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MOVIES AND RAISHA never go well together

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MOVIES AND RAISHA never go well together. Not even in someone's wildest dreams. And now, that she has been stuck watching a movie with her cousin, she wants nothing more than running away leaving the irritating kid gallope the 54 inch television screen on his own.

"I'm going to get some juice from the kitchen." She informed the fourteen year old and started walking downwards, obviously not to the kitchen.

"An orange on for me!" Her cousin shouted from the couch.

Who knew just waking on the streets could feel so good?

But to Raisha Khanna, anything is better than movies and her irritating cousin whom her parents left her with to take care of. The forteen year old Parv is a headache which she loves dodging. So she left him alone at home, well not alone but with a servent, and came out to get a walk.

Living in a posh area has its perks. You get to roam around fine area and beautiful architecture whenever you want.

"Hello." Her phone rang and she spoke as soon as she picked it up. It was a call from Mita, her secratary.

"Mam, the Grovers have finalised the deal." She informed but her tone was obviously very dull. And being a business woman for last seven years, Raisha wasn't a rookie not to know something was up.

"Speak the whole, Mita." She said and stopped on her tracks.

"Umm...they asked for a favour." Hearing her secratary's words, her ears perked up.

"What?" She asked slowly.

"They want you to personally assess the project, along with Mr. Grover Jr."

"I don't understand why would you even offer them a project together? Don't you know the history between us and the Grovers?" Mr. Ram Khanna, Raisha's father, said trying to maintain as much cool as he could.

It was no secret about the rivalry between him and Maan Grover. And now, that their kids, Raisha Khanna and Kiaan Grover have decided to work together for a project, they both couldn't settle with this fact.

"Papa...don't worry. I know what you fear. Plus, don't you know me? Do you really think this partnership is for cutting costs?" She asked her dad with a raised brow and now the man looked confused.

"What are you exactly thinking?" He asked her slowly. Even her mother, who's least interested in business and stuff, her ears perked up at this.

" will know soon." She smirked before getting up and made her way towards her room.

"By the way Parv was complaining that Raisha didn't take good care of him and abandoned him in between a movie." Helly Khanna, Raisha's mom said to her husband nonchalantly.

"First, she isn't a baby sitter nor is he a baby anymore, second she don't like movies. So I think what she did was fair." Ram shrugged and Helly rolled her eyes at him before focusing on her phone again.

"No wonder she's your daughter. And about Parv, tell your brother not to make our daughter babysit his son again. She'll get allergies." And Ram nodded at her.

Iconic couple.

"I don't think this is a good idea bro." Sumedh Ramsay have always been Kiaan Grover's bestfriend and guide. Not that Kiaan takes his guidance ever but whatever.

"And you think I care?" The clever businessman spoke while eating his mushroom salad.

"You are sick man. I mean what are you even planning signing a partnership with your family enemy? I didn't knew you were a sadist." Sumedh said and was gifted a hit on his hand with a fork.

"Ouch." He shrieked.

"Khao chup chap." Kiaan replied.

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