Betrayal 2.

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In just a month, everything went back to normal. Kousu wasn't charged for death because the CCTV cameras showed his innocence. Huang Xin was still in a coma and Kousu was also in the hospital but he refused to speak.

It was on all news stations. Everyone thought Kousu was Soul Catcher but after they saw the footage the whole thing died down. And no one had the guts to blame Kousu for anything. But even with things going Kousu's way Kousu was depressed and lonely. His red ruby eyes had gone dull and blank, his chubby cheeks had gone flat. He refused to eat, talk and sleep. All he did from day to day was to stare at the sun and whenever he was asked questions he would simply ignore them.

Huang Ning walked into Kousu's hospital room and sat on the chair next to him. " Kousu.. You haven't eaten or drank anything. At least eat something. "

Kousu didn't respond, he only turned the other way.

Huang Ning dropped the food, he had tried doing this many times and none of them seemed to work. " Huang Xin is going back to leave with mom."

Kousu turned over in shock. " What!"

Huang Ning was annoyed by this. Kousu still showed pity to the same brat that almost caused his downfall. " The brat deserves it. I never want to see him again.... We found out that he was acting as Soul Catcher these past few months. The police did an investigation and found that the real Soul Catcher had not attacked people for a while  but instead it was Huang Xin acting as soul catcher... Even if you want Huang Xin to stay, mother wouldn't allow it and the same as the police. They wanted to arrest Huang Xin and put him in juvenile detention for eighteen years. But mom paid all the bills. So the police agreed they would let the case rest if Huang Xin left China."

Kousu chuckled loudly. Like he had expected. When he was arrested his mother didn't pay a single dime to set him free but now she willingly paid a huge amount to set Huang Xin free. " Ha.. The brat's just like his mother... Tell the bitch to take her bastard son away from me because the next time I see him. I will make sure he suffers the same fate as Li HuaWei!"

Hot tears rolled down Kousu's eyes. He had tried so much to prevent them from falling but it was too late for that. He never thought his own brother whom he loved would betray him and not even feel a little remorse for his actions.

Huang Ning hugged his brother tightly and tried his best to comfort him. But even with the cuddling. It couldn't replace the hole in Kousu's heart.

Once Kousu was asleep Huang Ning walked out of the room and made his way to Huang Xin's room. Huang Xin sat there with a huge smile on his face and a bandage tied around his head.

Huang Ning stared at Huang Xin disgustedly. But Huang Xin only ignored and welcomed his brother like nothing happened. " Ah! A–Ning! Come on and sit. "

Huang Ning glared at Huang Xin. " Don't ever call me A–Ning. Me and you have no sort of brotherly relationship."

Huang Xin smiled. " Well then I might as well call you Wei Ning."

Huang Ning couldn't hold it anymore; he rushed over to Huang Xin and gave him a mighty punch. When the door swung open and Mei Xuan came rushing in. Mei Xuan tried his best to hold Huang Ning down but Huang Ning was too strong. Eventually Huang Ning backed down.

Huang Ning pushed Mei Xuan away and shouted. " I swear if I ever see you touch A–Xing again then you will know why I was surnamed Wei!"

Huang Ning walked out on them leaving Mei Xuan and Huang Xin. Huang Xin frowned.

Mei Xuan," I don't have anything to say to you Huang Xin! But so you know. We all can crush you with one finger. Including Huang Xing but the reason we ignore you is because we want to make you suffer before you die. Don't joke with a family of gangsters."

Mei Xuan walked out of the room and followed Huang Ning.

Eventually he found Huang Ning in an alley. Huang Ning only stood there with a devastated look on. He was holding back the anger in him.

" Huang Ning!"

Huang Ning didn't bother to look back. But Mei Xuan still pursued Huang Ning. He walked over to the side of Huang Ning and brought out a lighter from his pocket and lit out his cigarette. " The kid will suffer for his mistakes. "

Huang Ning didn't answer.

Mei Xuan," Stop this! Are you seriously going to ignore me?"


" I know Kousu better than anyone. If he wants to punish Huang Xin. He would but Kousu just doesn't feel like it. If he wanted to he would but let's be honest... Would you want to hurt your own brother?"

Huang Ning spoke in a harsh tone. " If Mei Lian were to kill me would you let her go so easily?"

Mei Xuan went silent at the question but he spoke up" I..I.. wouldn't let her go so easily but i wouldn't kill her becau.."

Mei Xuan was unable to speak because Huang Ning had just kissed him. But as soon as the kiss came it went. Huang Ning moved back and avoided Mei Xuan's eyes. " Sorry! I just had too"

Mei Xuan blushed in an instant. " It's fine as No one finds out about us. That's all that matters. After all, Kousu already knows about us so we should be careful."

Huang Ning nodded and there was a sudden outbreak of silence. But the silence was broken when one of the nurses called for Huang Ning's assistance. Huang Ning left. When Mei Xuan saw Huang Ning was gone he squatted down, unknowingly throwing his cigarette away. He spoke to himself. " Why would he kiss me like that? He knows how I get when he does that? Such a pain!" 

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