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IT SEEMED HARD to tell her about his past, as she judged from his face

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IT SEEMED HARD to tell her about his past, as she judged from his face.

Ten minutes and he was still figuring out how to tell her.

"Just blurt it out boss. How tough can it actually be?" She rolled her eyes but sat up straight when she saw his glare.

"I am not you. I can't just blurt it out like it's nothing." He said while rubbing his face with his palms. She understood and rubbed his back in order to sooth him.

One more thing about Zain Advani, he doesn't like to be touched.

At. All.

Though they don't even remember when Myra had crossed that line as well, where she can touch him (in order to either sooth him or help him when he once dislocated his arm, since he's clumsy af).

"So....when I was in college, I had a girlfriend. And we got married when we were both twenty six. For one year, our life was a bliss. One year after that, we got the news. She was anxious. And even though I was excited I somehow had the feeling that she didn't want to be a mother.

Only If I payed more attention to her weird behaviour. However, after Aarav was born, the first two months also went on somehow. We were together." He said and she looked at him with big shocked eyes.

"Then, one day I received a call from our house maid. She told me that Alina, my ex wife, was no where to be seen and a letter was kept on her dressing table for me. I quickly ran home at that.

She was actually no where. The note she left me was the explanation why she was running away, which was that she wasn't ready to be a parent. I searched almost the whole city." He said and stopped in his words. Myra, being the curious person she was, started getting impolite.

"Fir?" She asked and Zain looked into her eyes, deep.

"Aage kya hua?" She asked him, somehow getting nervous under his strong gaze.
(What happened next?)

"A month after that, I received divorce agreement. Shocked and confused, I signed them. But she handled Aarav's custody to me already, which I was more than glad to have.

I swear he was the only sunshine in my life during those times." He said, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

"He must have been the cutest three months old, I can swear on my life." Myra said with a sad smile on what he and baby Aarav had to go thru."

"Next I remember, with a three months old Aarav, we officially separated. And I didn't had any news about her at all after that." He further added, but Myra knew better.

Something more was coming.

"Until...his class teacher mentioned a lady who looked exactly like Alina, asking for Aarav yesterday." And Myra's eyes snapped at her boss.

"The hell man! She still has the audacity to come and show her face after what she did?" Myra commented feeling angry at the thought.

He was literally three months old when she left! Now he's three years! Why the fuck she wants to meet him now?

Myra thought to herself and just as Zain was going to answer, they heard a bump sound from above.

Aarav's room.

With horrified eyes, both of them ran upwards.

"Aarav!" Zain said as soon as he opened the door. And both the adults were stuck at what they saw.

A happy Aarav was playing with pillows, on the ground. The same pillows, which were kept besides his sleeping frame so that he don't fall.

"He...fell?" Myra asked, unsure since the little human looked too happy about his fall.

"Yes...seems like that." Zain replied in the same tone of daze, like her.

While Aarav chuckled at their behaviour.

However, remembering all the things Zain just tell her, Myra decided to give this love deprived little human some love he deserves.

Baby Aarav had been thru alot. I will make sure to alter it as much as I can, so that he don't end up bitter towards his parents like me.

Myra made a promise in her mind, remembering all the times she felt unwanted because of her parents as a kid and teenage, resulting in her becoming bitter towards them as an adult.

It explains why she hasn't visited her hometown even once since she got this job, which was also her first job.

"You look so happy, what's the reason." She said and walked towards the happy baby on the ground.

He looked at Myra with big eyes, as if trying to remember who she was.

Ye sone ke bad mujhe bhul gaya? She thought to herself and frowned.
(He forgot me after he fell asleep?)

"Mumma..." Aarav shrieked with a laughter and Myra smiled.

Haash! Nahi bhula. She thought and smile.
(Whoosh! He didn't forget)

While on the other side, Zain facepalmed himself at his son's words.

What the hell does he wants to do? Why isn't he stop calling her that? And she also don't have any problem with that??

He frowned while thinking so. But decided to let these questions go when he saw his baby happy with his assistant, who was now playing 'make faces to make the baby laugh' gave with Aarav.

He smiled at them.

In these three years, no one knows about his private life at all. And Myra was definitely the first person from office to know it. And from the smile on Aarav's face, he could tell he made a good decision by telling her.

"What have you done to my son that he likes you this much?" Zain asked Myra as they book stood near the kitchen counter, to watch the kid eating his cereals, on his own.

"Ahem...Mr. Advani, there's a charm in me. A secret charm, which you know nothing about." She winked at her boss. And in that moment, Zain realised how close they both were standing to each other. His right and her left arm were touching.

It was such a soft touch, he wondered.

Not that Myra seemed to notice tho. Her whole attention was on his son.

"Wait...you wouldn't kill me or maybe resticate me if I do something about your ex wife, now would you?" She asked after a while to her boss, who looked at her with scarred eyes.

"No you wouldn't do anything!" He said and when she didn't reply, he sighed a breathe of relief.

Too early, boy!

"Watch me." She smirked at him.

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Double update since it's Sunday :)

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