Chapter 15

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The next morning, Sophie sat at the table waiting for Percy to come down. 

"Here, Soph," Edaline said and handed her her completed emerald dragon costume. 

Sophie glared at the costume. I hate those things, she thought. She couldn't wait for the new year to begin, especially being forced to go through these lessons during the summer. (Which were more torturous than actual school.)

"Well? Do you like it?" Edaline clasped her hands together in delight. "It's much better than your Mastodon one, I promise. I had some actual time to make this one---"

Sophie cut Edaline off by throwing her arms around her neck. 

"Thank you, Mom, really. It's beautiful!" Sophi exclaimed and snatched the gown from her mother's hands. "Well, besides the tail and the head... But still!"

"I'm glad you like it," Edaline said. "Have you seen Percy anywhere?"

Come to think of it, Sophie hadn't. After the ice incident last night, Percy had just disappeared. Sophie shook her head. 

Then the front door crashed open. Sophie was about to say, speak of the devil, but with the state Percy was in, she shut her mouth. 

"Ed-Edaline," he gasped, one of his arms clutching the most gruesome of cuts on his body. It was on his midsection, and it was bleeding badly. He was struggling to bleed. "Caught... caught me off g-guard. Is gone. Can't- can't find nectar or ambrosia."

And then he passed out. Edaline rushed over to him.

Sophie shook herself out of her shock to look at his injuries. He had multiple slashes across his arms and legs, one cut was running down the side of his face, deep enough to leave a very jagged scar. His shirt was torn and bloodied and as she scanned down his body, she noticed the ballpoint pen that was gripped tightly in his arms. Sophie wondered if she was just imagining someone calling her name, or if she was actually hearing it. 

"SOPHIE! Hail Elwin! NOW!" Edaline yelled. Sophie had hardly ever heard Edaline yell, but whenever she did, she knew it was bad. Whatever happened to Percy, was bad. Blood dribbled out of the side of his mouth. Edaline's face paled. "I changed my mind! In Percy's room, look for a bottle that has a  liquid the color of... apple juice or whatever humans call it!"

Sophie sprinted. She didn't care that she was invading Percy's privacy, she just wanted him to survive. She had seen enough bloodshed.

She rummaged through his bag, his drawers, and even his closet. It wasn't until she got to looking behind his mirror that she finally found something. On the frame of the gold glass, was a bow shape carved into the precious metal. Sophie pressed on it, and it popped out. She grassed the small drawer-like thing and pulled it out. Inside were some dirty coins that looked like souvenirs, a small picture of a beautiful girl, and a bottle of the liquid that Percy needed. Sophie snatched and dropped the bo and ran. 

When she got down there, Percy was convulsing. Edaline was trying to get him to stay awake. Percy had lost a lot of blood. 

For the little while she has known him, Percy has never been one to let down his guard. She'd always seen him assessing every room they walked into. He was always prepared. So what caught him off guard?

Edaline pressed the bottle to his lips and made sure he swallowed every drop of the apple juice. Or whatever it was. 

She watched in amazement as the gashes slowly started to seal themselves. Most of the cuts disappeared, but some of them--- the deeper ones had left scars. 

Percy shot up and gasped. 

"Wow. I guess I'm alive still then," he said. Sophie couldn't tell if there was a hint of disappointment laced in his tone. She didn't want to know. "Thank you, Eda and Sophie, for healing me. I'm tired. I'm going to bed."

He walked off. Sophie stared at his retreating form. 

"Edaline, what was that," she asked.

Edaline shook her head. "I don't know, Soph. You could always ask him."

No, Sophie couldn't. And that was when she decided: she was going to probe him without him knowing. 


She was going to do it tonight. The time was already determined. Sophie didn't care if she was invading his privacy. Something was off about him and she wanted to know what it was or if it could harm her family. 

So, as they were all sitting down, Sophie struck. She reached out with her mind, brushing her conscious against Percy's only to find a wall.

She pushed harder, feeling the wall crack and---

Sophie almost screamed. 

A river of fire. 

Falling into nothingness. 

Friends dying 






A boy with glowing gold eyes 


Something slammed into Sophie, knocking her out of Percy's mind, and pushed her out of her chair, flying into the wall. Her head banged into the wall, and her back cracked. Someone screamed her name. 

Then all Sophie saw was black. 


Hi, y'all!  


So today was kind of a short chapter because I'm doing something called the CMAS. I haven't been able to do anything really because soccer and track started and I'm having so much fun with that. (Sarcasm.)


Anyway, hope you enjoyed it!


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