Oh Shiest, It's Nyx... OoOoOoHh GHOSTIE

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Sorry for this chapter, it's not the best....

As soon as we stepped onto the fields of Havenfield, darkness in the shape of tentacles slithered out and wrapped itself around us. It hung Sophie and I by our feet, threw Sandor and Grizel as far away as possible and then wrapped itself around Keefe. Annabeth swung her dagger at the darkness, slicing through it. The darkness split like a spray of water, and then reformed itself. Then, it caught Annabeth.

"ANNABETH CHASE!" A booming voice shouted. The darkness covered Havenfield like a fog, completely blocking out the setting sun from view. The fields were pitched in darkness. "WHAT A FUTILE ATTEMP TO ESCAPE MY GRASPS! YOU HAVE FAILED, HERO!" 

"Shut up, Nyx!" Annabeth screamed. The goddess stepped forward, making us aware of her presence. "You frickin' petty woman!" 

Nyx slammed Annabeth against a pole. I uncapped Riptide and swung at the tentacle, slicing it in half. I hit the ground with a thump. I groaned, stood and helped Annabeth from another tentacle. 

"Gods!" I exclaimed. "I haven't seen you in a year and your stench brings back memories." 

Nyx shrieked. "I HATE DEMIGODS! I HATE 'EM! I hate Hera more, though dears." She threw her hands up in the sky and from her palms unspoiled shadows shot out. They broke the enclosures and tore through the house. 

Sophie screamed as the house began to collapse, crumbling around around us, spitting degree everywhere.

"This is one of your gods!" She cried to me. 

Crap. Well this was bad, Nyx was one of the most powerful gods ever. Even Zeus was afraid to confront her. If she was going to kill me and Annabeth, then how were we supposed to stop her? How were we, simple demigods, supposed to stop this goddess?

"Sophie, run, grab an imparter, call Bronte," I ordered. "Now!" 

Sophie ran into the crumbling house. Keefe screamed. "You just sent her to her death!" 

He used his telekinesis to lift a giant rock and flung it at Nyx. One of her darkness tendrils caught it, shooting it straight at Annabeth. 

Though there was no water anywhere near us, I reacted. Earth shot up from the ground in front of Annabeth, protecting her with pillars of rocks. The rock slammed into my protective barrier, but it did no harm. 

I was angry now. beyond pissed, actually. 

The ground trembled underneath our feet, water in the air began to circle around me, Riptide glowed brighter. And I attacked. The water around me froze into spear like shapes, and followed closely behind me. 

I charged at Nyx as I sent the spears hurdling toward her. Nyx created a shield out of shadows. One struck the shield and another, pierced through her right shoulder. She screamed in agony as she fell to the ground, vulnerable. 

Annabeth joined my side. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sophie run towards us, with an imparter in hand. 

"Can you distract her for a moment?" Annabeth nodded at me, and began to attack Nyx, who had healed herself slowly. 

I took the imparted from Sophie's hand. She ran to Keefe, who was busy fighting of darkness tentacles. 

I hailed Bronte he answered, and gasped as he saw the scene behind me. "Where is the giant light crystal?"


"Where. Is. The. Giant. Light. Crystal?" I asked slowly. 

"Why do you need it?"

"It's pure light, yes? The only thing that can counter darkness is light," I snapped. Annabeth was tiring, I could tell. She didn't have powers like I did, but I knew she could hold her own. After all, she is the smartest demigod of our time. 

"It's in the catacombs."

"Which is where?" 

And image hit my mind. A map, of sorts. The image danced through my mind, and then, I saw it. Footsteps made there way across the map, right next to Havenfield. The walked to the mountain behind it and disappeared. Another map showed up, and it looked like caves. The footsteps glowed as they walked across this map, and then entered a small cave. Which, I was assuming, was where the crystal was. 

"Thank you," I said too Bronte. And I meant it. Maybe if I saved the light crystal, Annabeth and I would get to go home. 

I turned. And ran over to help Annabeth. Nyx swung at her with a shadow sword and I blocked it.

"Listen up, Nyx," I asides I shoved her blade away. "You want to beat us right? Where are you most powerful in a cave. And that mountain over there, has a lot of caves!"

"You're right!" She exclaimed. Her shadows retreated. "Stupid demigod!" She cackled. "Now I will defeat you both!" 

Darkness encircled me, Keefe, Sophie, and Annabeth. And then we were transported.


A/N   I kinda forgot where I was going with this story so I'm kinda just winging in now.... So yeah. But it's coming to a wrap! So don't be worry about it getting confusing!

Thank you for your support!


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