I Emotionally Plummet to My Death

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Y'all we've hit 5k!!! THANK YOUUUUU! And upcoming, the scene that you wanted ;) Beware people, who want to see Percabeth in their PG glory and not PG-13. (No sex... but yk what I mean.... Um sorry)

After confirming with Grady and Edaline that Annabeth was okay to stay at least until both of us found a way home, we went to my room to 'call' Bronte. 

"Mr. Jackson. What do you need," Bronte said sharply. His was sitting at a nice desk, and the background was blank. 

I cleared my throat. "Is the problem almost fixed?" 

Bronte dragged an exhausted hand over his fast. "We're not any closer than we were two weeks ago. As you know, the power source of all the crystals has been..." Hesitation laced through Bronte's tone. He wasn't telling me something. "...Fading quite literally. i'm afraid I can't tell you more."

"Alright then. Well, on to the reason I called you," I started. 


"Yeah. Whatever it is you say. My father, Poseidon transported my girlfriend, Annabeth Chase here."


"What?" Bronte asked. A deadly sort of calmness settled over him. 

"Yeah," I responded. Annabeth gripped my hand. I pulled her into the view of the little camera.

Bronte did not even try to hide his shocked face. He stared openly, his mouth dropped to the ground. "You... You're the daughter of Athena... The one who... Parthenos. And- and Olympus-- I... "

for the first time since meeting Bronte, I found that he was at a loss for words. Annabeth blushed and cleared her throat. And then twiddled with a strand of her hair. "Yes. I am," she replied confidently. How she could muster that amount of confidence, I needed to figure out. 

The elf gathered himself as if shaking out of  a deep slumber, straightened his back and said, "Mr. I will inform you if the situation happens to... alleviate." Then Bronte ended the call. 

Immediately, Annabeth turned to me, her expression laser focused. She stood"He's not telling us something."

"I thought so," I nodded grimly. 

"We're going to find out," She told me with determination laced through her tone. I stood up and caught her by her waist. 

"Wise Girl," I whispered. "We can worry about this later.... right now.... we can focus on something else. I haven't seen you in forever.... And I missed you. So stop dwelling on something that we can work on... later."

I walked her across the room until her back was pressed against the wall, my arms trapping her between me and the wall. She sucked in a breath and I let a smirk play on my lips. 

"Percy..." She warned. "What if someone walks in. Won't we get in trouble?"

"They don't come in here. It's my space. They respect it," I rolled my eyes. I dipped my head and lightly trailed my nose over the nape of her neck. Annabeth let out a sigh. Once I reached her collarbone, I began pressing featherlight kisses up her neck until I reached her lips. 

And passed over them.

And did the same thing with the other side of her neck. Annabeth made an annoyed sound in the back of her throat. She grabbed my face in her neck and finally connected our lips. 

I let my hand fall to her waist. My body pressed hers harder against the wall. Annabeth let a sounds only for me and I sighed in content. This is what I wanted to do all the time. The feel of her body pressed against mine, he hands sliding through my hair, down my back, abs. The feeling of her overwhelmed me.  The smell of her made me go crazy. 

Without wanring, I picked her up and wrapped her legs around my waist without breaking our kiss. I lightly pressed my tongue to her lips, gently asking for permission to explore more. Annabeth moaned lightly and I loved the sound. 

I loved her. She was my everything. She was water in a blazing desert. She was fire on winter night. She was mine. And mine only. I grabbed her waist and thigh harder.

I moved clumsily around the room, protecting Annabeth from hitting herself even when I ran into the desk, and the mirror. And then I tossed her on the bed. She laughed. Her lips were swollen and I could have the sight up like a starved man. I moved on top of her, between her thighs. And then i reconnected our lips. 

And all I could think about was how I never wanted this moment to end. Curse me. 

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FRICK IS THAT?!" Sophie scream tore through the sounds of Annabeth and me kissing. We broke apart and glanced out the window. Standing there floating above the grounds was a goddess, also know as:

Keres, Goddess of cruel deaths. 

And my emotions went from happy, to 'I'm dead inside'. I died from emotional plummet. 


I'm so sorry for abandoning you. But I have some good news! I just had my first kisssssss. Hehe

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this update. I can't promise that I will update soon but I'll try. 

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