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The giant's makeshift bat came crashing down. I ducked and rolled at the last second. The tree crashed into the spot I just was and broke a rock. 

I gulped. 

"All right, smelly, we're playing dirty. I've never had siblings so I've never had to. I'm also not a quick learner, but in this situation I can," I snarled. 

Akaida snickered. "Being feisty. Too bad he's easily overpowered by Lazarus."

"Wanna make a bet?" I heard Momus ask Akaida. 

Lazarus took another swing at me and I ducked. While he was finishing the swing, I charged and sliced at his leg. He turned and batted me back like a bug. 

I hit a tree and crumpled to the ground. I ground. 

"Oh, come one! I made a mistake choosing him!" Momus whined. 

I was angry. The sound of rushing water increased. The events that had happened earlier and what was happening now made me angry. I came out here to cool off but now I just wanted to let it all out. 

I screamed. And let all my anger it. Water swirled around the forest, crashing into trees, breaking them, slamming into Akaida and Momus, tossing them around like ragdolls. Tearing up Lazarus. Rocks were thrown round, and dirt turned into mud.

I kept screaming.

I was so done. I just wanted to be done. 

Please let me be done.

My screams turned into sobs. The intensity of the hurricane slowed down until it eventually disappeared. The only sound was my crying. 

I wiped my face dry and looked for Lazarus. 

And I gasped. 

I was now standing in a large clearing that was like a crater. Trees were uprooted and boulders were a mile away. I was in the middle of the crater/clearing. Momus and Akaida were hugging each other, shivering and wet. there was little cuts and scratches on them, bleeding Ichor. 

I stood, starting to go over to them. 

"D-don't come close to us," Akaida said. Then she grabbed ahold of Momus and disappeared. 

Lazarus was nowhere to be seen. 

But Sophie was.


"I can explain."

"No you can't, " she whispered. She was staring at me, wide-eyed.

"You're wrong."

"You know what? I don't care. I just came to apologize."

"Did Grady and Edaline make you?"

"No. I felt bad about it," Sophie said slowly. 

"Oh," I cleared my throat and dragged a hand through my hair. "Okay." 

It was silent. I watched her look around the clearing and I knew she was curious. I picked up Riptide from the middle of the clearing. 

"Welp. I'll be leaving now. You have a wonderful day," I spat. I started to walk past her but she grabbed my arm. 

"Percy, listen. What i did was wrong. I know that and I'm sorry," Sophie said, her eyes filled with sorrow. 

"Then you shouldn't have done it in the first place if you knew it was wrong."

"I thought you were a threat." She shook her head. "I've been through a lot. I know you have too. If you thought something was off about someone, wouldn't you try to find out what it was?"

I thought about that for a moment. She was right. I would have done almost the same thing she did, but much different. I would never invade someone's privacy without proper reasoning. She had no reason to go through my mind other than the feeling that something was off about me. 

"I would have confronted them about it. No one should ever, ever go through someone's mind just because something feels off about them. You had no right, no right, to go through my mind like that Sophie," I hissed. Sophie flinched back. I shrugged my arm out off her grasp and took a step back. I was much taller than her and bigger and I'm sure after what she just witnessed of me, she was probably a bit frightened. 

"Have a good evening," I said, no emotions. Then I turned on hy heels and walked away.


I have no clue how to explain how I'm feeling other than the overwhelming urge to find my way home. 

I've been mindlessly wandering the woods ever since Sophie and I talked and I have no desire to return to Havenfield. It's not my home. I don't belong there. Here. I belong at home with Paul and my mo. In Annabeth's arms. Hanging out with my buddies. 

I don't know what to feel.

I'm trapped in this foreign land, with no clue how to get home with only one assumption: Some bad word of a god/goddess trapped me here in hopes of revenge. On me or another god, I have no idea. 

I slash Riptide through bushes that I want to travel through. 

I really, really I wished that Annabeth was here with me. SHe'd know what I would have to do.

I know Sophie was curious about Lazarus and Akaida and Momus but I couldn't just tell her everything. i'd be shot down by the gods. Plus, I don't have a good cover story for that one. 

Above my head, whooshing sounds made their way to my ears. I looked up. There was a black mass swirling above me looking like the Milky Way came down to Earth excpet millions of times smaller. 

Then, just as it started to call down, someone fell through the portal. 



I Love you all, stay safe!


900 Words


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