Rue Xuan!

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Kousu was nonplussed by the number of people in Sai's gang, three hundred members.– Don't these kids have school to attend to? What could they be looking for in joining a gang?

Immediately Sai entered the temple,all the members bowed their heads saying " Good evening, President!"

Kousu stood behind Sai, he wasn't going to show himself. Staying behind sai was just fine for him. The last thing he wanted was all those forty year old looking boys to talk to him.

Kousu's plan wasn't working well for him, most of the members had noticed him including high founding members who wore a red wristband with characters written on.

Kousu took a closer look at the characters they were strange to him '领袖' although his chinese was terrible he could tell, the character had something to do with leader.

One of the founding members waved at him, the guy was fair skinned, his afro was dyed blue , he had a red headband tied to his head, and a humongous smile on his face.

–This guy smiles even more than sai...

Kousu already knew how gang meetings worked and so when he noticed Sai walking to the stage, he moved aside and stood in the corner.

The members still had their heads bowed, giving respect to their president. The founders followed Sai from behind and when Sai reached the stage they stopped. The other members raised their heads up as instructed and Kousu was ready for some action.

Sai 's usual smile was covered with a stern look, he glared at the men below him, their bodies flopped with agitation.

Kousu wondered if they had done something wrong because every one of the men except from the founding members looked scared and afraid. Where they in a death or life situation, Kousu thought.

" Mo wang!"

All the men bowed their heads together.

– These kids are pretty good

Kousu felt someone was behind him, he could hear footsteps all the way here, he already knew someone had followed them but refused to take action until the desired perfect moment.

From the way the person walked, Kousu guessed this person was a man,seven feet tall and also an assassin, with a very bad temper but weak composure.

The man brought out a dagger from his pocket, he guessed Kousu hadn't noticed him yet and so took action at the best time. He swung the dagger in fear and terror, he was close enough to hit kousu but kousu dodged the attack with no time, grabbing the man's arm and falling him to the ground.

The gang members turned to the huge thump, their pupils had gone small. Kousu took the gigantic guy down with one kick.

Kousu wasn't surprised but disgusted at how ugly the man was, he had always dreamed of his assassin being very charming but instead they sent this ugly guy instead.

Kousu said disgustedly " Tch!. I always dreamed of my assassin being strong and handsome but they sent an old rat like you. Asshole couldn't even keep his damn tracks hidden. " Kousu kicked his head once more, the man was unconscious on the ground, one of his teeth had been removed and his eyes were white as his skin.

Sai smiled from his stage, kousu had finally shown his real side, the real delinquent in him.

Kousu squatted down to the man, he smiled a little " it will be nice to gouge out your eyes and send it back to your master hmm" kousu glanced at the dagger on the ground, he soon picked it up and used it to cut the back of the guy's shirt.

Like he guessed the guy was from an assassination gang, there was a large tattoo on his back. The tattoo was the drawing of a woman with horns. Kousu was unsure of which gang the guy belonged to. He stayed away from gangs ever since his return to china but he didn't expect them to follow him here and try to hunt him down.

A boy shouted " That gang, it's name is the horn gang they are an organization of assassins who earn money from killing popular gangsters or politicians "

Kousu glanced up at the boy, he didn't know that much information about the gang but this kid knew–he could be of very good use.

Kousu questioned " so you are saying they are trying to kill me "

The boy flushed a little " miss i think you were mist..."

Kousu picked up a nearby branch and threw it at the boy." the next time you call me miss, i swear i will knock you out like this fat ass jerk "

" i am so sorry i didn't know you were a he " the boy begged while kneeling down

Kousu sighed " whatever. What do you know about this gang "

" I only know this from a friend. The gang is an assassination gang that has men in almost all parts of the world, they were founded in nineteen seventy, by the black rat. They used to be a regular gang but after the death of their leader they became an assassination gang working with politicians to kill their enemies– please this is all I know my friend told me this and died the next day. I have given you this information. sir please protect me i don't want to die please" the boy sobbed.

Kousu felt pity towards him but was unsure of whether to trust a guy like this, he could get him in all sorts of trouble.

" Pathetic " a six inch guy with black hair walked in. He looked annoyingly at Kousu and even worse at the weak boy.

" You got some nerves kiddo you get into trouble and the next thing you do is beg a complete stranger for help. Huh "

The teenage boys looked more shocked.

" rue xuan!" one of the founding members warned.

Kousu surveyed the new guy, he could tell, this guy was a risk taker, who would fight anyone he saw in one go.

Rue Xuan was tall, he had green eyes and black hair, he was pretty handsome, Kousu thought.

Rue Xuan turned to kousu disgustedly." When we finish the meeting I will deal with you two!" 

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