I Land On Someone With... Pointy Ears?

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I lied. Okay? I'm a big fat liar. 

I suddenly appeared in a bright place, and worse, in mid-air. 

Zeus, please don't strike me down right-- a growl broke off my train of thought. 

The Cetus was right next to me. Below us, as we fell through the air, were multiple little children wearing bright colors. They screamed at seeing us and being to try and scamble away before we fell on top of them.

The monster was flopping and flailing about, like a fish out of water. Well, that's what it is, I scolded myself. 

I knew that they wouldn't be able to get out from underneath us in time. I pulled riptide from the mouth of the monster and slashed at its eyes. Then I took the blade and stabbed it. The Cetus disappeared in a poof of dust right as I hit the ground. 

Or, what I thought was the ground. 

The 'ground' groaned and I quickly rolled off of it. 

And I laughed. "Oh my gods your ears are pointy!"

It was a tall man with short-cropped brown hair. He wore a circlet with an onyx in the middle of it. He groaned and sat up.

"Yes, they are. Do you have a problem-" He paused and looked at Percy with his grey-blue eyes. "You're not an elf."

I scoffed, "Of course not. I don't have pointy ears, I'm not short, and I'm almost positive this isn't the North Pole... Or is it?" I looked around. 

The pointy-eared man squinted his eyes at me as if he was in deep concentration. "Do you feel that?"

"Feel what?" I looked at him like he was crazy. He probably was, considering he was wearing a circlet and a dress... Why would he wear a dress?

"What's your name, boy?" 

"Percy Jackson," I responded with slight hesitation. I could guess he wasn't a monster- I think- he probably would have known my name. 

"Ah. Perseus Jackson, am I correct? I've heard some things about you, although, I regrettably admit not a lot. Hero of Olympus, yes?" The man stood up and pulled me to my feet. I was getting nervous now. "Son of Poseidon."

"I- how do you know who I am?" This might not be a mortal after all. My hands clenched. Riptide wasn't in my pocket I realized frantically. I must've accidentally dropped it somewhere after I fell. 

"I am Councilor Bronte," he didn't answer my question. 

"Good to know," I said sarcastically. I felt the familiar shape of riptide appear in my pocket. My fingers itched towards my pocket where it was now. 

"We need to get you back," he told me. Back where? I gave him a questioning look. "You're not in your world anymore. Welcome to the Lost Cities Mr. Jackson."

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