Ooh-hoo! Blondie Gonna Kill Me

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Thank you to @dearestpaige for voting on six of my chapters. That means a lot to me!

I was not knocked out. I was just really, really drowsy. But, I acted like I was out cold. I felt myself be lifted in the air, not by arms, but with telekinesis. 

I let my body flop around like I was passed out. The person who was carrying me was whispering something that sounded like Who the heck has that much control over their hydrokinesis?

Me. Percy Jackson, Son of the Sea God, Hero of Olympus, Lighting Theif... multiple other titles... have that much control. 

I heard more talking, but I quickly zoned it out, trying to figure out what I would say to Annabeth. 

Once I was placed in my room and the door clicked shut, my eyes shot open and I sat up faster than ever, and my head started to swim. 

I dug in my pocket, dodging Riptide, and then pulled out the golden drachma I had found in the little waterfall pond. Reaching for the bedside table, I gripped a cup full of water and tossed its contents in the air. I stopped the water from falling and then willed it to make a rainbow. 

"O' Fleecy, do me a solid, and show me Annabeth Chase," I said to the rainbow before flipping the drachma into it. The mist shimmered and then began to show an image of a girl lying on the bed, reading a piece of paper filled with writing.

For a second, I just stared in amazement at the girl lying there. Annabeth Chase, my Wise Girl. She was so beautiful and I don't know how she ever fell in love with me, but being with her, having her as a part of me, was more than I could ever ask for. She was my world, and I would do anything to have her forever. 

"Hey Wise Girl," I said. I found my throat was dry and my eyes were welling up. Being apart from her for so long was torturous. 

Annabeth shot up in her bed and looked at the image of me. 

"Percy?" She choked. "Percy," she whispered as if assuring herself that it was me. 

"Annabeth," I smiled at her and wiped my eyes. Why was I crying, you asked? I missed her. 

"You're okay," she said. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Wise Girl, I'm so sorry. I was swimming, trying to be okay with being underwater again, and a monster showed up, and I found something you might like and it transported us somewhere else---" I ranted to her. She held up a hand and tried to smother her laugh. 

"Shut up, Seaweed Brain. I'm just glad you're alright. Where the Hades are you?" Annabeth moved so she was perched on the end of her bed. 

"Somewhere called the Lost Cities," I said. I scooted closer to the rainbow mist and I wanted to reach my hand out and touch her face. "It's like a hidden city for elves, and they're all over the world, we just can't see them."

"Hm. I'll ask Chiron if he knows anything about the 'Lost Cities," she hummed. 

"One of them, an elf called Bronte, he said he knew Chiron," I informed Annabeth. 

I watched as her brows furrowed. "Okay. Well, I'm going back to camp tomorrow, because I was coming to look for you, you know, because you disappeared from the beach a few days ago."

"I'm sorry, Annabeth," I whispered, glancing down at my hands that were fiddling with Riptide. 

"When I see you again, I'm going to kill you," Annabeth glared at me. 

"Ooh-hoo!" I said and laughed. "Blondie's gonna kill me!" 

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "I'm serious."

"When are you not?" I joked. "I love you, Annabeth."

Her eyes softened. "I love you too, Percy. Come back home safe, okay?" I nodded at her and then she swiped her hand through the mist. 

I sighed as my head fell into my pillows and my eyes shut. I drifted off into an almost dreamless sleep. 


"Kill, him. I want him gone. The boy shouldn't be this hard to take down," a voice sneered from somewhere. 

In my dream, I had landed somewhere pitch black. I could make out the faint outline of one very, very large person with six pool noddle-looking things attached to it. However, four out of the six pool noodles weren't moving and it was then that I realised they were arms. Behind this six-armed person were a few others of the same type of thing. 

"But Mistress---" The six-armed giant started. The voice cut the giant off. 

"You will not fail me. One has already done so," it snapped. 

The giant flinched back. "Yes, Mistress." It swooped into a deep bow, followed by the rest of its 'people'. 

Then, the black room started spinning, taking the shape of a toilet swirl, or whatever, and sucked me down before spitting me out in another dream. I tried to land on my feet, but somehow managed to trip over thin air. How can one be so nimble during a sword fight, but then fall for no reason?

In this dream, I was in a completely white room, furnished with a white desk two chairs on one side and one very large one on the other. Upon the lone chair sat my father, a deathly serious expression on his face. 

"Hello, son." 

I pushed myself to my feet and shook my head. "Dad," I greeted Posiedon. 

"There isn't much time to talk, I'm sorry, but Zeus doesn't want any of the Olympians communicating with you," said my dad. 

"Why?" I pressed him for answers. He pursed his lips and hesitated. Posiedon seemed unnaturally worried for me; for my well-being. I plopped myself on one chair opposite of him.

"He wants to see if you can survive without any guidance--- well, that's what he told me. Zeus--- uh--- he wants to know if you really are the hero everyone takes you to be. But, aside from this Zeus issue, there is a real threat, and they are after you. You have to be careful son? Alright?" 

I nodded. "And the threat. Do you have any clue what it is?"

Once again, my father hesitated. "Percy, you know I can't---"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I said. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. I was sick of this. 

"But... I can tell you---" My dad's image started to blink in and out of the chair.

"Seriously?" I said.

"Son, Zeus has found out about my 'call', I must go." And just like that, my father disappeared and the dream disappeared. 


A/N  I'm so sorry I took so long to update. I have had some serious writer's block, and I realized haven't had many action scenes. My bad. I think there will be an action scene coming up next. IDK..........

Also, sorry I republished this chapter a few times. I got a request for this one and then I noticed a mistake after I had republished it and then I had to fix it... 

1127 Words



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