Chapter 18

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Sophie wanted to crawl into her room and hide from her guilt, from her shame. She had invaded Percy's mind and now he hated her. Rightfully so, too. Edaline and Grady had given her the biggest scolding she's ever had. It only added to her guilt. 

And the fact that Grady had to go looking for Percy after he walked off into the woods scared her. 

Why did she do that? Why couldn't she have just talked to Percy? 

Then, it hit Sophie. The reason why she probably couldn't talk to him was because of his memories. Sophie was sure she only saw part of it, and she was positive his memories were so strong that she could sense his emotions. Percy's memories seemed terrifying and she had only seen a few of them. She didn't know he'd gone through that much. Sure, she'd seen his scars but she had assumed that came from some type of accident. 

What scared her most about his memories was all the death. Sadness overcame her. She recalled one of his memories, a blonde boy with a scar through his eye was dying and he had whispered 'Don't let it... don't let it happen again'. Don't let what happen again?

And another one, a girl, maybe fourteen, laying on the grass and whispering, 'Stars. I can see the stars again, m'lady.' Sophie clenched her teeth. She didn't want to see another of his memories but one more came into her head without her permission. 

Percy was hugging a blonde girl close as they fell down, down, down, down.


Sophie shoved her head in the pillows. She screamed. 

Guilt consumed her again. She sobbed. 

The sadness and the horror of the memories and the regret of probing Percy made Sophie cry even harder. He hated her. 

She knew she needed to apologize. 


Yay. Happiness. Joy.


I just wanted to give you guys a small chapter in Sophie's POV because I needed to keep the sort of pattern going. And I wanted to make you sad cause I'm evil. 

I'm so sorry, honest. 

But I'm also really excited for Percy's POV because I love Akadia and Momus right now. 

364 Words 


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