Bad Reunion.

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Kousu sat on his motorbike, he inhaled the cigarette in his hand and exhaled. Dan Hua was by his side, he was also on his motorcycle but he was more interested in seeing the stars. Kousu glared at him. Although Dan Hua was hyperactive, there was one thing that calmed him down and that was looking at the stars.

Kousu had always wondered why Dan Hua enjoyed watching the stars. When they were in prison it was the only thing Dan Hua would do all night, he preferred to watch the stars than to sleep. " What's so special about the stars?"

Dan Hua turned over to Kousu and gave him a mischievous smile. " It reminds me of you."

Kousu wasn't impressed by his flirting. Even Sai could do better. " How is your mom now?"

Dan Hua's smile turned upside down and he had a worried look on. He turned to Kousu before looking back at the sky. " Her condition is getting worse. Even with the money I have paid she just seems worse per day. "

Kousu sighed. He was amazed by how relaxed Dan Hua looked even when he knew his mom had cancer. Sometimes Kousu envied him. He was calm, playful and relaxed even in times of trouble. But Kousu was the opposite. Kousu always had things on his mind and he was never truly free. " If you need money. You can come to me"

Dan Hua smiled, he was happy to know he wasn't alone in this.

Suddenly Kousu felt someone hug him and he flinched in an instant he was about to hit the person when the person said. " Koisu–Xiong!"

Kousu pushed Sai away in anger. He was actually terrified from the sudden surprise he had just finished beating up some men and now Sai just jumped on him from nowhere. " Why the hell do you always do this? Do you know how shocked I was" Kousu began hitting Sai but then Dan Hua interfered. " Kousu aren't you going to introduce this friend of yours"

Kousu and Sai turned over to Dan Hua but for some reason when Kousu saw the look in Dan Hua's eyes it wasn't normal. It had a look of hatred, anger and detest. It was an expression Kousu had never seen on Dan Hua's face.

Seeing this Kousu turned over to Sai. And like he guessed Sai had the same expression on.

Kousu was now confused–Do these two know each other? Why are they looking at each other like that?

Sai let go of Kousu and glared at Dan Hua and Dan Hua glared back before he spoke. " Li Huan, long time no see. I didn't expect you to be friends with my Xing Xing! Ha... well like they say birds of a feather flock together. But I didn't expect a jerk like you to be with someone like Kousu. "

Sai didn't say anything, he only had a stern look on his face. Both boys exchanged glances and soon Sai grabbed Kousu's arm. " Let's go home!"

Kousu was shocked by this but Sai was unwilling to let Kousu go. Sai forcefully left and Kousu didn't get a chance to tell Dan Hua goodbye.

Once they were home Kousu pushed Sai's hands away from him. Sai had squeezed his wrist badly to the point that it went red. Kousu shouted. " What the hell is wrong with you! Why would you drag me like that?"

Kousu went silent when he saw the look in Sai's eyes. It was both fear and rage in his eyes. Kousu never thought he would see Sai like this. The usual cheeky smiling Sai was replaced with a depressed and angry soul. Kousu walked over to Sai and sat next to him but Sai didn't pay him any attention. " What are you so mad about?... I am not angry with you but maybe next time you should be more careful when dragging me around. I am not your girlfriend anyway. "

Sai still remained silent.

Kousu was annoyed by how Sai had suddenly gotten mad. Was it because of Dan Hua? Did they know each other before?

Sai moved over to Kousu and lay down on him causing Kousu to fall on the bed with Sai on top of him. Kousu shouted. " What do you think you are doing?"

Sai still didn't let go. " I want to sleep. So stop shouting."

Kousu was even more annoyed. " Weren't you the one who was angry a minute ago? Now you are the one sleeping on me huh!"

Sai slightly raised his head up and stared at Kousu. " Would you prefer it if I kissed you?"

Kousu's face flushed, he grabbed Sai's head and laid him back down. " Don't even think about it!"

Sai laughed and Kousu flushed. The door creaked open and Candy came in. When Candy saw they were all snuggled up together she climbed on the bed and lay down next to Kousu as she used her tail to cover Sai's head. Sai raised his head up and protested. " Candy this is my spot!"

Kousu," She is just a pup! You aren't a kid so go sleep on your own."

Sai," She isn't a pup. She is a mama."

Kousu," Grow up!"

Sai frowned but he could already tell Candy had won this battle. He lay down next to Kousu and soon Kousu and Candy slept off. When Sai noticed Kousu was asleep he sat up and played with Kousu's hair before saying. " Kousu. What are you hiding from me?... You act like you are alright but I know something bothers you. But why wouldn't you tell me?"

Kousu flinched a little. He was having a dream. He turned around and held onto Sai's arm. " Sai don't go."

Sai was surprised by this. Kousu was having a dream about him. Although Sai felt special by this it only made his worries increase. Why did Kousu beg him to not go? Did that mean Kousu was having a nightmare about him?

Sai lay down on the bed and cuddled up with Kousu...

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