Revenge Master 2.

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Everyone glanced at Kousu speechless and terrified but at the same time they were astonished. The girls amongst them blushed hard and the boys' hairs had shot up.

Kousu wasn't surprised by the stares and astonishments, he was pleased they hadn't jumped on him for an autograph yet. But he was mostly pleased to see Kai Qian's pupils had gone small.

He guessed Kai Qian was also a fan of the Most Handsome Man in China Huang Jiang Xing.

Not only was Kousu the Most Handsome Man in China but he was also an idol, singer, actor and swimming athlete. He was pretty much everything.

But what shocked Kousu the most was finding out that Sai broke up with Kai Qian.

Kousu asked again." Did Sai break up with you?"

Jing Hua and Renxing were so shocked that their mouths were left open. Kousu was starting to feel a little weaker. Normally when he had the mask on he was scary but whenever he removed the mask he was like an adorable puppy and it made people not to respect him.

Dan Hua chuckled a little but he found his boss's plan quite sensible.

Kousu glared at Kai Qian, he could see she was shivering in fear and this was the best opportunity to put her in her place. " Why are you so quiet? Never seen an idol in a school before."

Kai Qian still didn't speak her face looked like she had seen a ghost and it made Kousu chuckle,

Kousu continued. " Don't tell me you are done. What about the part about me being gay. Am I not disgusting, didn't I steal your Sai? Why so silent now?"

Kousu averted his gaze to Jie Jie. " Now let me make things clear for you dickheads. Jie Jie is gay, he never tried to harass Do Jin and he didn't kill jay. Jay was killed by Soul Catcher and I don't care if you guys don't believe me, None of that shit matters. I just want you to know if you lay a finger on Jie Jie, you will regret the day you were fucking brought out of your mama's thing... You see those men over there. Kai Qian, you must recognize them. I am sure they are from the Horn Gang, right Dan Hua?"

Dan Hua was glad to see he was also part of the discussion. He smiled creepily and agreed. " Of course! If there is something I hate it's the smell of Horn Gang members."

Kousu smirked. " Now Kai Qian let me tell you something. Me and your boyfriend are only gang mates. Get that straight, Just because your brother is shitty Kai Chu doesn't mean you are some top notch princess. Look at me, I am Huang Jiang Xing but do I show off? Do i fucking go about telling people i am some damn super model. No i fucking don't, and i don't give a shit about who the fuck you are. Because apart from this school. No one out there even knows you freaking exist. "

Kai Qian still didn't say anything. The mental shock she was going through was too much to handle. She just made fun of a top idol, an idol she was a fan of since childhood. An idol she always dreamed to one day meet and now she made the idol hate her.

Kousu wasn't done yet, he hadn't finished dealing with Jie Jie's matter and he wasn't leaving until everyone understood who Jie Jie was. " And now to the rest of ya! Who freaking told you being gay was weird?"

Everyone shivered at the question. None of them had the courage to speak up for themselves; they weren't dealing with Kousu now; rather they were dealing with the heir to the Huang family, Huang Jiang Xing.

Kousu smirked. " If Jie Jie is gay or if anyone is gay. It's none of your fucking business! Did they freaking ask you to call them weird. Isn't it enough the price Jie Jie had to pay for accepting who he fucking is. I don't care about the way you see Jie Jie. A delinquent like me doesn't give a shit about these things. But yet anytime i see Jie Jie. There is something different about him. Do you know how many times I wanted to make all of you suffer but Jie Jie stopped me. I wanted to make all of you witness the same things Jie Jie had to go through but i fucking ignored. I am not Mr. Nicypants. Just because i fucking smile on social media doesn't mean i am fucking nice. The day you fucking bully or touch Jie Jie again. You will fucking regret ever knowing me..."

The whole crowd went silent and everyone could finally feel the pain Jie Jie had to go through and all the pain other people also had to go through.

Kousu turned over to Kai Qian. " Now I see why Sai never truly liked you. He could already tell you were going to give him problems. The guy doesn't even have a say for himself. If a guy breaks up with you, move on. Don't get other people involved in your misfortune.... I always thought you were really nice but now I see why they say don't judge a book by its cover. The jerk broke up with you but he made the decision to do so.... If i was Sai i wouldn't even think of dating you."

Hearing this, Kai Qian wanted to melt down and beg but she stopped herself from doing so.

Kousu turned over to his astonished friends and smiled at them. " Thank You for always being there for me. I hope someday we meet again."

None of the things Kousu said made sense to Renxing or Jing Hua. although they were surprised to see Kousu was an idol. They were even more surprised by what he said. They didn't think they would ever see Kousu again but before they could ask another question Kousu called Dan Hua. " Let's go. We need to beat up an asshole!"

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