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AS ALINA AND Myra sat inside the car, Zain went to leave Aarav inside the school

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AS ALINA AND Myra sat inside the car, Zain went to leave Aarav inside the school.

Their school had this system where at lunch kids can go to the ground. Thinking the same, Aarav's class teacher let him go out. Then, seeing no bodyguard at the door for the moment, Alina took her chance and took Aarav with her.

"So ...you weren't really going to take him to the bakery restaurant, now were you?" Myra asked her with a cold look.

The same cold look which most of the employees in the company fear of.

"Why do you even care? Wouldn't it be good for you and your man if I take the kid from his first wife away? You two can live peacefully." Alina replied, so much venom dripping thru her voice. Myra's glare on her intensity.

"Don't you have any conscience about what to say and what not?" Myra asked her with equal venom dripping from her voice as Alina's.

"Oh really? No one need a conscience to state facts madam. What it is, it is. Aarav is just a burden on you both nonethless. How would it make any difference whether he's present in your life or not?" After this paragraph of Alina, Myra was shivering with anger.


And the way her fist clench on the staring wheel as she was sitting on the driver's seat as well as her jaw clench, was the explanation. Now fear started making its way inside Alina's soul.

"Let me ask you for the first and last time straight, what are your intentions towards Aarav? And why now, after all these years?" Myra's gaze was piercing Alina's soul.

Who was trying hard not to show her fear infront of Myra.

"He's my son. At first I was afraid to take responsibility of him. But now that I'm mature enough to be a mother, I want him back. Why does it matter so much?

And do you even have braincells to ask a mother what her intentions towards her son are? Huh? Unbelievable!" Alina scoffed at the end making Myra look on front and smirk.

"Well...if the mother is like you, then even a grown up will be scared. Aarav is a kid afterall." Hearing these words boiled more of Alina's words, than her failed plan had.

"Listen you-
As Alina was about to raise her voice and scream at Myra, she was harshly cut by someone.

"I dare you to raise your voice at my assistant." Sais Zain in between.

His eyes were cold and stoic, making Alina more scared than Myra.

Now that he was here, she saw around him and found Aarav was nowhere in view. Soon, Myra too stepped down the car and stood besides Zain, near the passanger seat where Alina was sitting.

"I don't know what got you near my son or what you want. All I know is that I am Aarav's legal guardian as well as the person who loves him and cares for him. You, on the other hand, not only abandon him at such a young age but also left him love deprived. That too without me knowing.

So I believe that you know your place in our life now. Apart from that, I have this amazing woman by my side who loves him no less than her own. I don't think he'll ever accept you anymore." Zain said and side hugged Myra in between.

Whose eyes snapped at him, but in order not to make Alina sus, she kept the act and smiled tightly at her.

Alina on the other hand, looked.....torn.

"I know." She replied to Zain in a small voice.

"I was wrong for doing this. But I swear I want nothing else than my son. I realised my mistake and want to ammend it." Her voice cracked at the end and tears started pooling her eyes.

Zain looked away from her and Myra frowned at her sudden change of behaviour.

"You had your chance. Heck, it was your right. Not anymore though. And I belive you will kindly fuck of now before I call security, wouldn't you?" His voice was deadly as he said so looking at Alina with nothing but pure hatered.

Who looked down and nodded timidly in response.

"I am sorry....please forgive me if you can....and...." She couldn't complete her own sentence and got down the car, walked towards her own and went away.

Zain and Myra kept looking at her retreating figure before heaving a breathe, both of them were unaware they were holding in.

"Damn...she's a lot more vile than I thought." Myra said and turned towards Zain, who was already looking at her.

Her eyes widen.

"Right. Tell me why did you say that to Alina?" Myra asked, her hands on her hips.

Zain smirked.

The audacity of this man! Her eyes widen.


"Why? Do you have some problem by that? Isn't it the truth? Aren't you amazing? And don't you love Aarav with all your heart, like he's your own son?" Zain cut her in between and made an innocent face at Myra.

Who narrowed her eyes at him.

"The way you said made it sound as if we are together." She sighed.

"We are together, aren't we? See, even now we are together, standing side by side?" He tried to reason it only to make Myra roll her eyes.

"You know what I mean." She said and started walking.

"Hmm...do I?" He asked, following her.

This made a smile appear on her face.

As they kept walking on the footpath outside the little human's school building, there was a comfortable silence around them. Until Zain decided to break it.

"How about....we make it real?" He asked slowly making Myra stop in her steps.

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