Angel faced devil.

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Kousu did as he had promised he made sure to report the loan sharks to their gang leader and because their leader and Kousu's brother were really close the punishments on the loan sharks were doubled and they promised to not bother Dan Hua again.

Kousu dived into the water and swam as fast as he could with his twin brother Huang Xin catching up to him. When it came to swimming Kousu was a pro no one could beat him in that. He had gone for many international competitions and he always came first. Whenever he was in the water he was in his own world, a world of freedom and a world where he found peace. Kousu enjoyed the water and the water liked him.

They reached the finish line but Kousu gave a big gap between him and his brother and he managed to get out first.

Now Huang Xin was mad, Kousu always beat him in every match. Huang Xin protested." Xing–Xiong you never let me win. You are such a meanie!"

Kousu smiled. Since when did he become a meanie? Although Kousu was good at swimming when it came to ice skating his brother was a champion. Huang Xin's spins and jumps were exceptional compared to his. " But we can all agree you are better than me when it comes to Ice skating."

Huang Xin's frown turned upside down and he smirked proudly. " You are right! No one is as good as me when it comes to Ice skating! Someday I will be just like Nathan Chen!"

Kousu smiled, " I am sure you will!"

Huang Xin," But if i become an Ice skater. Gege, do you promise to be with me till the end. I don't want to leave you."

Kousu chuckled. What was so special about him? If Huang Xin had a dream he wanted to pursue then Huang Xin should pursue the dream. " I will watch every one of your ice skating matches. I promise!"

Huang Xin's smile widened and he went over to hug his brother. " Thank you A–Xing."

The door to the swimming pool opened and two maids came in with some robes in their arms.

When Huang Xin and Kousu saw this they guessed it was time for dinner. They climbed out of the swimming pool and rushed to get changed. Before they went to the dining table to eat.

To their surprise Mei Lian had come to visit. When Kousu saw Mei Lian, he rushed over to give his cousin a hug. Kousu immediately started to speak english. " Mei Lian, how is america? Did you make new friends? Are they nice to you? Do they think your English is good? Don't tell me you forgot about me?"

Everyone else in the dining room was surprised. None of them knew how to speak English, some knew Korean and some knew Japanese but English was completely out of their reach. So everything Kousu was saying no one knew exactly what they meant.

Mei Xuan interjected. " Stop speaking english. Are you trying to show off because you know a new language? Tch! Don't think I can't speak english."

Kousu turned over to Mei Xuan. " Well then what is Ni Hao in english?"

Mei Xuan was confused. " Tch! Are you trying to burst my brain? How do you expect me to know that!"

Kousu smiled. " Ni Hao is hello!"

Everyone laughed. It was nice to have everyone here even though they were not complete as long as they were happy.

But even though everyone was happy, Huang Xin was not happy about it. He threw his plate to the ground and rushed upstairs when everyone saw that they were astonished. They wondered if they had done anything wrong.

None of them truly understood Huang Xin. Huang Xin was very quiet.

 Although he was Kousu's twin; they were nothing alike. Huang Xin was quiet, manipulative, emotional and had a very awkward temper. His mood swings were constant and they always made people wonder if they were the one at fault.

Huang Ning sighed," Kousu go talk to your brother."

Although Huang Xin was quiet. Huang Xin enjoyed talking to Kousu. In fact Kousu was the only one Huang Xin ever talked to.

Kousu walked up the staircase and knocked on Huang Xin's door.

Huang Xin shouted, " Go away!"

Kousu," It's me."

When Huang Xin heard Kousu's voice he rushed to the door and opened it. Kousu walked into Huang Xin's room. But Huang Xin didn't say anything to Kousu but instead he walked over to his bed and lay down.

Kousu was expecting this and so he sat next to Huang Xin and played with his hair. " Why are you mad?"

Huang Xin sniffled." Be..because.. You are always so attached to Mei Xuan...But you never show me any attention.."

Kousu wasn't surprised. He already knew Huang Xin to be the jealous type. Huang Xin had always been like that. Whenever Huang Xin saw Kousu with other people or saw Kousu smiling with other people. Huang Xin would go berserk. Huang Xin was the main reason why Kousu had few friends. Kousu wanted to avoid making his brother upset and since he saw his brother as the Jealous type he decided the only way out was to avoid making friends.

Kousu hugged Huang Xin to try and comfort him. " I promise to always give you attention okay."

Huang Xin's eyes lightened up and his amethyst eyes shined. Kousu smiled at him. It was nice to see his brother happy and he was willing to give up his own happiness as long as his brother would love him.

Huang Xin looked up at Kousu and said. " Promise"

Kousu smiled," Promise!"

They both hugged for a while and silence broke out. Huang Xin was unwilling to let Kousu go but Kousu just allowed him,

Huang Xin let go of Kousu and cried. " A—Xing, I need your help."

Kousu," Why?"

Huang Xin," Someone has been bullying me!"

Kousu," Who?"

Huang Xin." I know his shop. He asked me to come and meet me there and he promised that..hick.. If I go there he will stop bullying me. But I am afraid he is lying."

Kousu," Okay! I will follow you there.."

Huang Xin," He said tomorrow. Please follow me tomorrow night!"

Kousu," Okay. I promise..."

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