainment." He muttered to himself.

"What?" She asked while giving him a bombastic criminal offence side eye.

"N..nothing bae. Let's dig in." He smiled and she hmmed while sitting besides him to eat.

They have came to Varanasi to visit her parents. It's their thing now, to visit her parents during occasions and festivals.

They love Daksh as their own. And so did he.

So now, they are here for the new year.

"Hmmm I love mumma's paneer paratha." She moaned and gulped at her expressions. This girl does things to him he can't even explain.

"Stop it." He said and looked away.

She coughed.

"Stop what?'" she asked in confusion but soon understood what he meant.

"Oooo... Why? You can't control it?" She smirked at him.

"Well...I don't mind losing control when it's about you." He came close to her but she pushed him away and continued eating.

"Nope! Eat first, then I'll go and take a bath." She replied mockingly and he looked at her in shock.

"How cruel!" He exclaimed.

"Bear with it now." She winked at him. And he might have shocked his head in disappointment, but a sweet smile was still on his lips.

They adored each other in every way possible.

She not only helped him heal, but she also gave him a new reason to live.

Her love.

And he reciprocated it with the same amount of love.

For ever and ever.

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