It stinks!

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Kousu's thoughts were full of regret, he was all alone in the cold night standing in this dangerous street he barely even knew. All he thought was giving that asshole a punch.

This was going to be his first gang meeting.

Afterall he was used to only staying at home and sleeping all day.

There were only a few lights on, and the sounds of rushing winds. Kousu was stranded in this dark empty alley, the alley seemed to be abandoned from the cracks on the road and the loud crickets. Kousu had done as Sai asked ' Wait for me at wangzhon avenue street ' but now kousu had been waiting for ten minutes, he didn't have time to chitchat. Ten minutes in his life was very important to him being a business teenager every minute counted.

The sounds of motorcycle engines soon brought kousu back to life, he was prepared to beat the fucker up.

The motorcycle was a new model, the sound of the engine was pretty old but very powerful. Like Kousu had guessed, Sai soon appeared. He was with a few other bike riders but they passed kousu, leaving sai behind, sai stopped and smiled at his friend.

" Koisu!" His smile was truly deceiving.

Kousu didn't answer, how many times was he going to correct the kid that it was kousu not koisu, this kid was the definition of lost cause.

Kousu glared at Sai before commenting on his late attendance." Oi! Sai when did i tell you to get here! "

Sai responded " by seven "

Kousu smirked proudly " what is the time?"

" seven ten "

Kousu frowned, the asshole was still smiling even though he knew Kousu had been standing and waiting for minutes..

For a minute Kousu thought of it– since Sai is late that means i don't have to follow the nuisance to the gang meeting.

" Well since you are late I can't...mph...."

Nevertheless sai was quick to respond, he picked up one of his sweets and put it in kousu's mouth. Kousu muffled in an instant —-the guts of this kid, does he even know who I am.

Sai smiled proudly, " come on sit behind " sai hit the seat of his motorcycle.

Kousu unwillingly climbed on.

Sai started the engine " hold on "

Kousu refused to. He wasn't a kid to hold on to someone like Sai, and they weren't even together. What would others think?

Sai only smiled, he wasn't even going to bother himself about kousu. Afterall if Kousu didn't hold on he was going to fall. Sai moved the motorbike a little and Kousu tumbled. He took hold of whatever object he could find but the only thing he could find was Sai's waist.

Sai increased the speed of the motorcycle and zoomed off " You held on " Sai chuckled.

Kousu's face turned red, he had completely embarrassed himself in front of Sai, why would someone like Sai need a gang member like him.....

Sai could tell the sudden change in tone, Kousu had gone quiet and so did he. He sighed before speaking up" kousu when i say you are my role model. I really do mean it..."

Kousu only chuckled. This kid was a real psycho. The chances of him ever being someone's role model was zero, and nothing was going to change it.

Kousu turned over to look at the street he was astonished in the near second, he never noticed how beautiful the streets were at night, there were different colors each glowed like neon light, kousu's eyes sparkled, seeing something this beautiful lightened his mood up. This was his first time seeing the beautiful night sky. He sometimes went for interviews at night but was always too busy to even see a glimpse of the night stars.' He didn't deserve the name xing xing'.

Sai noticed kousu's strange behavior and laughed." Koisu. You have never seen the night view before?"

Kousu slapped the back of sai's head " of course i have– I just never paid attention to it"

Sai wasn't surprised by kousu's answer, he never thought of how hard it would be to be an actor, it kind of bothered him that kousu was going to have even more burdens in being a delinquent, but sai had more plans for him than this.

Kousu was too distracted with the moon's sky, he hadn't noticed sai had stopped the motorcycle..

" Koisu we need to get of"

Kousu immediately turned to sai, he was sad they had already gotten there the night sky was too beautiful to miss and he was unsure he was ever going to see it again.

Sai already knew what Kousu was thinking, so he reassured him " Don't worry. From now on you will have gang meetings a lot"

Kousu wondered if that was supposed to make him happy because the only thing it did was make him want to die right there.

Sai assisted Kousu in getting down, before he got down.

Confused, Kousu turned around expecting a multitude of gang members to be waiting for their president but there was no one there, the road was even more diserted than the other one, there were a few vandalized buildings with writings on and a nearby bush that was unpleasing to the eye.

" we are going through the bush "

The words bush sent shivers down kousu's spine, there was no way he was taking a step in that muddy unpleasant place, his boots were going to get dirty and he was going to get dirty.

Sai stopped when he noticed kousu wasn't moving." You won't get dirty. Well except if you fall "

Kousu barked " how is that a good thing.. I am not stepping one feet in that disgusting forest "

" well should i carry you "

With no doubt Kousu picked up the branch close to him and threw it at sai " Asshole, you think i can't go in there.. Tch in your dreams mister "

Kousu walked towards the disgusting bush, he shut his eyes close to prevent him from seeing the disaster he had put himself into.

Sai only chuckled admiring his manipulative tactics....

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