Chapter 23

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Y'all, right now, we're #61 in KOTLC!!! We started at #783!!! Can we get any higher? And thank you for all of your support even when I forget to update!!! 6.2K reads guys!!! Thank you all so much!!!

"What in the name of all things British is that?" Keefe shouted as they looked up at the looming figure overhead. 

"Where is Perseus Jackson and Annabeth Chase?" The woman yelled. She was floating above the T-rex's pen in a black, flowy gown. The earth below her had died, and as she moved about, a trail of death followed. The woman didn't land once, but neared towards Sophie in a menacing manner. 

She got close enough that Sophie could see her face. The left half of her beautiful face was marred by scars stripping away all of her niceties it seemed. It didn't change the fact that the woman was beautiful, it just made her seem formidable. The woman scowled, twisting her features into a scary growl. Sophie shivered. 

"I know you have them. I can feel their power," She hissed at Sophie. the woman's eyes seemed to glow. Her aura of power becoming even more frightening by the second. 

"That's a little weird," Keefe commented. The woman turned her sharp gaze on Keefe and he raised a brow. For a second, the woman looked as if she was going to kill Keefe but then changed her mind. "Erm... yeah."

"PERSEUS JACKSON!" The woman let out the bloodcurdling scream and Sophie flinched and ducked in panic. The woman shot in the air again. She let out a string of cuss words. "COME OUT CHILD BEFORE I BURN EVERYTHING DOWN!"

"I'm right here, blind bat," Said Percy. He had materialized from nowhere. Even Keefe seemed shocked to see him. He was twiddling a pen in his fingers and his face set in a determined expression. Annabeth trailed behind him. Her stormy grey eyes seemed to be in a thunderous mood. If anything Sophie was more scared of Annabeth than the woman at the moment. "Gods, have you showered since the last time I saw you, Keres? You smell even worse than Smelly Gabe."

Annabeth let out a choke laugh. The woman growled. For some reason, the name Keres sounded awfully familiar to Sophie. She shook her head and ran to Keefe. 

Percy continued to make jabs at the woman. Annabeth continued to add on. Sophie could tell that Annabeth usually kept it in the lines, once or twice stepping over it, but Percy must bring out both the best and worse in her. And Sophie could tell as she killed the woman with her sharp words. 

"She wants you. My mother wants you dead. And I'm going to make her proud and kill you, child," she snarled. Sophie gulped as she watched Percy's eyes darken majorly. 

"Your mother?" Annabeth said through clenched teeth. 

Yes," the woman laughed. "Remember her?"

Sophie drowned out the rest of that conversation even if she wanted to hear it. Talking to Keefe was more important. "I don't have any of my weapons on me," she whispered. 

"Nor do I," Keefe said. "We can use makeshift stuff," he announced as he lifted a handful of Verdi's poop. Sophie's eyes widened as she smiled. 

"We have to wait for the right time." Sophie tried calculating the outcome of whatever was happening but she just couldn't. 

"I'm impatient," Keefe complained. And then he launched the poop. Sophie watched with her mouth open as the poop flew through the air and---

Hit the woman in the face. The woman froze for a moment, and then shrieked. 

Percy laughed. "Now you really need a shower!"

"Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth chuckled. 

"WHO DID THIS!" She screamed with pure rage. Her hands billowed out to her sides and her dress started to enlarge as the woman did too. They whipped out like tentacles and knocked Percy into an animal enclosure. Soon, she was ten feet tall with long dark wings stretching to her sides. In place of her hands were long, sharp, and deadly talons. 

Annabeth cursed. "You dolts!" She yelled at Keefe. She unsheathed what looked to be like a toy lightsaver and held it menacingly up at the woman. "Keres, Keres, Keres. You really haven't changed a bit have you?"

"I'VE NEVER SEEN YOU IN MY LIFE!" She screeched, her wings flapping angrily. Keres, or whatever, pointed at Annabeth and an oreo looking thing shot at Annabeth. Annabeth dropped and rolled out of the way as more oreos were flung at her. 

Sophie watched in horror. Even though it was only oreos she couldn't help but think about daggers. And ninja stars. And war. And then Sophie couldn't breathe. Images of death and pain and cuts and fighting danced across her vision. 

The screaming. The power of elves tingling through the air. 

She couldn't breath. Her lungs were constricting. Her vision was blurring.

She couldn't move. She couldn't do anything. Her nails were digging into her skin. She covered her ears. 

The sound. Make it go away. Make it go away! MAKE IT GO AWAY!

She distantly felt arms lock around her but she shoved them off her. She couldn't breath. She couldn't see---

Sophie shot to her feet. She started to hover off the ground, and rose, and rose, until she was level with Keres, She felt power dancing across her palms. 

And Sophie lost control. Red lighting struck across the grounds, hitting everything but Keefe and Annabeth. Keres, the woman, screamed in pain. 

And then Sophie froze completely. And she tumbled to the ground. 


A/N   Guys, I really want to publish my own story. And I'm really hyping myself up. But Idk if I'l get much support... so. Let me know what you guys think. 

Again! Thank you all for everything!


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