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THE BICKERING AMONG boys started as soon as the boy who was about to goal was pushed by the opponent

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THE BICKERING AMONG boys started as soon as the boy who was about to goal was pushed by the opponent.

The captain of the boy who fell was quite in comparison with the captain of the team of the person who pushed.

"You are NOT the one who will tell me what is wrong and what is not. So just num your mouth and carry on the play." The violent captain said while over towering the other captain.

Who was constantly giving him glares.

"You know what, you are a douchebag." Were the only words he said before declaring the match a cancel.

He quickly went to pull his teammates who was pushed and severely injured and made him drink some water and have some rest.

"You are fine now?" Nevan, the captain of the team whose player fell asked to the injured player.

"I am. But the match isn't. I'm so sorry captain." Ankit, the player's reply shocked Nevan. Neither he nor anyone else who watched the match blamed Ankit for the cancellation. But who's gonna tell the player.

"No Ankit. It's not your fault and you need to understand this. It was the opponent who went against the rule. You are not going to apologise. At any cost." He made sure to make the younger and seemingly meek played understand.

Who nodded his head in submission. He knew his captain was right but somewhere he was guilty.

Though Nevan handled the situation. For now.

"So. Burger party?" Kavya, Aura's bestfriend and chill goalkeeper of the team asked her.

"You see how fat I have gotten in last one month break. No more junks or else we gonna keep loosing like this one." Aura replied, rudely.

But Kavya was used to it by now.

It was probably the first time this year that they lost a match. And Aura was blaming if on herself. Since last one month, their team had been given holidays due to some work in the club. So now, after the leave, when they lost the match Aura lost it too.

"It's fine baby. We'll win the next match. Just come and have a burger na." Kavya whined at the captain only to shut herself up by Aura's glare.

"Either you get lost or I'm going to chop your head right now." And just like that, Kavya fleeted away from the consistency room. Leaving Aura alone in her thoughts.

After a while, Aura came back towards the ground.

Well...bad decision.

"So, Madan! What's up. How you feeling after loosing the match hah?" It was no other than the biggest bastard in the world, Rima. The captain of the winning team.

"Get lost Kaur or else..." Aura replied all annoyed.

"Or else what? You gonna hit me with the football? Aww how cute." Rima was intentionally irritating her just to get a reaction.

"You know what, nevermind. We'll see in the next match." Aura gave her a tight lipped smile and left from there, leaving both the teams watching the scene wide eyed. Some with amusement at the drama and some with anger towards Rima Kaur.

"Bastard. " and Aura left the feild while saying so.

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